Items tagged with: Folklore
Morgan le Fay "espied [her husband] King Uriens lying in his bed sleeping. Then she called unto her a maiden of her counsel, and said, 'Go fetch me my lord’s sword, for I saw never better time to slay him than now.'"
- Thomas Malory, "Le Morte d'Arthur"
🎨 Iren Horrors
#BookWormSat #BookChatWeekly #31DaysofHaunting #Mythology #Folklore #Literature #EnglishLiterature #KingArthur #Arthuriana #Arthurian #MorganleFay #ThomasMalory
"Here at least we shall be free; the Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence.
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."
- John Milton, "Paradise Lost"
🎨 Gustave Doré
#BookWormSat #BookChatWeekly #Mythology #Folklore #Christianity #Satan #Religion #Theology #Lucifer #Demon #Devil #Literature #EnglishLiterature #Poetry #EnglishPoetry #JohnMilton #GustaveDore #ParadiseLost
Though Thor is the greatest warrior of the Norse gods, he is not a god of war but instead one of agriculture. This is demonstrated when Thor encounters a disguised Odin who denigrates Thor for being lord of farmers and serfs while Odin is lord of kings and warriors.
🎨 W. G. Collingwood
#FolkyFriday #31DaysofHaunting #Mythology #NorseMythology #VikingMythology #ScandinavianMythology #Folklore #NorseFolklore #VikingFolklore #ScandinavianFolklore #Norse #Vikings #Scandinavia #Thor #Odin
And now a claim that the idea of cats as witch familiars comes from America. Proof of this may be found in a mediaeval Swedish source that grants a hare the rôle.
I wouldn't be too confounded, but for the fact that the person making the claim apparently has a PhD in philosophy, and thus may be expected to have some semblance of grounding in formal logic.
Mythical you say…
#Ireland #IrishFolklore #Folklore #Myth #Mythical #Mythology #MythologicalCreature #MythologicalCreatures #MythicalCreature #MythicalCreatures #MythicalBeast #MythicalBeasts #MytholocialBeast #MythologicalBeasts #Creature #Creatures #Beast #Beasts.
In Welsh myths, when the people of northern Wales offended the fairies, the fairies unleashed an army of monsters. It included a huge toad with sharp claws, a serpent with 100 damned souls writhing under its skin, and a 100-headed monster so huge battles could be fought on its jaws.
🎨 Jason Kang
#FolkyFriday #31DaysofHaunting #FairyFriday #FaerieFriday #Mythology #WelshMythology #CelticMythology #Folklore #WelshFolklore #CelticFolklore #Wales #Celtic #Fairy #Faerie #Monster
And now, from a different source, a sensualisation of the female hulder (something that tells us more about the interpreter than about the old stories).
Please stop.
Hulder girls sometimes fell in love with Christian men. Sometimes it appears that they hoped for salvation through ecclesiastical (marriage) rites. If there are any stories of seductive hulder girls, I haven't read them yet (and I've read widely).
Taking a break from other stuff to read this article on the deep roots of certain folktales. 2016 study published by The Royal Society, downloaded over 200K times.
#folklore #research
Comparative phylogenetic analyses uncover the ancient roots of Indo-European folktales
Sara Graça da Silva and Jamshid J. Tehrani
See them all here:…
#mastoart #illustration #postcards #fantasy #mythology #folklore #natureart
A6 premium postcards (13 variations)
A selection of fantasy themed postcards based on my original illustrations. Send as postcards or display as art prints! See the "Make your own...Syystuuli
In Welsh folklore, the Witches of Caer Lloyw are "maiden hags" skilled in both witchcraft and warfare. They teach combat skills to the Arthurian knight Peredur (the Welsh version of Sir Percival). However, when he discovers that the witches had tormented his relatives, Peredur takes revenge.
🎨 Jérôme Lereculey
#FolkloreThursday #BookologyThursday #BookChatWeekly #Mythology #WelshMythology #CelticMythology #Folklore #WelshFolklore #CelticFolklore #Literature #KingArthur #Arthuriana #Witch
When you see two men carrying a heavy load across a lonely mountain one evening, it's best to leave them well enough alone.
#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore…
As promised, Andreas' interview with me on the Hagstone Podcast. I had forgotten how wide-ranging it was; folklore, art, the climate crisis, politics, magic. Hope you enjoy it.
#northernspirithouse #folklore #art #writer #magic #ballads #sleipner #seiðr #runes #bards
Art as Resistance, Folklore as Magic
With Dr. Ceallaigh S. MacCath-MoranNorthern Spirit House (Northern Spirit House - A New Hearth from Old Embers)
I did not expect to see a folktale motif number for "large bag of frozen raccoons" today...
(Thompson folktale motif index X1115, in case anyone is wondering)
More marriages between humans and supernatural beings would work out if the partners were just willing to talk about their differences.
#Switzerland #folktale #folklore #dwarf @folklore…
Hans Christian Andersen: “Nissen hos Spekhøkeren” (1852).
Susanna Mary Paull: “The Goblin and the Huckster” (1867).
Hans Lien Brækstad: “The Brownie at the Butterman’s” (1900).
Jean Hersholt: “The Goblin and the Grocer" (1949).
Me, a foreign-born Norwegian speaker, wading in: “Ah, easy! ‘The nisse visits the killer whale’” (probably not forthcoming).
#Andersen #HansChristianAndersen #folklore #folklorethursday @folklore #fairytales @folklorethursday #bookstodon
"Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family
We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their fellow sentience."
#Plants #Blog #Garden #Sentience #Learn #Food #Folklore #History #Wild Read more: murfreesborocommunitygardening…
Whispers of the Wild: Embrace Our Floral Family
We introduce a series dedicated to rekindling our ancestral relationships with plants and considering the possibility of their sentience.Jon Mychal Heatherly (Murfreesboro Communi)…
#firstlinefiction #writingprompts #WritingCommunity #fiction #folklore #horror #writer #readingcommunity #writerslift #shortstory #mythology #cryptid
Folklore read live!
Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?
Find out LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #scottish #wolf #fox #butter
Foxes: Folklore's Greatest Gaslighters - Scottish Folklore | Fireside Fairy Tales
Folklore read live! Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?Find out tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm ESTStream Starts: The Fox and the Wolf (Scottish...YouTube…
#folklore #FolkHorror #gaming #podcast
Folk Horror in Gaming - GAST
Please click here to join our Patreon page and access extra content, whilst ensuring the future of the podcast.THE FOLKLORE PODCAST
I'm Csenge, professional storyteller and author from Hungary. I post about #folktales, mythology, storytelling, RPGs, and general nerdy stuff.
Things I usually post:
#FolktaleMoment: snippets of tales I am researching
#StorySpotting: blog posts about folktales spotted in popular media
#StorytellingPSA: comments of the life of a professional storyteller
#GirlInTheChair: research help for all your folklore needs 😀
#ToddlerDnD: Adventures in nerdy parenting
Shooting magical bullets is a useful power - but you should beware of people who can return those bullets to the sender!
#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore #magic…
Few people who return from the realms of the subterraneans are unchanged by the experience.
#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore #dwarf…
Assorted German kings and emperors sleep under German various mountains.
They are prophesied to return one day, but since this usually means that the Final Battle at the end of the world is upon us, someone should probably make sure that they _don't_ return.
#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore…
Sometimes, items just return to sender.
#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore #Lübeck…
After spending a long time in captivity, the Count of Gleichen finally returned to his family - with a second wife in tow.
#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore #Egypt #LoveStory #bigamy…