Items tagged with: VancouverIslandWildlife
Watch my new video about the herring spawn on Vancouver Island!…
#HerringSpawn #VancouverIsland #photography #wildlife #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #BritishColumbia #Canada
''Stop and smell the wildflowers!'' said the grizzly cub.
#BearWisdom #GrizzlyBear #wildlife #photography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #WildlifePhotography #BearsOfMastodon #bears #WildlifeWednesday
A male red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator) ready for the Olympics.
#BirdsOfMastodon #birds #photography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Here's a photo that could be in my Herring Spawn video. 🤔 This juvenile bald eagle was practicing how to catch a small fish in the big sea.
#HerringSpawn #photography #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Happy #TongueOutTuesday to those who celebrate!
#photography #bears #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #BritishColumbia #Canada #WildlifePhotography
I often see river otters on my photo outings. Last week, I saw three of them swimming near the shore (probably an adult and two young ones). Once you know what to look for, it's easy to find where they live. So I went back to that area looking for their hideout and a good position to photograph them without disturbing them. I found a curious hare instead. It appeared and disappeared in the grass everytime I turned around but I managed to take this photo.
#FungiFriday - This is the type of photos where I spend more time in the field than in post-processing to obtain the result that I want. This is how I approach my work: take the time to properly capture the subject (light, settings, perspective, composition...) in order to avoid spending ''hours'' trying to fix mistakes in post-processing.
#photography #nature #NaturePhotography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #VancouverIslandWildlife
What you see here is a gull ''walking'' on the water while pursuing a sea lion that is underwater. We can see the back of the sea lion while it's foraging for herring in the shallow waters. The gull hopes to steal the herring from the sea lion when it emerges. This is a good example of stalking in the natural world.
#HerringSpawn #photography #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Someone asked for buffleheads? Here they are enjoying the bounty of the herring spawn, which explains the colour of the sea.
#BirdsOfMastodon #birds #photography #wildlife #nature #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #bufflehead
#WildlifeWednesday - Bald eagle surveying its domain on Vancouver Island.
#BirdsOfMastodon #birds #photography #WildlifePhotography #nature #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Spot the rough-skinned newt!
#newt #wildlife #photography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Happy #TongueOutTuesday for those who celebrate.
#photography #elks #wildlife #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia
It was fun trying to photograph bald eagles grabing herring from the sea. There were so many bald eagles flying above our head. This one was returning to a tree with its catch.
#HerringSpawn #BaldEagle #photography #nature #NaturePhotography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #BirdsOfMastodon #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Two bald eagles fighting over a herring that one of them just dropped. Photo taken a few days ago during one of my Herring Spawn photo tours on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
#HerringSpawn #BaldEagle #photography #wildlife #nature #BirdsOfMastodon #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #WildlifePhotography
Bald eagle flying away with a herring. Photo taken yesterday on my Herring Spawn photo tour on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
#HerringSpawn #photography #BaldEagle #nature #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Bald eagles and sea lions fighting over herring that have just spawn as you can see from the colour of the sea.
Photo taken during my photo tours in the last few days on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
The herring spawn is still going strong and I have some availability this week for tours:
#HerringSpawn #photography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #WildlifePhotography #PhotoTours #VancouverIslandWildlife #BaldEagles #SeaLions #BirdsOfMastodon
Vancouver Island Photo Tours and Workshops — Catherine Babault ~ Nature and Wildlife Photography
Vancouver Island photo tours and workshops with award-winning nature photographer Catherine Babault. As a local and professional photographer, Catherine knows the best places and times to photograph nature and wildlife on Vancouver Island, British Co…Catherine Babault ~ Nature and Wildlife Photography
A raft of sea lions in the sea that has turned milky turquoise due to the milt of herring spawning.
It was an amazing photo tour today. Very active spawn for miles on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Beautiful weather. Lots of great photo opportunities. It's not too late to sign up for a private tour with me.
#HerringSpawn #photography #nature #wildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #PhotoTour #VancouverIslandWildlife #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography
A Northwestern crow (Corvus caurinus) finds a Pacific herring lying at its feet and can't believe its luck! (From my archives.)
#HerringSpawn #herring #crow #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #wildlife #nature #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #photography
River otter foraging on the shoreline on Vancouver Island.
#HerringSpawn #RiverOtters #photography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia
For #ThickTrunkTuesday I have this close-up of a frozen tree bark. I liked the colour, texture and lines.
#trees #photography #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
The herring spawn has started in some areas on the East coast of Vancouver Island. This photo of sea lions resting in a spawn was taken last year.
Early start for me tomorrow to capture this amazing event. There are still spots available on my photo tours or ask for a private one (details on my website).
#HerringSpawn #wildlife #photography #SeaLion #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #nature
#BloomScrolling - This is a bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa) to cheer you up! Remember that spring is just around the corner in the Northern Hemisphere.
#flowers #FlowerPhotography #photography #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
This red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) had found shelter on the branch of a big Douglas fir during a winter storm in Tofino and had a snack.
#squirrel #wildlife #photography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #Tofino #BritishColumbia #WildlifePhotography
#photography #wildlife #nature #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
A male long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) visiting from the Arctic. They spend the winter here and are fun to watch. They are quite vocal.
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #photography #wildlife #nature #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
River otter I photographed the otter day on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It was leaving its scent on moss and boulders, probably marking its territory for potential mates or rivals.
#wildlife #photography #RiverOtters #nature #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
The herring spawn on Vancouver Island happens around March, it attracts a lot of wildlife. I give photo tours each year. Here's what you could see on my tours:… Limited to 3 persons per tour, sign up early:
#photography #HerringSpawn #nature #wildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #VancouverIslandWildlife
Vancouver Island Photo Tours and Workshops — Catherine Babault ~ Nature and Wildlife Photography
Vancouver Island photo tours and workshops with award-winning nature photographer Catherine Babault. As a local and professional photographer, Catherine knows the best places and times to photograph nature and wildlife on Vancouver Island, British Co…Catherine Babault ~ Nature and Wildlife Photography
Well, well, well! Look who's here!
#bears #BlackBears #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada #wildlife #photography #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife
Sea otter (Enhydra lutris) on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Once extirpated by the fur trade, sea otters were reintroduced on the west coast of Vancouver Island between 1969 and 1972 with the release of 89 sea otters from Alaska. They are listed as a species of special concern. Their main predators are bald eagles, killer whales, sharks and humans.
#SeaOtter #wildlife #photography #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #PNW #VancouverIslandWildlife
The sea lions are here and ready for the herring spawn on the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
#HerringSpawn #SeaLion #photography #wildlife #nature #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia
At the moment on Vancouver Island: people looking for orcas. Orcas looking for sea lions. Sea lions looking for herring. Herring looking to spawn.
Photo from my archives.
#HerringSpawn #orca #KillerWhales #wildlife #photography #VancouverIslandWildlife #WildlifePhotography #nature #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
Another shot of the bald eagle that I photographed earlier this week in the heavy rain. The eagle was near a deer carcass. Other eagles were circling in the sky and that's what it was looking at.
*Edit: the carcass is actually a sea lion, not a deer. I had a closer look today, March 1st.
#photography #wildlife #BaldEagle #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #WildlifePhotography #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
It's easy to tell how much I love bears by the way I photograph them. I took the portrait of this beautiful creature in September. It was eating a crab while sitting in the sea. Pretty chill bear.
#bears #BearsOfMastodon #wildlife #nature #photography #WildlifeWednesday #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #SalishSea #VancouverIslandWildlife
Bald eagle keeping an eye on a black-tailed deer carcass earlier this week. I kept a respectful distance from them because the eagle was feeding and I didn't want it to abandon its meal.
I liked the scenery because of the big fir trees, the dry grass and the log. The rain was heavy at the time. It was a typical west coast moment.
#BaldEagle #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #wildlife #photography #WildlifePhotography #WildlifeWednesday #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia
Sea lions are showing up in big numbers at the moment on the east coast of Vancouver Island. They are here for the herring spawn. Me too! 😁
These two came pretty close to me. I was on my knees at the edge of the water taking photos of ducks when they emerged to check me out.
Steller sea lion on the left and the other one is a California sea lion (identifiable with the ''bump'' on its head).
#SeaLion #HerringSpawn #wildlife #photography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland
River otter patrolling the coast in Baynes Sound last week. The photo is dark because it was at sunrise. There is a lot of river otters on Vancouver Island. I rarely see them in rivers, mostly on the coast.
#RiverOtter #photography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #nature #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #Canada
First time that an eared grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) came that close to me and I am very grateful. Photo taken yesterday on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
#birds #grebe #photography #nature #wildlife #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #Canada #BirdsOMastodon #WildlifeWednesday
#BloomScrolling - Green false-hellebore (Veratrum viride). I like the shape and texture of the delicate buds. One of the beautiful perennial herbs on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
#TimeCleanser #photography #nature #NaturePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia
An American black oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging for juicy crustaceans.
It took me a while to approach one couple of oystercatchers, crawling on my knees, until an older man showed up with his unleashed dog and screwed up everything. This is a sensitive area with lots of migratory and native birds and ducks that need to eat and rest.
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #photography #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #VancouverIslandWildlife #VancouverIsland #BritishColumbia #WildlifeWednesday