Items tagged with: SmallTech
New Kitten release
• Socket routes now have precendence in the router.
This stops wildcard page routes from capturing the default socket routes that Kitten creates to enable the Streaming HTML workflow.
e.g., Previously, the following route:
Could not connect to its default socket (/videos/default.socket) because default.socket would be captured by the [slug] parameter.
Now, it will work as intended as the /videos/default.socket (a socket route) has precendence over index_[slug].page.js (a page route).
Learn more about Kitten’s Streaming HTML workflow here:…
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #StreamingHTML #routing #NodeJS #web #dev #JavaScript #JS
New Kitten release
• Fixes edge case where the sign in page, if left open for longer than the length of a session, would throw an error on sign-in attempt (because the challenge for the public-key authentication Kitten apps use would have expired alongside).
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #publicKeyAuthentication #sessions #web #dev #NodeJS #JavaScript
A zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction
New Kitten Release
• Automatic message routing: if the element that triggers an event on the client does not have a `name` attribute, Kitten now falls back to using its `id` instead to route the event to the correct server-side event handler on your live Kitten pages.
If neither attribute exists, Kitten will fail to route the message but no longer crash as it was due to a regression introduced when I implemented support for colons in element names.¹
For more details on Kitten’s live pages and automatic message routing, please see the Streaming HTML tutorial:…
¹ A colon in an element name is ignored for message routing purposes, letting you, for example, give unique names to <details> elements, allowing more than one to be open at a time, while having their events be handled by the same handler.
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #dev #JavaScript #HTML #CSS #hypermedia #htmx #WebSocket #beautifulDefaults #StreamingHTML
New Kitten release
• Added instructions to Kitten’s Settings app for how to set up a webhook at Codeberg¹ so that pushing to your main branch automatically updates your deployed server.
(Would you like me to add instructions for GitHub also? Hmm, let me think a moment… No.)
You can also find the relevant information in the Kitten reference:…
¹ Codeberg is an community-run ethical alternative GitHub. You can follow them on the fediverse at @Codeberg and visit them online at
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #webhooks #git #deployment #NodeJS
New Kitten release
• Change: Add Kitten’s own routes (that every Kitten app inherits) for the Small Web protocol namespace (/💕) as well as for Kitten’s reserved namespace (/🐱) first, before app-specific routes so that a wildcard route in the form, e.g., [anything]_[anythingElse].get.js won’t lock you out of the Settings site for your app (at /🐱/settings).
(To update, run `kitten update` from your terminal on your development machine or manually update deployment servers from /🐱/settings/kitten/ or just wait a few hours for them to update automatically. You can also just run the installation command again.)
Was talking with a friend of mine in academia here in Ireland about introducing one of the universities in Dublin to the concept of the Small Web and Small Tech. She asked her faculty if they’d be interested.
Their response?
“We’re not looking to change things.”
I shit you not.
(In case you’re wondering why we’re fucked or who exactly is complicit. These are folks that have multi-million euro relationships with Big Tech.)
#BigTech #SiliconValley #academia #institutionalCorruption #education #neoliberalism #fascism #SmallTech #SmallWeb #humanRights #democracy #ireland #eu
Danmark har, en forening som tilbyr digitale tjenester til sine medlemmer, med formål om (bl.a) å sørge for den enkeltes kontroll med egne data.
Finnes noe tilsvarende i Norge?
#datacoop #smalltech #Norsktut #personvern #fullkontroll #friprog #friprogramvare
In 2020 and beyond, the battle to save personhood and democracy requires a radical overhaul of mainstream technology
We stand at the precipice of reverting from being people to being property again, hacked via a digital and networked backdoor, the existence of which we continue to deny at our peril.Aral Balkan
Yeah, listen, I don’t care how many million viewers it has, don’t invite me to your podcast if you feel it’s fine to debate whether trans people should exist or if vaccines work or not. No, thank you.
#DanAstinGregoryPodcast #humanRights #democracy #freedom #SmallTech #SmallWeb
Instead of #bigtech #Patreon have you tried #Liberapay or #OpenCollective?
They're both #opensource #foss and run by #nonprofit #SmallTech orgs.
Sorry to be pedantic about this, but I really hope you understand from a #luddite perspective! 😅
#bigtech #power #privacy #smalltech #regulation #gdpr #ftc…
The Power of Big Tech - Runbox Blog
The influence of big tech companies on our lives is undeniable. With limited oversight and a focus on maximizing profits, these corporations have become increasingly powerful.Andersen (Runbox Blog)
New Kitten release
• Fixes issue with routes where dynamic routes with file names that had more than two extensions were not recognised as the correct type of route. e.g., A route called index.xml.get.js would previously have been treated as a static route instead of a dynamic GET route.
For more details, see the Valid File Types section of the Kitten reference¹ and the Dynamic Pages tutorial².
#Kitten #SmallWeb #server #framework #kit #SmallTech #routing #NodeJS #JavaScript #HTML #CSS #htmx #WebSocket #hypermedia #StreamingHTML #web #dev
The Goal Can't Be About Money!
In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
@aral #theinternetiscrack #podcast #bigtech #smalltech #tech #power
LLM's Steal From Us!
In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#bigtech #smalltech #tech #theinternetiscrack #podcast
We Must Fight Back!
In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #bigtech #smalltech #power #humanrights
site/admin🔒/news/index_[optional-postId].page.js at kitten
site - Small Technology Foundation web
Regaining Control!
Those who own your data own you! In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#smalltech #bigtech #democracy #information #algorithm #tech
😺 Fun Kitten¹ fact
Did you know that Kitten has a built-in HTML validator that checks your markup for validity and accessibility issues, etc.?
You’re informed of validation errors in not just terminal but also in your browser’s web developer panel. And, if you select the “Show validation issues on page” link from a validation error in the web developer panel, Kitten will show the validation errors in place on your page.
This helps me catch issues with my markup all the time and I hope it helps you too.
#Kitten #SmallWeb #HTML #HTMLValidator #validation #web #dev #SmallTech #NodeJS #JavaScript #CSS
We Must Create choice!!
Those who own your data own you! In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#theinternetiscrack #podcast #monopoly #bigtech #tech #smalltech
Those who own your data own you! In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
#podcast #bigtech #smalltech #people #farming #privacy #monopoly #power #data
A big thank you to @edwardhong for submitting three pull requests¹ for the Kitten documentation in the past day.
Appreciate your help in making Kitten better, man 😀
New Kitten release
• Adds `bodyClass` attribute to `<page>` tag for specifying the class attribute on a page body.…
Donno about you guys but it sure is nice not to have to try and decipher the clusterfuck-like syntax of Hugo’s Go-based templating engine anymore…
The code on the left is Kitten¹, on the right is Hugo².
Kitten’s ‘template engine’ is just JavaScript tagged template strings.
(I’m porting the Small Technology Foundation web site³ from Site.js⁴ to Kitten, and in the process from being a Hugo-based static site to a dynamic one with a nice little admin panel I’m making to make it trivially easy to add new news items, events, and videos.)
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #Hugo #JavaScript #Go #web #dev #NodeJS #templating
Those who own your data own you! In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our lifetime.
Watch or listen to the full episode wherever your podcast is.
@aral #bigtech #smalltech #monopoly #theinternetiscrack #podcast
I spoke recently with Caroline Risberg and Seth Camillo for their “The Internet is Crack” podcast. This is the recording.
We cover a bunch of stuff including the fediverse and the Small Web and I share quite a few anecdotes.…
#BigTech #SmallTech #SmallWeb #fediverse #humanRights #democracy #personhood
Episode#16: Fighting Back Against Big Tech’s Tyranny
Those who own your data own you. In this episode, Aral Balkan exposes how billionaire corporations have seized control of the internet, turning us into products, and why reclaiming our digital rights is the fight of our time.The Internet is Crack | Invidious
Just updated the Database App Modules tutorial in the Kitten documentation to fix a few bugs, update to latest Kitten syntax, and improve the instructions:…
(Database app modules are special app modules¹ that let you create strongly-typed JavaScript databases² in your Small Web³ apps.)
#Kitten #DatabaseAppModules #AppModules #tutorial #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #dev #JSDB #JavaScriptDatabase #JavaScript #database #web #dev #NodeJS #strongTyping
Small Web: computer science colloquium at University of Groningen
Download the video and watch it with your favourite video player. Recording1 of the live stream of a computer science colloquium on the Small Web I presented at the University of Groningen on June 11th, 2024.Aral Balkan
New Kitten¹ release
• Fixes #227²: Strips superflous <p> tags added by Markdown parser around Kitten components used in Markdown pages³
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #markdown #web #dev #JavaScript #NodeJS
Markdown pages wrapping components in unnecessary tags
HTML parser erroneously closes video tag early when it has embeddedCodeberg.orgtag in it to Markdown pages wrapping components in unnecessary `
` tags e.g., ```js /** Displays Vimeo video.
Just a heads up that peer-to-peer Small Web web sites running Place¹ will not be subject this or other similar laws as there is no “user generated content” on them and each web site merely holds the data created by its owner, who is responsible for the content and with complying with local laws, etc., themselves (and their ISPs and web hosts are responsible in turn, in their local jurisdictions, for the content they host).
What’s the Small Web, you ask?
#SmallWeb #peerToPeerWeb #SmallTech
Small Web: computer science colloquium at University of Groningen
Download the video and watch it with your favourite video player. Recording1 of the live stream of a computer science colloquium on the Small Web I presented at the University of Groningen on June 11th, 2024.Aral Balkan
Automatically-provisioned TLS certificates for Node.js servers using Let’s
New Kitten release
• Upgrades to version 5.3.1 of @small-tech/https¹ which has version 4.1.2 of Auto Encrypt² that l removes OCSP stapling (because Let’s Encrypt has removed OCSP support).
Please upgrade your Kitten as soon as possible or any new Kitten servers you try to set up will fail and any certificate renewals for existing servers will start to fail in May.
(To upgrade, run `kitten update`. Your production servers will update automatically.)
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #dev #TLS #HTTPS #AutoEncrypt #NodeJS #JavaScript #OCSP #LetsEncrypt
Automatically provisions and renews Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates on Node.js https servers (including Kitten, Polka, Express.js, etc.). Latest version: 4.1.1, last published: 3 minutes ago.npm
Small Web: computer science colloquium at University of Groningen
Download the video and watch it with your favourite video player. Recording1 of the live stream of a computer science colloquium on the Small Web I presented at the University of Groningen on June 11th, 2024.Aral Balkan
Auto Encrypt version 4.1.1 released
• User agent string now includes the correct Auto Encrypt version (and the name fragment “auto-encrypt” instead of “acme”).
• Tests now send `Connection: close` header so they’re not tripped up by the default `keep-alive` introduced in Node 19.…
#SmallWeb #SmallTech #AutoEncrypt #LetsEncrypt #TLS #SSL #HTTPS #NodeJS #JavaScript #servers #web #dev #FOSS
Automatically provisions and renews Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates on Node.js https servers (including Kitten, Polka, Express.js, etc.). Latest version: 4.1.1, last published: 3 minutes ago.npm
Automatically-provisioned TLS certificates for Node.js servers using Let’s
A Node.js wrapper for Let’s Encrypt’s Pebble (a small RFC 8555 ACME test server not suited for a production certificate authority)
Automatically-provisioned TLS certificates for Node.js servers using Let’s
the response to the announcement of our magazine has been incredible! thank you to everyone who has reached out and volunteered their time, energy, and skills. you are so appreciated! ❤
the submission guidelines are now available on the website, which should hopefully answer most (if not all) of your questions!
the deadline for the may 2025 issue is MARCH 15.
#webdev #blogging #coding #personalwebsites #personalweb #indieweb #html #css #smallweb #smalltech #dev #socialmedia #internet
good internet magazine | for the small web
A print and digital magazine coming