3 days ago
1 week ago
I'm gonna list out my interests, and there's a ton of 'em. Classic autism move, getting obsessed with weird topics that stick with you forever.
Heads up, #Fediverse, you might lose it when I drop 100+ hashtags in one post. That's just how autism rolls I guess.
## Interests and Obsessions
Substances and Legalization:#Drugs #LSD #Shrooms #Psychedelics #THC #Psilocybin
Tech and Privacy:#Linux #Debian #QubesOS #GrapheneOS #
Tech and Privacy:#Linux #Debian #QubesOS #GrapheneOS #GooglePixel #Auxio #AntennaPod #PGP #Obtainium #PeerTube #FreeTube #Privacy #Security #Thunderbird #CapyReader #RSS #AtomFeeds #NewPipe #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Openreads #Signal #LocalSend #ThinkPad #FreeSoftware #FSF #ElementaryOS #Elementary #PaldoLinux #GNOME #i3wm #Monero #Mullvad #iVPN #LinusTorvald #Fairphone #DivestOS #Tor #TailsOS #Whonix
Politics and Activism:#AnarchoSyndicalism #Anarchism #Syndicalism #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #TransRights #HumanRights #WorkersRights #Unions #Decentralization #Organizing #GrassRoots #DirectAction #AntiCapitalism #FuckSpotify #Piratpartiet #PirateParty #Piracy #ThePirateBay #EdwardSnowden #Wikileaks #JulianAssange #MeredithWhittaker #RichardStallman #RightToRepair
Music and Artists:#ZoëStraub #Bandcamp #ShadowOfIntent #Alestorm #AlisonSudol #CœurDePirate #RussianPop #YuliaSavicheva #SavichevaMusic #Music
Content Creators:#DougDoug #DistroTube #MattRose #TheHatedOne #EricParker #The8BitGuy #BernadetteBanner #LynnSaga #LukeSmith #UndineAlmani #DarkViperAU
History and Tragic Events:#NorthKorea #WW2 #ColdWar #KoreanWar #Unit731 #NuclearWeapons #USSR
Fashion and Identity:#GenderFluidity #Dresses #Lingerie #Pins #Buttons #Statues
Culture and Media:#Buddhism #Warframe #Moomin #Books #Joker2019 #SocialIssues #AlternativeSocialStructures
#Traveling and Destinations:#Austria #Vienna #Salzburg #Idlib #Pyongyang #Moscow #Bergen
Miscellaneous:#AntiReactionContentCreators #ReactionContentBad #Crying
Yeah, I know it's a lot. But that's the beauty of an autistic brain I guess, we go deep on what fascinates us.
1 month ago
@cobratbq — you obviously haven’t been on my feed very long or purposefully miss the theme.
#FuckJoeRogan #fuckspotify