Items tagged with: TechnoFacism
by the stuttering of #PeterThiel u can tell that he was asked the right question
"Do you plan to destroy #democracy and replace it with #TechnoFacism where u are the #palantir #overlord?" (aka from #oligarch to #king #monarch #dictator #dicktator or worse)
the #rich have one fear: to one day be #poor again because their #privileges got taken away
the most dangerous are the #poweraddicts (like #Hitler #Stalin #Putin) which will sacrifice everyone and everything for even more #power maybe #PeterThiel is one of them?
#btw concentration of #power (into not #democratic elected hands) is literately the #definition of #fascism
You will never hear an #honest word from those people, if it does not serve their gain more #power agenda 🙁
#hypervigilance about #PeterThiel and #ElonMusk and #JDVance and #Trump the vehicle to #holyfuck… #CurtisYarvin
Comme le CRANE lab, J'ai décidé de supprimer ma page facebook.
Ainsi, en n'utilisant plus les outils du techno-fachisme, je me sens à nouveau en plein accord avec moi-même.
Je perds un bon nombre de followers mais la résistance à toujours un coût !
Je les retrouverai petit à petit ici, sur Mastodon, et ailleurs dans le Fediverse.
#facebook #X #enshittification #gafam #TechnoFacism #mastodon #helloQuitteFacebook
Après avoir quitté twitterX en août dernier, nous venons de supprimer notre page facebook et c'est un grand bonheur … car nous sommes maintenant soulagés de ne plus utilser les outils du techno-fachisme.
Certes nous perdons des milliers de followers que nous retrouverons petit à petit ici et ailleurs, mais la résistance à toujours un coût !
#facebook #X #enshittification #gafam #TechnoFacism #mastodon #helloQuitteFacebook
Remember: Musk refused to allow Ukrainians to use Starlink for a counterattack against invading Russian troops in 2022…
#Musk #MuskNazi #TechnoFacism #trump #trumpregime #putin #russia #starlink #ukraine #usaid
What to know about Elon Musk's reported phone calls with Putin and why it matters
Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of major government contractor SpaceX and key ally of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the last two years, The Wall Street Journal rep…PBS News
Umberto Eco's List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism
Creative Commons image by Rob Bogaerts, via the National Archives in Holland One of the key questions facing both journalists and loyal oppositions these days is how do we stay honest as euphemisms and trivializations take over the discourse?OC (…
#facebook #meta #zuck #zuckerberg #socialmedia #reseauxsociaux #infernet #markzuckerberg #connard #surveillance #blast #pacome_thiellement #critiquedesmedias #emprise #manipulation #psychologie #psychology #gafam #milliardaires #musk #Technofeodalisme #TechnoFacism #technofascisme #technofeudalism #Exegese #etronmusk #musk #elonmusk #trump #usa #turpidite #turpidesMacronistes #siliconvalley #gaspillage #pourritures #masculinisme
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