Items tagged with: PCGaming
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#gaming #pcmasterrace #pcgaming #GamingCommunity #FreePCGames #GameOn #IndieGames #GamingWorld #GamersUnited…
9 Free Games For The Gamers
Evolve your gaming experience with free games! Thousands of players have already found their game here. Download now and join us! visit bio . #gaming #pcmasterrace #pcgaming #GamingCommunity #FreeP…NeoAng3L…
Mein Win 11 hat sich bisher noch nicht beschwert (ich nutze MSI Afterburner).
Afterburner, Capframe X und Co.: Windows mit Warnmeldung
Zahlreiche Monitoring-Tools wie Capframe X und MSI Afterburner wurden in den letzten Tagen vom Windows Defender beanstandet. Ein Kernel-Treiber namens Winring0 wird als Bedrohung eingestuft - dieser ist für viele Tools aber alternativlos.Valentin Sattler (PC Games Hardware)
Titan Quest 2 si avvicina: Grimlore Games cerca migliaia di giocatori per un nuovo playtest su larga scala prima del lancio in accesso anticipato. Ancora nessuna data, ma si parla di "presto". Iscrizioni aperte su Steam ed Epic Games Store. #giochiPC #videogiochi #PCGaming #TitanQuest2 #gamingnews
Titan Quest 2 è alla ricerca di playtester mentre il sequel ARPG si avvicina al lancio - Absolutegamer
L'accesso anticipato a Titan Quest 2 arriverà a breve, ma è ora possibile iscriversi a un nuovo playtest a cui parteciperanno migliaia di giocatori.Redazione Absolutegamer (
It's #ScreenshotSaturday!
Take a look at the #CityBuilder #RPG Where Noble Plans Lie.
Wishlist on #Steam:…
#WhereNoblePlansLie #indiegame #indiegames #gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #jrpg #anime #pcgaming #gaming #indie
Where Noble Plans Lie on Steam
Build-up your territory, your team of advisors, and your reputation as you bring every other noble to ruin at the behest of the Vampire Queen. Make the kingdom yours in the city-builder and turn-based RPG: Where Noble Plans Lie!
SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview brings the 'beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds'#SteamDeck #SteamOS #HandheldGaming #Gaming #Linux #PCGaming #Steam
SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview brings t...
SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview brings the 'beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds'
Valve have released SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview, which they noted has the beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds! So we're closing in on the previously announced Beta for more handhelds. Although this release is still just for Steam Deck.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview brings the 'beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds'…
#SteamDeck #SteamOS #HandheldGaming #Gaming #Linux #PCGaming #Steam
SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview brings the 'beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds'
Valve have released SteamOS 3.7.0 Preview, which they noted has the beginnings of support for non-Steam Deck handhelds! So we're closing in on the previously announced Beta for more handhelds. Although this release is still just for Steam Deck.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Some nice, nostalgic 2000's era ad mockups done by a talented #graphicdesign artist - RetroB0y, showing a glimpse of what it'd look like if the #SteamDeck was released in the early 2000s.
These remind me so strongly of the #PlayStation / #Sony ads made and run in the early 2000s for the #PS2 in magazines and other print media.
No matter what, these are a treat!
#gaming #pcgaming #GTA5Enhanced
Trevor macht Trevor Dinge😁😅
Das Bild trifft den Nagel doch perfekt auf den Kopf😁
Ich finde ich hab's gut getroffen.
#gaming #pcgaming #GTA5Enhanced
Trevor hat jetzt ein Snipergewehr😁
Einer spontanen Laune heraus in Pink🙂
Now we are talking😁…
Ich bin sehr froh, dass das Remake noch lebt und noch dran gearbeitet wird😃
Ich will den Klassiker sehr gerne nachholen, aber in modern sprich mit aktueller Technik.
Daher drücke ich Saber fest die Daumen.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Remake weiterhin in Arbeit? Entwickler geben Status-Update
Das Remake von „Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic“ wurde bereits 2021 angekündigt, doch konkrete Infos lassen bis heute auf sich warten.Tom Sauer (PLAY3.DE - PS5 News, PSVR2 - Tests, Videos)
SteamOS: il sistema operativo Valve per PC è in arrivo
#Bloatware #GameNews #Gamer #Gaming #Indiscrezioni #Leak #Linux #Notizie #Novità #PC #PCGaming #Prestazioni #SistemaOperativo #Steam #SteamDeck #SteamOS #Tecnologia #Valve #Videogiochi #Windows10 #Windows11…
SteamOS: il sistema operativo Valve per PC è in arrivo
SteamOS (il sistema operativo di Steam Deck) potrebbe arrivare sui PC desktop! Un'alternativa a Windows più leggera, veloce e focalizzata sul gaming?CeoTech
So langsam keimt Hoffnung in mir auf. Es gab heute 7 Drops der RTX 5090 Astral bei verschiedenen Onlinehändlern😃
Leider habe ich die Drops zu spät gesehen oder die Preise liegen noch etwas über meinem gegenwärtigen Budget.
Aber ich sehe einen Fortschritt. Bisher war kam die Astral höchstens einmal alle drei Wochen in den Handel (wenn überhaupt).
Ich sehe durchaus eine gewisse Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ich im April eine RTX 5090 Astral kriegen kann.
Cacciatrice in arrivo su Path of Exile 2 il 4 aprile, data annunciata da Grinding Gear Games. La vicinanza all'inizio della Stagione 2 di Last Epoch mette i giocatori di fronte a un bivio: quale titolo scegliere? #giochipc #videogiochi #pathofexile2 #pcgaming #gamingnews
Il prossimo aggiornamento di Path of Exile ha una data e presenta una nuova classe giocabile - Absolutegamer
Grinding Gear Games prevede l'aggiornamento 0.2.0 di Path of Exile 2 per i primi di aprile, ma alcuni esprimono preoccupazioni per la sua vicinanza a Last Epoch.Redazione Absolutegamer (
#gaming #pcgaming #silenthillf…
Ich glaube das Silent Hill Spiel wird in der Gamingcommunity sehr kontrovers diskutiert werden.
Das sind schon krasse Themen, die im Spiel vorkommen.
Silent Hill f: Nichts für schwache Nerven - Misshandlung, Folter und ungewöhnliche Einstufung in Japan
Das Horrorspiel „Silent Hill f" erhält als erstes Spiel der Reihe in Japan die höchste Altersfreigabe, die nur den Verkauf an Erwachsene erlaubt. Zudem warnt Entwickler Konami ausdrücklich vor den drastischen Inhalten des Spiels.Maik Seidl (PLAY3.DE - PS5 News, PSVR2 - Tests, Videos)
#gaming #pcgaming #GTA5Enhanced
Trevor hat sein gewonnenes Auto mal ein wenig von Profis tunen lassen😃
Just reviewed the Razer Basilisk V3 Pro! 🖱️ This wireless gaming mouse packs a punch with a 30K DPI sensor and tons of customization. But is it worth the premium price? 🤔 Find out in our detailed write-up:
#Razer #GamingMouse #TechReview #PCGaming #Wireless #Tech 🎮🚀
Steam Deck hits 18,000 games playable and verified…
#SteamDeck #Steam #SteamOS #Linux #Gaming #PCGaming
Steam Deck hits 18,000 games playable and verified
Another seriously impressive milestone has been hit. The Steam Deck now has 18,000 games that Valve have rated to be either Playable or Verified.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
🔥 Le Acer Nitro N50-600, un PC gaming sous-estimé ? 🎮💻
Test complet : GTX 1060 6GB, i5-8400, Linux vs Windows, chauffe & performances en 2024 ! 🚀
Regardez la vidéo ici ⬇️
#Gaming #LinuxGaming #PCGaming #AcerNitro #GTX1060 #Tech #OpenSource #JeuxVidéo #Benchmark #TestPC #SetupGaming
The first alpha release for Kitten Space Agency seems to get closer! I compiled a couple of things that we can expect from this very early acccess release.
(and yes, I am aware that they posted new gameplay footage. I'll do a video about that soon, didn't make it in time for this week's video).
#kittenspaceagency #ksa #space #game #gaming #pcgaming #videogames
#gaming #pcgaming #linuxgaming…
Interessant. Bin gespannt ob das Steam Deck das Spiel in Low Settings mit einigermaßen angenehmen FPS wiedergegeben kann.
Die Techchecks von PCGH & Computerbase werden's wohl zeigen.
Das Steam Deck ist technisch leider mittlerweile doch sehr stark am Limit wenn's um aktuelle Games geht.
Läuft Assassin's Creed Shadows auf dem Steam Deck? Ubisoft hat gute Nachrichten zum Release
Assassin's Creed Shadows wird nun doch schon zum Launch auf dem Steam Deck spielbar sein. Die genaue Einstufung ist allerdings noch offen.Jusuf Hatic (GameStar)
Alright, I’m thinking of lining up another Rally Showcase video- of a well known car that people know nothing of it’s history it seems (to be fair, it is very vague but I’ve spent way too long researching it).
Do people find the history/factual journey behind certain cars interesting, or do you think it’s better to just stick to driving them on sims for fun?
Konami presenta oficialmente Silent Hill f:…
#SilentHillf #SilentHill #Gaming #Videojuegos #PS5 #Xbox #PCGaming
Konami presenta oficialmente Silent Hill f
Aunque sabíamos de su existencia desde hace 2 años, no ha sido hasta hoy cuando Konami ha decidido presentar con detalle Silent Hill f.Javier Domínguez (Dekazeta)
Arrancan las rebajas de primavera en Steam:…
#Steam #Gaming #Videojuegos #PCGaming
Arrancan las rebajas de primavera en Steam
Acaban de arrancar las rebajas de primavera en Steam, la popular tienda de juegos para Windows, macOS y Linux de Valve.Daniel D. Ferreiro (Dekazeta)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 announced and in development#WH40K #Warhammer #SpaceMarine3 #Gaming #PCGaming
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine...
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 announced and in development
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 was clearly a big success, so much so that Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 has now been officially announced as in development.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 announced and in development…
#WH40K #Warhammer #SpaceMarine3 #Gaming #PCGaming
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 announced and in development
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 was clearly a big success, so much so that Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 3 has now been officially announced as in development.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
PowerWash Simulator 2 announced for release in 2025 with split-screen co-op#PowerWashSimulator2 #PowerWashSimulator #Gaming #PCGaming
PowerWash Simulator 2 announce...
PowerWash Simulator 2 announced for release in 2025 with split-screen co-op
Ah hell, here we go again, I'm going to be hooked on it. FuturLab have revealed PowerWash Simulator 2 is coming and it will be this year too.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
PowerWash Simulator 2 announced for release in 2025 with split-screen co-op…
#PowerWashSimulator2 #PowerWashSimulator #Gaming #PCGaming
PowerWash Simulator 2 announced for release in 2025 with split-screen co-op
Ah hell, here we go again, I'm going to be hooked on it. FuturLab have revealed PowerWash Simulator 2 is coming and it will be this year too.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer#SILENTHILL #SILENTHILLf #PCGaming #Gaming
SILENT HILL f has now been ful...
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer
Originally revealed back in 2022, KONAMI have now properly lifted the lid on SILENT HILL f and graced us with a new trailer.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer…
SILENT HILL f has now been fully revealed with a new trailer
Originally revealed back in 2022, KONAMI have now properly lifted the lid on SILENT HILL f and graced us with a new trailer.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
#gaming #pcgaming #womansday #girlsday
Anscheinend war letzte Woche der Women's Day 2025.
Daher mal meine kleine Hall Of Fame Liste mit den Videospiel Frauen und Mädels, die einen ganz besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen haben🤗
- Ciri (The Witcher 3)
- Ellie (TLOU Part 1; Part 2 habe ich noch nicht gezockt)
- Aloy (HZD & HFW)
- Maxine & Cloe (LiS 1 & LiS BFS)
- Kay (Star Wars Outlaws)
- Claire (RE 2 Remake)
Anwärterin für die Liste dieses Jahr ist (ihr ahnt es wahrscheinlich schon) Maellie😁
330 million hours played on Steam Deck in 2024 up 64% from 2023 - Steam Year In Review 2024#Steam #SteamDeck #Valve #SteamOS #Gaming #PCGaming
330 million hours played on St...
330 million hours played on Steam Deck in 2024 up 64% from 2023 - Steam Year In Review 2024
Valve have released their Steam Year In Review 2024 and it's full of interesting data, as well as going over all the changes Valve made to Steam during 2024. Nice to see the Steam Deck and Linux doing so well overall for Valve.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
330 million hours played on Steam Deck in 2024 up 64% from 2023 - Steam Year In Review 2024…
#Steam #SteamDeck #Valve #SteamOS #Gaming #PCGaming
330 million hours played on Steam Deck in 2024 up 64% from 2023 - Steam Year In Review 2024
Valve have released their Steam Year In Review 2024 and it's full of interesting data, as well as going over all the changes Valve made to Steam during 2024. Nice to see the Steam Deck and Linux doing so well overall for Valve.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
#gaming #pcgaming #clairobscurexpedition33
Ich habe gerade aus einer Laune heraus mein Smartphone Hintergrundbild geändert🙂
Maxine musste zur Seite treten und Platz für die Expedition 33 machen.
Maxine hat natürlich trotzdem einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen😍…
Das erste Mal seit ein paar Wochen hat es die RTX 5090 Astral in den Handel bei NBB geschafft.
Leider liegt der aufgerufene Preis ca. 400€ über meinem Ersparten😬
Heißt für mich: Weiter warten und hoffen, dass Asus endlich mal mehr Astral in den Handel schickt damit man nicht nur NBB als Möglichkeit hat.