Items tagged with: Zone8
From yesterday.
#Columbine foliage is emerging.
#Iris heads are pushing up.
#Spring #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJ #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #PNW #plants #green #gardening #perennials #botanical #foliage #leaves #NewGrowth #Zone8 #PlantLovers #nature
Dapper #daffodils drenched in dewdrops.
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #Wsanec #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #PNW #nature #flowers #botanical #Zone8 #Garden #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJ #blooms #Flowers #gardening #perennials #Yellow #SignsOfSpring
Behold, our beautiful #pink #rhododendron bush in bloom 😍
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #Wsanec #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #PNW #nature #flowers #botanical #Zone8 #Garden #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJ #blooms #Flowers #gardening #perennials
#Yellow 🌼
Mini #daffodils.
Hardy garden #chrysanthemum.
In our South Saanich gardens 😊
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #Wsanec #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #PNW #nature #flowers #botanical #Zone8 #Garden #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJ #blooms #Flowers #gardening #perennials
#Spring is just around the corner 😀
Our #rhododendron has started blooming again.
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #Wsanec #WinterBlooms #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #PNW #nature #flowers #botanical #Zone8 #Garden #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJ #Pink #Flowers
South African #HoneyBush plant. Their #leaves smell like peanut butter when cut/bruised.
Deer & rabbit resistant.
#horticulture #Saanich #Gardeners #GardeningMastodon #Zone8 #YYJ #VancouverIsland #PacificNorthwest #VictoriaBC #VanIsle #Plants #PNW #botanical #Wsanec #perennials #DisabledGardeners #foliage #green #CultivatedPlants #photography
English #primroses bounced back to life, after snow thaw.
It's edible. It tastes very bitter & best mixed with other ingredients. Roots & leaves are good to make into tea - analgesic, anti-spasmodic, diuretic & expectorant properties.
#bloomscrolling #florespondence #Wsanec #WinterBlooms #EdibleFlowers #EdiblePlants #MedicinalPlant #WinterGardening #ColdHardyPlants #Zone8 #YYJ #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #PNW #nature #TeaPlants #flowers #Saanich #SocialBC #herbal
#bloomscrolling in #January.
#Snowdrops & burgundy #hellebore.
#WinterBlooms #flowers #botanical #YYJ #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #PNW #garden #plants #perennials #Zone8
Here is River. They are the #WellandCommunityOrchard coordinator/educator for the 2025 Winter #FruitTrees #pruning #apprenticeship program - funded by local #FoodSecurity #nonprofit organization, #LifecyclesProject. Today was day 1 of the hands on apprenticeship learning program which runs for just over a month.
Here, River is giving a pruning saw demo on a dwarf apple tree.
#VancouverIsland #Educational #OrchardCare #VictoriaBC #YYJ #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #PNW #Zone8 #SocialBC
A fellow fruit trees pruning apprenticeship student, uses pruning saw on a dwarf apple tree. #HandsOnLearning at #WellandCommunityOrchard. The apprenticeship program is funded by #LifecyclesProject #nonprofit #FoodSecurity organization.
#ViewRoyal #YYJ #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #PNW #Zone8 #TreePruning #FruitTrees #OrchardCare #WinterClasses