Items tagged with: TomWaits
Searchlight’s Martin McDonagh Movie ‘Wild Horse Nine’ Rounds Out Cast With Mariana Di Girólamo, Tom Waits, Ailín Salas & Paola Giannini
#News #AilinSalas #MarianaDiGirolamo #PaolaGiannini #Searchlight #TomWaits #WildHorseNine…
'Wild Horse Nine' Adds Mariana Di Girólamo, Tom Waits, Ailín Salas & Paola Giannini
Searchlight's Martin McDonagh Movie 'Wild Horse Nine' rounds out cast with Mariana Di Girólamo, Tom Waits, Ailín Salas & Paola Giannini.Anthony D'Alessandro (Deadline)
This one goes out to the industrious soul in our building or nearby this Sunday evening....…
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Heartattack And Vine
1980 Canada pressing
The following is a true story:
In 2000, living in NYC, I was dating a pretty hot African American bartender who shall remain nameless.
Six weeks into our tryst, which was filled with great sex & great music, I had Tom Waits on in my apartment.
A pained look came over her face & she muttered “Ugh. This guy is the worst.”
I then told her to get dressed, & to leave my apartment.
I never saw her again.
#vinyl #vinylrecords #tomwaits #art
#ThursdayFiveList is #AtTheHeartOfIt this week, thanks to @SimoRavens19
So hear me out, because
This One's from the Heart
When I was 12yo, I didn't listen to
Heart-Shaped Box
because I preferred Blümchen over Nirvana. I was madly in love with her, you could say
Herz an Herz
I know, I know, I guess your
Heart Skipped a Beat
now, but in the end, all that matters is that it comes from a
Golden Heart
#TomWaits #CrystalGayle #Nirvana #Blümchen #TheXX #MarkKnopfler
Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
‘You can never hold back spring
You can be sure that I will never
Stop believing
The blushing rose will climb
Spring ahead or fall behind
Winter dreams the same dream
Every time
You can never hold back spring
Even though you've lost your way
The world keeps dreaming of spring
So close your eyes
Open you heart
To one who's dreaming of you
You can never hold back spring
Remember everything that spring
Can bring
You can never hold back spring…’
So here are my top 25 albums of all time.
#PinkFloyd #Radiohead #DireStraits #ArcadeFire #QueensOfTheStoneAge #TomWaits #Tool #Queen #Morcheeba #Muse #Morrissey #AndYouWillKnowUsByTheTrailOfDead #JudasPriest #Motörhead #Vektor #NickCave #Eels #Gojira #Rainbow…
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Tom Waits and John Lurie in JIm Jarmusch’s “Down By Law” – and in Jarmusch’s “Mystery Train” and David Lynch’s “Wild At Heart"
At the end of Jim Jarmusch's "Down By Law" (1986), at a fork in the road in Louisiana, Zack (Tom Waits) wants to go to Los Angeles, so he
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#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 15
She took all my money
And my best friend
You know the story
Here it comes again
Real Gone reminds me a lot of Mule Variations. Like Mule Variations it has some of my favourite songs on it. Hoist That Rag and Make It Rain I can listen to on repeat for days.
Oh what a storyteller Mr. Waits is.
Gotta make it rain
Make it rain
🎵 Make It Rain by #TomWaits
💿 Real Gone, 2004
15 albums done, 2 to go.
Make It Rain by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 14
Blood Money consists of songs written for yet another Rober Wilson play: Woyzeck.
I was lucky enough to see this play at Volkstheater Vienna some years ago.
I love so many songs on this album, from the stomping Misery Is The River Of The World to the melancholic sweet Coney Island Baby. And it hast the most Tom Waits Tom Waits song on it:
🎵 God's Away On Business by #TomWaits
💿 Blood Money, 2002
God's Away On Business by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 13
Alice is yet another collaboration with Robert Wilson. It the soundtrack to an opera with the same name.
Tom Waits again opened the cabinet of curiosities. Odd experiments and lovely sentimental ballads are on the menu.
If you like Tom Waits, you'll like this one. If you don't like Tom Waits, this album won't change your mind.
🎵 Reeperbahn by #TomWaits
💿 Alice, 2002
Reeperbahn by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 12
Chocolate Jesus
Hold On
Get Behind The Mule
Big In Japan
Eyeball Kid
Picture In A Frame
...Mule Variations is like a "Best Of" album. Now I don't plan on doing a ranking in the end, but this one... this one is amazeballs.
#MuleVariations is more accessible than his previous, more experimental albums. Yet it is bursting with ideas, growls, howls, stomps and riffs in the best Tom Waits manner. I love this man, really!
🎵 Come On Up To The House by #TomWaits
💿 Mule Variations, 1999
And we still don't know what he's building in there. We have a right to know!
Come On Up To The House by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 11
Did you watch Poor Things? The Black Rider is the soundtrack of this movie made 30 years in advance. I swear.
Ok, The Black Rider is actually another theater play (not the last one!). It is quirky, odd, experimental, funny and sentimental and, above all, lovely and brilliant!
And there's Oily Night wich I can't even begin to describe.
I hope to see the play one day.
🎵 Lucky Day by #TomWaits
💿 The Black Rider, 1993
Lucky Day (2023 Remaster) by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 10
#BoneMachine, man, it's like the soundtrack to a western movie I'd like to watch.
Here's an unrelated story: E once asked Tom Waits if he'd like to contribute vocals to an Eels song. Shortly after, E received tapes from Mr. Waits. The were filled with baby screams and other noises made by the master himself*.
I guess Tom Waits doesn't want to grow up.
🎵 I Don't Wanna Grow Up by #TomWaits
💿 Bone Machine, 1992
*listen to Eels - Going Fetal if you wanna know who that sounds. Yeah, it sounds like that.
I Don't Wanna Grow Up by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 10
Franks Wild Years is probably the album I listened to the least. It is basically a theater play.
It is a bit less rumbling tooting banging whistling and a bit more back to drunken Heartattack and Vine piano play. Still weird, still great!
My favourite track by far is this one 👇
🎵 Innocent When You Dream (Barroom) by #TomWaits
💿 Franks Wild Years, 1987
Innocent When You Dream (Barroom) by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 9
Rain Dogs is the first album that doesn't feature Tom Waits on the album cover.
Wait, what?
It also answers the question of how many stories you can pack into a 1 minute 47 seconds song (Cementery Polka).
I really don't know what else I could say about this album apart from the fact that this is as good as it gets, top notch, the finest whiskey.
It is impossible to pick a favourite here (even though it is Jockey Full of Bourbon) so I'm spotlighting the one with Keith Richards on guitars:
🎵 Big Black Mariah by #TomWaits
💿 Rain Dogs, 1985
And please watch Down By Law.
Big Black Mariah (2023 Remaster) by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 16
In 2006 Tom Waits released a 3 CD box set called Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards with new songs, lost songs, unused songs and rarities.
This was my very first Tom Waits album and so it has a special place in my heart.
If you are more into blues rock oriented songs, go for Brawlers.
If you want melancholic ballads, go for Bawlers.
If you want to listen to a lecture about army ants, listen to Bastards:
🎵 Army Ants by #TomWaits
💿 Orphans, 2006
Army Ants by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 17/17
And that's that. Bad As Me closes Tom Wait's discography. The album is very much a family and friends project. His son Casey provides drums and all the songs are co-written by Tom and his wife Kathleen Brennan.
Keith Richards provided guitars and even vocals on Last Leaf.
Now sadly, I don't expect a new album. Bad Ad Me covers all facets of his musical career. The melancholy, the stomping, the rumbling, the storytelling and the rockin'. Listening to it again, I realize that this is a musical farewell.
But I hope that I am wrong.
🎵 Hell Broke Luce by #TomWaits
💿 Bad As Me, 2011
The End.
Hell Broke Luce by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 8
#Swordfishtrombones is a cornerstone in Tom Waits' career. It introduces all sorts of new instruments I couldn't even name.
Same problem with my favourite track on the album. I couldn't even name one.
Swordfishtrombones is utterly brilliant!
There's a world going on underground, you know?
🎵 Underground by #TomWaits
💿 Swordfishtrombones, 1983
I have a lot to say about this album, but @buffyleigh does it so much better, so please, do yourself a favour and continue reading here:…
...and follow while you're at it!
Underground (2023 Remaster) by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 7
Sometimes things are so obvious that I don't even recognize them. For example that Heartattack and Vine is the first Tom Waits album where an electric guitar is heavily used. (@buffyleigh brought this to my attention)
I like dry and dirty garage blues rock, which is what you get on this album a lot. But you also get "The Heart of Saturday Night" like ballads (On a Nickel, Ruby's Arms). Heck, you even get a radio friendly rock song (Jersey Girl).
I like the raw and dirty ones, so hit me with Downtown and Heartattack and Vine any time!
🎵 Downtown by #TomWaits
💿 Heartattack and Vine, 1980
Downtown by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 6
Album number 6 is very blues heavy. Both lyrically (as most of his early albums are I guess) and musically.
Tom Wait's voice now matured into the whiskey infused rumbling voice he is known for.
Because Christmas in on the horizon, but also because it is my favourite track on Blue Valentine, I'd like to put the spotlight on this song 👇
🎵 Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis by #TomWaits
💿 Blue Valentine, 1978
Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli
#TomAwaitsTomWaits #TomWaitsAWeek Log entry 5
Foreign Affairs.
In 2010 two friends and I took the mother road from Chicago to L.A.
Somewhere in Arizona, it must have been between Seligman and Kingman, we saw the six little red signs. Relics from the past.
And I guess you'd say we were on our way to Burma Shave.
🎵 Burma-Shave by #TomWaits
💿 Foreign Affairs
Burma-Shave by Tom Waits
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.Songlink/Odesli