Items tagged with: ProcGen
A very cool music video of sorts I found showing No Man's Sky Atlas Rises (2017)…
#NoMansSky #NMS #HelloGames #video #SciFi #procgen #games #game #gaming #spacegames #musicvideo
Video from Pathfinder (2017 version) that I just shot, showing the finding of a Habitable Base, way back when.…
#NoMansSky #NMS #HelloGames #gaming #gamers #gamers #basebuilding #blog #blogpost #SciFi #procgen #exploration #spacegames #Steam #PCgaming #PS4 #PS5 #Xbox #macGaming #Switch
I shared the backstory in a blog post about the enigmatic Base Computers in the wild in No Man's Sky that I keep seeing people ask about. (Blog post w/ pics, video, etc.)
For those curious...…
#NoMansSky #NMS #HelloGames #gaming #gamers #gamers #basebuilding #blog #blogpost #SciFi #procgen #exploration #spacegames #Steam #PCgaming #PS4 #PS5 #Xbox #macGaming #Switch
About Those Base Computers in the Wild... - NMSspot
Every few days in No Man’s Sky areas on the Discord, Reddit, or Facebook, I see some nonplussed Traveller with a screenshot of a lonely, unclaimed base computer sitting in the middle of a clearing, saying, “look what I just found – an unclaimed base …blakespot (NMSspot - A No Man's Sky Traveller's Blog)