Items tagged with: LindaMcMahon
Linda McMahon became ed secretary w/o discussing schools’ scariest issue: guns…
Yeah - NOT trans kids/trans persons. 🤔
* unclear how WWE co-founder will approach gun violence
* no senator on either side of aisle asked her about mass shootings
#USpol #LindaMcMahon #trump #GOP #fascism #MassShootings #GunViolence #education
#LindaMcMahon ran world wrestling & now heads the dept of education blabbing about merit. The lady who didn't know what the acronym IDEA -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- stands for, a program her office runs.
& here she is on her high horse: “Students must be assessed acc. to merit & accomplishment, not prejudged by the color of their skin,” Education Sec. Linda McMahon said in a statement. “We will not yield on this commitment.”…
Trump Administration Opens Investigations At More Than 50 Universities In Anti-DEI Campaign
“Students must be assessed according to merit and accomplishment, not prejudged by the color of their skin,” Education Secretary Linda McMahon said in a statement.AP (HuffPost)
#LindaMcMahon ran world wrestling & now heads the dept of education blabbing about merit. The lady who didn't know what the acronym IDEA -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- stands for, a program her office runs.
& here she is on her high horse: “Students must be assessed acc. to merit & accomplishment, not prejudged by the color of their skin,” Education Sec. Linda McMahon said in a statement. “We will not yield on this commitment.”…
Trump Administration Opens Investigations At More Than 50 Universities In Anti-DEI Campaign
“Students must be assessed according to merit and accomplishment, not prejudged by the color of their skin,” Education Secretary Linda McMahon said in a statement.AP (HuffPost)
▶ Ex-Education Dept. Official: Trump Is Dismantling Agency as He Weaponizes It Against Gaza Protesters
#PoliticalProtests #GazaProtesters #LindaMcMahon #EducationDept #WeaponizationOfAgency
Half Of Education Dept Fired Because Project 2025
#LindaMcMahon #AdministrativeLeave #StudentAidOffices #PublicEducation #AFGEUnion…
Half Of Education Dept Fired Because Project 2025
'Project 2025 in Action': Trump Administration Fires Half of Education Department Staff.Jake Johnson (Crooks and Liars)
The Republicans abuse transgender women and girls by pretending the right, in any way, cares about women and girls.
In order to 'care' about women and girl athletes the right will abuse all trans and fem athletes with genital inspections or withhold funding.
This is the choice the Republicans demand of states.
Abuse of #TitleIX
Linda McMahon Makes Major Fumble On Fox News While Trying To Defend Education Cuts
#PoliticsAndEducation #LindaMcMahon #KnowledgeGap #MediaBlunder #SecretaryOfEducation…
Linda McMahon Makes Major Fumble On Fox News While Trying To Defend Education Cuts
The professional wrestling promoter-turned-secretary of education had no idea what one key acronym stood for.Marco Margaritoff (HuffPost)
U.S. Education Department to cut half its staff ahead of planned elimination
The department oversees $1.6 trillion in college loans, enforces civil rights laws in schools and provides federal funding for needy districts.Timothy Gardner (The Japan Times)
Trumpin hallinto karsii lähes puolet maan opetusministeriön työntekijöistä
Opetusministeriön leikkaukset iskevät kipeimmin vähävaraisiin kouluihin ja kohditusvat erityisesti opiskelijoihin, joilla on erityistarpeita.
It's the gleeful way this parasite announces the destruction of Education in Gilead....
The #Trump admin announced on Friday that it had canceled $400M in federal grants & contracts to #ColumbiaUniversity because of what it described as the school’s failure to protect #Jewish students from harassment.
On Monday, #LindaMcMahon, the secy of #education, had warned that #Columbia would face the loss of federal funding if it did not take additional action to combat antisemitism on campus.
#USpol #law #FreeSpeech #ChristianZionism…
The Trump administration cancels $400 million in grants and contracts to Columbia University.
Trump Live Updates: News on Russia Sanctions, Iran Talks, Student Loans and MoreSharon Otterman (The New York Times)
Former #ProWrestling promoter & current #Education Secretary #LindaMcMahon delivered a stark message on Friday about the agency’s future. Asked on FauxNews whether the #UnitedStates “needs this department,” McMahon answered: “No, we don’t.”
In the interview, her first since she was confirmed to the cabinet this week, McMahon said that #Trump intended to sign an #ExecutiveOrder aimed at closing her department, but she declined to give details on timing.
Trump is preparing an executive order to dismantle Education Department
#TrumpExecutiveOrder #LindaMcMahon #DepartmentOfEducationDismantling #SchoolReform #PolicyChange…
Trump is preparing an executive order to dismantle Education Department
Drafted executive order instructs Linda McMahon to ‘take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Education Department’Gustaf Kilander (The Independent)
Daß #DonaldTrump nun das #US-#Bildungsministerium abwickelt, ist richtig! Es hat versagt. Bei guter #Bildung wäre Trump nie zum #PotUS gewählt worden.…
"Mit der Ernennung #LindaMcMahons hatte der #USPräsident in #Washington einmal mehr für Stirnrunzeln gesorgt .… Über Erfahrung im Bildungsbereich verfügt die langjährige #Wrestling-Managerin nicht."
„Kinder, Lehrer und Familien im Stich gelassen“ : US-Präsident plant Auflösung des US-Bildungsministeriums
Donald Trump macht bei einer weiteren Wahlkampfankündigung ernst. Er will das Bildungsministerium abschaffen, im „größtmöglichen Umfang, der angemessen“ ist. Rechtlich ist das gar nicht so einfach.Der Tagesspiegel
Linda McMahon wastes no time using Day 1 to announce 'overhaul' of Department of Education
#LindaMcMahon #JobCreationInEducation #DayOneActions #DepartmentOfEducationOverhaul #TrumpAdministration…
Linda McMahon wastes no time using Day 1 to announce ‘overhaul’ of Department of Education
Trump has repeatedly said he wants McMahon to ‘put herself out of a job’ and shut down the departmentRhian Lubin (The Independent)
Meet Our New Education Secretary, Who Has One of the Worst Resumes I've Ever Seen
#EducationDegreeLie #LindaMcMahon #FederalAgencyOverhaul #ChildSexualAbuse #WWE
Newly confirmed Education Secretary Linda McMahon has released her "final mission" for the Department of Education, potentially setting the stage for the agency's dismantling. In a document posted to the department's website, she stated that parents are the primary decision makers in their children's education, that taxpayer-funded education should focus on math, reading, science and history "not divisive DE programs and gender ideology," and that postsecondary education should be "a path to a well-paying career aligned with workforce needs." Here's the story from @abc. Find McMahon's full statement at the second link.
#USPolitics #TrumpAdministration #Education #LindaMcMahon #USEducation #Schools #Parenting
Education Secretary Linda McMahon announces plans for department's 'final' mission
The Trump administration said it wants to dismantle the Department of Education.Kiara Alfonseca (ABC News)
God this country is so fucked. I love it every day in how #Liberals said leveraging their vote was for "pussies" to care about black & brown people in the middle east.
We totally deserve this so much.…
#Politics #Republicans #Liberals #Conservatives #Vote #Election #DemocraticParty #RepublicanParty #DonaldTrump #Trump #JDVance #Vance #JoeBiden #Biden #KamalaHarris #Harris #TimWalz #Walz #LindaMcMahon
Linda McMahon, wrestling industry billionaire, confirmed as US education secretary
US Senate confirmed Trump ally and ex-wrestling executive as chief of department president wants dismantledJoseph Gedeon (The Guardian)
If you said "Trump won't do Project 2025," I think I should be able to opt-out of ever seeing your opinions again.…
#Trump #Project2025 #LindaMcMahon #DepartmentOfEducation #USPol
US Department of Education workers decry 'final mission' email as power grab
#ParentalChoice #LindaMcMahon #EducationReform #EducationPolicy #WWE…
US Department of Education workers decry ‘final mission’ email as power grab
Education secretary Linda McMahon’s plan to eliminate department will hurt disadvantaged children, staff sayMichael Sainato (The Guardian)
Mandatory mud wrestling curriculum!
How to Grift curriculum!
How to keister a razor blade curriculum!
Senate Confirms Linda McMahon as Education Secretary…
#LindaMcMahon #EndOfEducation #ArrestTrump #ArrestMusk #DonaldKrasnov #RepublicansOwnThis #GOPKakistocracy #GOPWeirdos #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol
Senate Confirms Linda McMahon as Education Secretary
Ms. McMahon, who has little experience in private or public schools, will take over a department that President Trump has already begun to dismantle.Michael C. Bender (The New York Times)
Linda McMahon's Only Qualification as Education Secretary Is a History of Spreading Hate
#WhiteNationalism #RealityShowStars #Qualifications #HateSpeech #LindaMcMahon…
Linda McMahon’s Only Qualification as Education Secretary Is a History of Spreading Hate | The Nation
Even in Trump’s cabinet of hucksters, reality-show stars, and drunk white nationalists, Linda McMahon is a bizarre choice for education secretary.The Nation
As McMahon hearing signals unprecedented attacks on public education, teacher union bureaucrats launch "email Congress" campaign
#AngerDiverted #LindaMcMahon #EmailCongressCampaign #TeacherUnion #UnprecedentedAttacks…
As McMahon hearing signals unprecedented attacks on public education, teacher union bureaucrats launch “email Congress” campaign
As Linda McMahon’s confirmation hearing exposed ongoing and coming unprecedented attacks on public education, teacher union bureaucrats divert anger into letter-writing campaigns to legislators.World Socialist Web Site
Linda McMahon's 'Elegant Gaslighting' of Democratic Senators
#SenateConfirmationHearing #DemocraticSenators #Gaslighting #EvasionOfResponsibility #LindaMcMahon…
Linda McMahon’s ‘Elegant Gaslighting’ of Democratic Senators
In her Senate confirmation hearing, McMahon never had to explain the Trump Administration’s real education agenda.Jeff Bryant (
#Trump has called for shutting down the #Education Department, calling it "a big con job." He has nominated former Small Business Administration chief & professional #wrestling executive #LindaMcMahon to head the department, which was created in 1979. At her Senate confirmation hearing last week, McMahon echoed his calls to abolish it.
#idiocracy #law
[again, Trump never went to public school, he has no clue what he’s talking about]
▶ Trump nominee wants to control what SCHOOL CLUBS get to exist
#TrumpNominee #EducationPolicy #EducationFreedom #LindaMcMahon #SchoolChoice
Linda McMahon Refuses To Say Whether Schools Will Lose Funding Over Ethnic Clubs
#TrumpAdministration #EducationPolicy #PublicSchools #AfricanAmericanHistory #LindaMcMahon…
Linda McMahon Refuses To Say Whether Schools Will Lose Funding Over Ethnic Clubs
Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon, refused to give Sen. Chris Murphy a direct answer when he asked her whether public schools could lose funding over Trump's executive order on so-called "DEI programs."Heather (Crooks and Liars)
Will Linda McMahon Will Keep Children Safe From Sexual Abuse? Her Track Record Ain't Good
#TrustInLeadership #TammyBaldwin #CampusSafety #LindaMcMahon #SexualAssaultSurvivors…
Will Linda McMahon Will Keep Children Safe From Sexual Abuse? Her Track Record Ain't Good
During Linda McMahon's confirmation hearing, Sen. Tammy Baldwin questioned whether McMahon would keep children safe, citing a lawsuit against the WWE for sexual abuse.Chris capper Liebenthal (Crooks and Liars)
Senators Asked Linda McMahon the Right Questions Yesterday. They Just Didn't Get Answers.
#UnansweredQuestions #SBAConfirmation #GovernmentOversight #SmallBusinessAdmin #LindaMcMahon…
Senators Asked Linda McMahon the Right Questions Yesterday. They Just Didn’t Get Answers.
Will the federal government’s rules follow federal money? We still don’t know!Molly Olmstead (Slate)
Linda McMahon Wrestles With Tough Question Of Whether Black History Is Even Legal Now
#LindaMcMahon #CensorshipDebate #CriticalRaceTheory #AmericanHistory #BlackHistoryMonth…
Linda McMahon Wrestles With Tough Question Of Whether Black History Is Even Legal Now
Why not just teach the HAPPY things about America?Doktor Zoom (Wonkette)
#LindaMcMahon #departmentofeducation
Trump’s pick to head the #DoE will be in charge of ⭕gutting it
In Japan there is _a_ word for that
#harakiri (spoken)
#seppuku (written)
But ☢️only used as in the last resort, when... it's over
Linda McMahon Just Showed the Senate How Little She Knows About Education
#WrestlingExec #BudgetCuts #TrumpAdministration #LindaMcMahon #ConfirmationHearing…
Linda McMahon just showed the Senate how little she knows about education.
Trump’s pick to head the Department of Education will be in charge of gutting it.Mother Jones
Hearing Highlights: DOE Nominee Linda McMahon "Ready" to Help Trump Abolish Education Department & Leave Millions of Kids Behind
#LindaMcMahon #StudentsLeftBehind #DOENominee #EducationPolicy #SchoolReform…
Hearing Highlights: DOE Nominee Linda McMahon “Ready” to Help Trump Abolish Education Department & Leave Millions of Kids Behind - Accountable US
Trump’s Education Secretary nominee, billionaire wrestling mogul Linda McMahon, faces Senate scrutiny over her lack of experience and ties to Project 2025.jeremy (Accountable US)
Dem Senator Grills Linda McMahon Over Ongoing Lawsuit Accusing Her Of Allowing 'Systemic Abuse of Underage Children'
#SystemicAbuse #LindaMcMahon #TammyBaldwin #Hearing #DemocratSenator…
Tammy Baldwin Presses Linda McMahon On Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
Tammy Baldwin pressed Linda McMahon at hearing over an ongoing lawsuit accusing the former wrestling executive of enabling the "systemic abuse" of children.Zachary Leeman (Mediaite)
Secretary of Education nominee, Linda McMahon, testifying at a senate committee hearing said, "She did not know whether a school would be legally permitted to offer a Black history class or allow clubs centered on racial or ethnic identity."
#Blackmastodon #BlackHistory #lindamcmahon