Despite decades of promises to end deforestation for palm oil PepsiCo (owner of crisp brands Frito-Lay, Cheetos and Doritos along with hundreds of other snack food brands) have continued sourcing palm oil that strongly linked to ecocide, indigenous landgrabbing, and the habitat destruction of the rarest animals on earth.All of these animals are on a knife-edge of survival. It is for this reason, we boycott PepsiCo and its sub-brands. Find out about their forest destroying activities below and what you can do to stop them by using your wallet as a weapon. it’s the #Boycott4Wildlife
Take action
1. Share this page to Twitter
2. See PepsiCo’s palm oil deforestation from the past year
3. Boycott sub-brands of PepsiCo
4. Read reports about PepsiCo
5. Sign a petition about PepsiCo and palm oil
6. Boycott other brands using so-called “sustainable” palm oil
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Crisp and drink giant #PepsiCo runs quirky ad campaigns enticing zoomers and millennials into a lifetime of #obesity and #diabetes. Yet few people know PepsiCo are linked to #indigenous #landgrabbing for #palmoil Take action! #Boycottpalmoil @palmoildetect
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Next time you snack AVOID #Cheetos #Doritos #Lays crisps and #MountainDew 🍟🥤 because violence against #indigenous people for #palmoil comes as an unwanted freebie in snacks owned by #PepsiCo. Take action! #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
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Data courtesy of Palm Watch, a multidisciplinary research initiative by the University of Chicago.

Look Up PepsiCo on PalmWatch
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Take Action: Boycott These PepsiCo Sub-Brands

- Pepsi
- Lays
- Mountain Dew
- Doritos
- Gatorade
- Tropicana
- Quaker Oats
- Lipton
- Starbucks
- Aquafina
- Ruffles
- Cheetos
- Brisk
- Tostitos
- Frittos
- Diet Pepsi
- Diet Mountain Dew
- Sierra Mist
- 7Up
- Mirinda
- Walkers
- Pepsi Black
- Pure Leaf
- Bubly
- Naked
- Soda Stream
- Kevita
- Lifewtr
- Sierra Mist
- Stubborn Soda
- Rold Gold
- Miss Vickie’s
- Red Rock Deli
- Cracker Jack
- Nut Harvest
- Life
- Matador
- Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
- Santitas
- Funyuns
- Cap’n Crunch
- Rice-a-Roni and Pasta
- Roni Quaker Rice Crisps & Rice Cakes
- Maui Style
- Sabritones
- Munchies
- Munchos
- Grandma’s
- Aunt Jemima
- Izze Propel
- O.N.E
- Sobe Elixirs & Teas
- Mug Root Bear
- Stacy’s
- Bare Snacks
- Sabra
- Smart50
- Fritos
- Near East
- Sun Chips
- Smartfood
- Off the Eaten Path
- Simply
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Take Action: Read Reports About PepsiCo

2021 report by Pusaka and others

Report by Pusaka, Walhi, and Forest Peoples Programme finds that household names including Nestlé, PepsiCo, Wilmar and Unilever and associated global financial institutions and investors continue to ‘turn a blind eye’ to human rights abuses in their palm oil supply chains.
Despite these very serious, long term and well documented human rights abuses and environmental damage, on the ground, major downstream companies continue to invest in, or source products from these plantations.
Read report
2021 BBC Investigation
A 2021 joint BBC/Gecko Project and Mongabay Investigation found that Nestlé, Kellogg’s, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, and PepsiCo have sourced palm oil from Indonesian companies linked to human rights abuses and have failed to pass on millions in profits to smallholder ‘plasma’ farmers.
Read more
2021 Chain Reaction report
A Chain Reaction Report from 2021 showed that they have caused 100,000ha of deforestation in their palm oil supply chain since 2016.
Read more……
PepsiCo: Ties to illegal deforestation
Read full report
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Sign petition: Tell PepsiCo stop destroying rainforests for palm oil!

PepsiCo’s profit-first palm oil policy is still destroying rainforests.
Meanwhile, PepsiCo keeps on promising that it’s working towards a truly sustainable palm oil policy, making commitments to human rights and zero deforestation. But this new report leaves no doubt: this whole time, PepsiCo’s palm oil promises have been nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Tell PepsiCo it’s time to cut ties with companies destroying our rainforests and exploiting their workers for cheap palm oil.
Sign the Eko petition
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Take Action: Boycott Other Brands

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Here are some other ways you can help by using your wallet as a weapon and joining the #Boycott4Wildlife

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Palm Oil Detectives is 100% self-funded
Palm Oil Detectives is completely self-funded by its creator. All hosting and website fees and investigations into brands are self-funded by the creator of this online movement. If you like what I am doing, you and would like me to help meet costs, please send Palm Oil Detectives a thanks on Ko-Fi.
Say thanks on Ko-Fi

#Borneo #Boycott4wildlife #BoycottPalmOil #brandBoycotts #Cheetos #deforestation #diabetes #Doritos #greenwashing #indigenous #landgrabbing #Lays #Malaysia #MountainDew #News #obesity #PalmOil #palmOilBiofuel #palmOilDeforestation #palmoil #PepsiCo #RSPOGreenwashing
Last week, Mongabay, BBC News and The Gecko Project released a joint investigation into a scheme that was intended to help lift millions of Indonesians out of poverty and cut them in on the spoils of the global palm oil boom, but has instead been pla…
Philip Jacobson (Conservation news)
In late 2023, Kelloggs became Kellanova for their US arm. Savvy consumers have been pressuring Kelloggs for decades to cease using deforestation palm oil. Yet they actually haven’t stopped this. From their website:
‘All of the palm oil that is used in our products is sourced from a combination of the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certified Segregated supply chain, RSPO Mass Balance mixed-source supply and the purchase of Green Palm certificates.’ Read more: Kelloggs website
This phrasing above means absolutely nothing. In reality, Kelloggs’ supply chain continues to slash and burn thousands of hectares of forests and release mega-tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere. Kellogg’s is therefore involved in the killing thousands of endangered species. Once these animals are gone – they are gone for good. See research on Kelloggs’s palm oil sources including a PDF of their palm oil mills.

Data courtesy of Palm Watch, a multidisciplinary research initiative by the University of Chicago.

Look Up Kelloggs on PalmWatch
#Kelloggs/Kellanova uses so-called “sustainable” #palmoil yet still causes #deforestation and child slavery for #palmoil in their child-friendly #cereal 🥣 Fight back when you #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect 🌴⛔️🧐🔥…
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#Palmoil used by #Kelloggs’s brands is so-called “sustainable” yet it still causes #deforestation #ecocide #extinction and #indigenous landgrabbing. Fight back against the greenwash ☠️🧐🌴🤮⛔️ and #BoycottPalmOIl #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect…
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Global Witness October 2021 Report: Violence and death for palm oil connected to household supermarket brands (RSPO members)
“One palm oil firm, Rimbunan Hijau, [Papua New Guinea] negligently ignored repeated and avoidable worker deaths and injuries on palm oil plantations, with at least 11 workers and the child of one worker losing their lives over an eight-year period.

“Tainted palm oil from Papua New Guinea plantations was sold to household name brands, all of them RSPO members including Kellogg’s, Nestlé, Colgate, Danone, Hershey’s and PZ Cussons and Reckitt Benckiser”
The true price of palm oil: How global finance funds deforestation, violence and human rights abuses in Papua New Guinea – Global Witness, 2021
Read report

Kelloggsmakes claims of sustainability for palm oil on their website. However these claims do not match what is happening on the ground. This is pure greenwashing.
The brand has a high ranking on the WWF Scorecard and has an RSPO certification. However this high ranking is greenwashing and this mega-brand is purchasing huge amounts of palm oil from four mills that are responsible for 44% of all deforestation: Jhonlin, Mulia Sawit, Tunas Baru Lampung and Peputra GroupSource: chain reaction research
Palm Oil Detectives thinks it is wise to boycott all Kelloggs sub-brands until it has been independently verified that they have stopped 100% of their deforestation activities throughout the world.

Sign a petition telling Kelloggs to stop deforestation!
Sign petition
Kelloggs own a vast global empire of cereal and food brands…
The most updated list of their stable of brands from their website includes:
Apple Jacks®
Bear Naked®
Corn Pops®
Cracklin’ Oat Bran®
Froot Loops®
Frosted Mini-Wheats®
Honey Smacks®
Jumbo Snax
Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes®
Kellogg’s Limited Edition
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes®
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
MorningStar Farms®
Pure Organic
Rice Krispies®
Smart Start®
Special K®
Town House®
More Information
The Chain: Repeat Offenders Continue to Clear Forests for Oil Palm in Southeast Asia
Research: Palm Oil deforestation and its connection to retail brands
#Boycott4wildlife #BoycottPalmOil #brandMarketing #breakfastFoods #cereal #Cereals #deforestation #ecocide #extinction #Fightgreenwashing #illegal #indigenous #Kelloggs #landgrabbing #PalmOil #palmoil #productMarketing #snackFoods #supplyChain
Download the Bahasa translated version here. Analysis by Chain Reaction Research (CRR) shows that ten palm oil companies were alone responsible for approximately 39,500 hectares (ha) of deforestation and peat development in Indonesia, Sarawak (Malays…
Matt Piotrowski (Chain Reaction Research)