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Items tagged with: academicmastodon

Sir Terry Pratchett was one of two people who I quoted directly in my dissertation. This line from Feet of Clay was the motto for my introductory chapter:

"This is where we’ve filled ourselves up with so many questions that they’re starting to overflow and become answers."

It resonated with me, because this is what doing research often feels like for me.

#GNUTerryPratchett #AcademicChatter #PhDLife #AcademicMastodon #Bookstodon #Fiction #Discworld #DiscworldQuote #FeetOfClay

#Teachers and #academicmastodon :

Does anyone have a good substitute recommendation for using live google docs in the classroom, something that is privacy-conscious?

I often use a live #Google Doc, and sometimes a spreadsheet, having students work on tasks as a class.

Getting away from Google, Microsoft, etc. is the goal here but also preserving student #privacy. Even better if no login is required at all.

Aside from something like an Etherpad, most of the options seem to lead back to the big companies. Firing up my own #Etherpad instance might be an end goal but I won't get to that until summer...

Any suggestions? Please feel free to boost.

Shout-out to my colleagues from Leiden University, University of Applied Sciences Leiden, and mboRijnland, who are striking today in Leiden and The Hague.

They are protesting the announced budget cuts on higher education, and represent the start of a staggered Higher Education strike that will continue at least for the coming five weeks or so.



#HigherEducation #AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #LeidenUniversity #UniversiteitLeiden #CampusDenHaag #CampusTheHague #MBORijnland #TheHague #Leiden #Sleutelstad #Strike #Staking #WOInactie #HogerOnderwijs #AoB #FNV

On this #InternationalWomensDay, let me highlight two #WomenInSTEM.
First, Amy Cromartie, who leads the following @EuroGeosciences #preprint:
Second, Devika Varma, who recently defended her #PhD #thesis. Her PhD work at @NIOZnieuws aimed to investigate #paleotemperature indicators based on #archaeal hydroxylated #tetraether #lipids (OH-isoGDGTs):
#IWD #IWD25 #IWD2025
#Science #ScienceMastodon #AcademicMastodon
#GDGTs #brGDGTs #isoGDGTs

Coming soon: EASE Editorial School for Journal Editors. Part I begins online Wed 19 March, Part II in the Autumn.

Part I:
19/3: Journal structure & management, Duncan Nicholas
26/3: #PublicationEthics, Joan Marsh
2/4: #PeerReview processes, Serge Horbach
9/4: Journal visibility, promotion, indexing, Are Brean

£80 for EASE members
£160 for non-members
(low-income country discount)


#JournalEditing #ScienceEditing #Training #AcademicJournals #AcademicMastodon

Waking up to more deluge of crazy from the US, not only in #uspolitics but the crazies in #Bigtech. I'm almost ready to quit academia bc I'm so tired of all the #genai hype and bs. I didn't get into academia to endlessly sing the praises of text or clip art image generators. It was bad enough when learning analytics hit (what bs that was). I love human communication and collaboration, bring humans back to education! Why is everyone so under the #AI spell?

#academicmastodon #academicchatter

Okay, I feel like I just unlocked a new level of academia?

I was reading a paper, and came across an interesting claim, so I checked the bibliography for the cited work, so I could read it.

Dear reader, the cited work was my own paper 😅

Guess the good news is that now I'll have one less paper to put on my "to read" list.

#AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #AcademicReading

Last week, I presented the work I did with prof. Kuldeep Meel and prof. Arunabha Sen at IJCAI 2023.

We showed the benefits of reducing a problem to a computationally harder problem (yes, you read that right!), by demonstrating how it allows us to solve much larger problem instances.

It was so much fun to finally share this work with so many fantastic researchers at IJCAI! Thank you to all organisers for making this conference possible. I'm also super grateful to the reviewers who gave us great feedback!

Please find our paper, slides, poster, a short video, and our open source tool, gismo, here: www.annalatour.nl/publication/2023-08-01-Solving-the-Identifying-Code-Set-Problem-with-Grouped-Independent-Support

#IJCAI2023 #IJCAI #AcademicMastodon #FOSS #PostdocLife #ConstraintProgramming #BooleanSatisfiability #Complexity #AcademicChatter #OpenSource #OpenSourceSoftware

📌 Fremde Materialien in #OER einbinden?
Offene #Lehrmaterialien bieten Flexibilität – doch wie gelingt die rechtskonforme Einbindung? Unsere Vorlagen & Werkzeuge helfen mit:
🔹 Anleitungen zur Lizenzierung
🔹 Vorlagen für eigene OER
🔹 Tools zur Integration externer Inhalte
Mehr dazu: 🔗 twillo.de/oer/web/vorlagen-und…

#OERde #CreativeCommons #Urheberrecht #OffeneBildung #CCLde #academia #AcademicMastodon #hochschuldidaktik #FediLZ #FediCampus #OpenEducation #openscience #bildung

#AcademicMastodon What is a good introductory book for qualitative methodologies? With more focus on social sciences (Interviews, thematic analysis, etc.).

Quote of the day:

„Writing is to academia what sex was to nineteenth-century Vienna: everybody does it and nobody talks about it.“ (Wendy Laura Belcher: „Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks")

Do you ever reflect on your feelings about your experience of academic writing? What comes to mind?

#PhDLife #AcademicWriting #AcademicChatter #AcademicMastodon

Hello #Fediverse @academicchatter
I need your help for a privacy-focused local-host (run offline from my computer) transcription software.

I am (luckily?) collecting more interviews than I planned and transcribing manually is becoming a giant task, so it would really be helpful to have an automatic assistance.

Any suggestions?


#academia #research #AcademicMastodon #AcademicFedi #transcription #software #privacy #localhost #interviews #OralHistory #help #tips

📢 #NEWS Der twillo-Thursday wird ergänzt durch das Spotlight: Ein 15-min. jur. Input, fachkundig & praxisnah. Die Community bestimmt das Thema
🔹 So geht’s
✔️ Sterne für das spannendste Thema vergeben
✔️ Das meistgewählte Thema wird am 06.03. behandelt
✔️ Findet im gewohnten Raum statt – Zeit & Zugang bleiben gleich
✔️ Die offene Sprechstunde läuft parallel weiter

📍Abstimmen: bittefeedback.de/?code=5179ef

#OERde #CreativeCommons #academia #AcademicMastodon #AcademiaEdu #FediLZ #FediCampus #openscience

Just had my first academic paper peer-reviewed and accepted with minor revisions.

So excited to finally get my work out there!

Won't be published till the second half of the year, but still stoked! 🤸‍♀️

#phdlife #academicchatter #academicmastodon

Can anyone tell me what the availability/uptime and usability for Codeberg is these days?

I am considering migrating all my open source projects there but have heard there were issues in the past.

#Codeberg #OpenSource #OpenScience #Git #AcademicMastodon

Sensitive content

This is so well stated. So many faculty in the US have concerns right now about our research staff, the staff that manages grands and facilities, and our students: forbes.com/sites/scottwhite/20… #uspol #nih #research #AcademicMastodon

I've been talking to my students a lot this week about things like:

* How do you all talk with each other these days?
* What social media apps are in and out?
* Where do you get your news?

I'm doing this mostly bc I have a few ideas for projects to raise awareness among students about EVERYTHING, but also bc I'm just always interested in this stuff. I probably do this once a semester.

So here's what I've learned:


#HigherEd #Students #AcademicMastodon #Teaching

Hi Mastodon. I work for #OpenAccess to research in all fields and regions. Formerly directed the @Harvard@mastodon.online Office for Scholarly Communication. Now semi-retired but still working for the cause.

Also a professor of #philosophy emeritus and non-practicing #lawyer.

More detail on my home page.

Part of the #TwitterMigration and #AcademicMastodon.

Tooting on professional topics, academic life, and #USPolitics.

Hi everyone,

My name in Anna, and I'm a research fellow in #ArtificialIntelligence. I'm mostly interested in Boolean satisfiability and counting.

I'm a nerd, a feminist and a traveller, not always in that order.

I'm an expat who misses her friends and family, and recently moved in with a dog and a cat.

In my spare time, I like #hiking, #geocaching, #knitting, #reading, #cooking and #baking.

#introduction #introductions #AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #PostDocLife #CatsOfMastodon

Breaking: The Trump administration slashes indirect costs on NIH grants to 15%.

This will "grind our scientific complex to a halt," said a UCSD virologist.

"We’ll be working in the dark," said a UC Berkeley dean—literally: This money goes toward electric bills.

#nih #science #research #academicmastodon #health #medicine

📢 Great news for University of #Groningen staff - you can now add your #Mastodon handle to your official university profile pages!

This makes it easier for colleagues and students to find and connect with you on the #Fediverse.


Next week I'm off to DOKORP, the Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research. This year, everything revolves around the topic of “Planning in times of multiple crises”. Who of you will also be there? You are welcome to drop by in the track on “Mobility and Transport”, where I will give a few insights into my current research.


#UrbanPlanning #Transportation
#Mobility #AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter

Fragen 🧐 zu rechtlichen Aspekten ⚖️ rund um #OER? Unsere Juristin Yulia unterstützt gerne bei individuellen Problemen. Außerdem gibt sie Tipps zum Urheberrecht, Lizenzen und KI. Wann? 📆 Morgen geht's los 🚀✨ und dann jeden ersten Donnerstag während unserer Online-Sprechstunde, dem twillo Thursday: twillo.de/oer/web/twillo-thurs…

#OERde #CCLde #academia #AcademicMastodon #AcademiaEdu #hochschuldidaktik #FediLZ #FediCampus #OpenEducation

Happy Monday everyone!

Here's something to brighten up the start of your week: a paper about solving mathemusical problems with ILP and SAT, from our latest issue:

Computing aperiodic tiling rhythmic canons via SAT models

To make this Monday extra sweet: the authors use MapleSAT!


I can outline and plan my paper all I want but zero progress will be made until I unlock the opening tone and introductory paragraph.

It's like this elaborate floodgate holding everything back - but once unlocked - the rest of the paper slips into place like it's been fully formed and just waiting in my head for the damned lock to be unlocked.

#AmWriting #AcademicMastodon #Psychology #Writing

I've been interested in #AI consent for about a year. For use of #genai content, for feedback, for assessment, for any kind of genai in the loop. And consent from staff to use, as well as students on the receiving end.

"If students are viewing educational content that was produced partly or entirely by AI, do they have a right to know this?.."

#academicchatter #academicmastodon
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Education: A Brief Ethical Reflection on Autonomy

I'm hearing that most normal NSF grants are okay.

But for postdocs directly funded through the NSF, the portal remains frozen.

Rent, credit cards, bills—early-career scientists live paycheck to paycheck, & the federal freeze that arguably never was is still disrupting lives & research.

by @STAT's Eric Boodman:

#nsf #research #academicmastodon #health #science #medicine

Academics giving feedback be like

"What you did really well - and I think you should discuss this with your PI - is highlight all the ways in which you still need to improve your writing and thinking."

#AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #Reviewer2 #Feedback #LifeInAcademia

“There has been confusion on the scope of the pause,” said a memo from acting #NIH director Matthew Memoli viewed by @STAT

The truth about what's allowed: Ongoing clinical trials can continue, and projects that started before January 20 can continue with procurement


#health #medicine #Lifesciences #research #AcademicMastodon