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Items tagged with: FuckCars

Mit Arschlochkarre musst du arschlochmäßig parken. So will es das Gesetz. #FuckCars

When I have no option but to ride in the street, I take the whole lane. If you want to pass me in your car, you have to change lanes, I won't move over. If the oncoming lane is busy you can wait behind me at 20 kph until it clears.
#FuckCars #VehicularCycling

And in Seattle you can run over a kid *right outside a school* as long as your #carbrain made you forget the parking brake, oopsie. #fuckcars

Murder is legal in #Oregon provided the victim is a cyclist and the perp a construction company owner who can't live without a driver's license. #fuckcars #bike bikeportland.org/2025/03/12/i-…

"a 51-year-old woman failed to place her GMC Acadia in park and got out of the SUV, which rolled about 75 yards downhill and [killed a child on the sidewalk outside of a school] shortly before 12:30 p.m. [#Seattle] Police have not publicly identified and did not arrest the woman, who ...was not impaired." #BanCars #FuckCars #ACAB #VisionZero #DriverAccountability #CrashNotAccident


“The way (Seattle police) approached them, explained things, was like, ‘Move on. This is an accident. Accidents happen,’” said Ajema.


Tempted to start wearing a bodycam on my daily commute so that the news will have something to play when I’m inevitably killed by some thoughtless twat SUV driver


I hate cars. I have always said it won't be killer military robots that come to kill us like in "The Terminator"; it will be self driving cars, robotic janitors, maids, groundskeepers and AI controlled houses that will kill us. Car manufactures, dealers and drivers are almost never held accountable when their products or negligence kill people. In 2023, 40,000 people were killed by cars in the USA. #Terminator #FuckCars #Tesla #ClassWar

Cybertruck Owners Are Asking Congressional Reps To Protect Them From People Who Don’t Like Cybertruck Owners

Awe diddums...

#Swastikars #FuckCars #Don'tBuySwastikars

They should charge people with murder when they accidentally kill with a car too.
Cars kill about as many people as guns per year in the USA and it's rare if a driver gets held responsible for it. Cars are dangerous and mishandling them kills people. Guns need tighter regulations but so do cars. #FuckCars #GunControl #BanGuns

Sonntagabend: #Airzound gefüllt
Montagmorgen: #mdRzK
Montagvormittag: Airzound wieder füllen

Being pretty car-lite, spouse ends up driving 100 miles per week, some of which are 10 or 15-mile round trips I would do via electric cargo bike. A lot is errands or activities within 3-5 miles, but some is planned around the car and might go differently if she saw bikes as viable / non-intimidating transportation, and she's especially uncomfortable with the idea of having kids on board, flat-out won't try it on this [paint/missing] infrastructure. #RangeAnxiety #VisionZero #FuckCars #Bollards

I'm surprised they care. A single school shooting in Texas kills a lot more kids than measles and they don't give a shit about getting a dozen school shootings. Not to mention how many kids are killed by cars per year. Can't do anything to regulate guns or cars no matter how many people die. I doubt these idiots will vaccinate in relevant numbers. #BanGuns #FuckCars #Vaccines #MAGA #Idiocracy #Kakistocracy

Welp, the rear wheel on my Radwagon 4 has finally giving up. Rim has started cracking and spokes are either bending or snapping.

Riding every weekday with a max load of 200kg (2 people) for almost 2 years, it's kinda to be expected.

Were the world smooth, it'd be fine, but there are potholes, speed bumps, pavements, shitty roadworks and kerbs.

A replacement full rear assembly is on the way, and I'll treat it gentler than the previous.

#BikeTooter #Cycling #FuckCars #CargoBike

Village Buys Long Dress For Sexual Assault Victim.

I wouldn't accept a car if it were given to me for free. The car costs more money to keep on the road per month than buying a new bicycle every month does. Cars also pollute the air and crush people. Not to mention the environmental effects of roads. Asphalt is toxic waste from crude oil refineries. #VictimBlaming #FuckCars #CarCentrism

Congratulations! The turkeys' campaign for Christmas to come early was successful!


Urban highways are barriers to social ties
Highways are physical barriers that cut opportunities for social connections, but the magnitude of this effect has not been quantified. Such quantitative evidence would enable policy-makers to prioritize interventions that reconnect urban communities—an urgent need in many US [and other] cities.


Facebook Cybertruck Owners Group Copes With Relentless Mockery
A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos of people flicking off Cybertrucks.

Ah, diddums!


HB 3362 would create a 4% excise tax on car tires that would fund highway crossings for #wildlife, programs to expand rail and public #transit service, and efforts to reduce water #pollution from illegally discarded tires. Needs more supportive testimony to overcome the tire company #lobbyists. #pdxBikes #orPol #FuckCars #microPlastics #LesSchwab #Portland


"Nijmegen: The City That Tamed Cars So People Can Walk & Bike Where They Please" All you have to do is embrace #FuckCars as a central tenet of #trafficEngineering. #BanCars #Bollards #CarsRuinCities


IDK about "I gave $100k to the richest man in the world before everybody knew he was an asshole", but honking at people on bikes, especially when you could just move into the empty extra lane, is a vote for Elon. #BanCars #FuckCars

On my way back from a completely #carfree #ski and #snowboard trip in Les Masses, #Switzerland. The folks at the vacation rental were quite confused that we didn't need any parking 😁.
I have to admit, it's not the easiest way to do it. Groceries were tricky, but the store was very close to the slopes, as was our rental. So we could fill our backpacks at the end of the day and just (carefully!) ski and board back home.

#skiing #snowboarding #fuckcars


Stop using passive voice to report vehicular violence and deaths. If these two women had been hit by a man with a baseball bat, would the headline have said the bat hit them or the man?
Your story makes it sound like the only thing the driver did is remain at the scene.
Start holding drivers and car manufacturers accountable in print and maybe the courts will too.

It seems like a bigger city could achieve much of the #urbanism and livability of a college town, at lower #housing prices, if we just had more car-free spaces and enough people who are poor and/or smart enough to use bikes. #BanCars #FuckCars #transit


This is half of one of the bicycle parking zones, a block from the train station. The other half of this bicycle parking lot is on the other side of the street with the guardrail. That street crosses the railroad tracks behind me. There are at least four more free bicycle parking lots within two blocks of the station. This makes commuting easy without a car. 1 grocery store, 3 restaurants, and 2 convenience stores between here and the train station. #Urbanism #Japan #FuckCars #BikeTooter

I see slave cages. Life behind a paywall. Forced to participate in capitalism against our will, we have to pay 30K and get permission from the state to get to our wage slavery jobs. #FuckCars

Driving is not a right. Traveling is a right. Traveling under your own power such as walking or riding a bicycle is an absolute right. Using rivers and lakes to travel is a right older than time. Driving is a privilege which can be taken away at any time #FuckCars

I've just applied for a library assistant position, and for some reason having a Driving License is a requirement of the job.

And I've noticed this more and more often, that being able to drive a car is becoming integral to jobs while we should be going in the opposite direction!

If public transport or cycling or walking isn't reliable enough to complete a job that by all rights shouldn't require a car, then that job needs to be completely reassessed.

#FuckCars #BikeTooter #PublicTransport

In #Belgio sempre più dipendenti scelgono il budget per la #mobilità invece che l'auto aziendale

È un modo importante per affrancarsi dalla dipendenza dall'#auto.

Infatti, come sottolineato da #legambiente, le auto aziendali sono un incentivo nocivo all'ambiente, e anche un doping non giustificato al mercato dell'auto, finanziato con soldi pubblici.

#autoDipendenza #fuckCars #mobilityBudget @energia


"A Sunshine Coast primary school has banned e-scooters on campus after an underage rider had a near miss with a car."

It's cars, for f*ck's sake that should be banned on school grounds.

Update: the article does not specify that the near miss happened on campus.


#Queensland #FuckCars #Australia #BikeTooter