Items tagged with: HT ガザ地区、復興中の一時移転必要 居住不可能=米国務長官 | ロイター #AMERS #Asia #ASXPAC #CARIBN #CIV #CLJ #CRIM #CWP #DEST:NOJPTPM #DEST:NOJPWDM #DEST:NOJPZTM #dip #do #DRU #EMEA #EMRG #Gen #HT #IL #IMM #JFOR #JLN #LATAM #MEAST #NAMER #NARC #POL #POTUS #PS #SECUR #SWASIA #TRN #US #wash #WorldNews
ガザ地区、復興中の一時移転必要 居住不可能=米国務長官 | ロイター - WACOCA NEWS
ルビオ米国務長官は6日、パレスチナ自治区ガザについて、不発弾などが残されていて危険なため現時点で居住は不可能とし、ガザ地区の復興中は住民は一時的に他の場所に居住する必要があるとの考えを示した。WACOCA News Editor (WACOCA)
@bolderbekah @elmiller0330 Traveling with my #yaesu #ht #FT5 #HamRadio. bag was pulled off security conveyor belt and opened.
#TSA agent pulls out my #magnetic mount, 1/4 wave, dual band #2m / #70cm #antenna with the #coax wound around the base.
TSA agent: “what’s this?”
Me: “an antenna”
TSA agent to the agent running the X-ray: “it’s an antenna!”
I stuff it back in my bag and head to my gate. This is the first and only time this has happened.
#TSA agent pulls out my #magnetic mount, 1/4 wave, dual band #2m / #70cm #antenna with the #coax wound around the base.
TSA agent: “what’s this?”
Me: “an antenna”
TSA agent to the agent running the X-ray: “it’s an antenna!”
I stuff it back in my bag and head to my gate. This is the first and only time this has happened.