Items tagged with: agroécologie…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Gardenfarm Permaculture - Agroecology Map
Gardenfarm is a working permaculture farm where we offer a variety of privately situated accommodations, retreats, natural therapies, yoga and produce organic free-range eggs, fruit, vegetables, la...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Drylands Permaculture Nursery - Agroecology Map
Dryland Permaculture is the application of Permaculture design in climatic regions of the world where mean annual evaporation exceeds mean annual rainfall Short seasonal and sporadic rainfall ev...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
The Food Farm - Agroecology Map
The Food Farm is a 16 acre organic small farm in the Waipara Valley, North Canterbury New Zealand. Our property has been designed using permaculture principles and we produce most of our own foo...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Northey Street City Farm in Brisbane - Agroecology Map
We consider the vital connection to the elements of nature to be integral to learning and offer practical skills that can be utilised every day in your own garden space or working environment. Bein...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Green Connect Farm - Agroecology Map
The Green Connect farm is an 11-acre urban farm that uses permaculture and organic principles to produce fruit, vegetables, herbs, eggs, honey and free-range meat. On the farm we grow sustainable ...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Silver Springs Hops & Permaculture Farm - Agroecology Map
Hops growing and permaculture solutions. We offer a range of wholesale and retail products. Specific to the challanges of Australians gardens and farms. Est 2015, Established 2015 we decided to ...Agroecology Map
+infos & inscritption:
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MAP-EPI asbl
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne
Ecole Paysanne Indépendante
Contact: info @
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne -
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne - www.LeMAP.beLe Mouvement d’Action Paysanne (MAP) est une organisation paysanne indépendante. Sa mission principale est l’éducation. Le MAP propose des formations à des méthodes non industrielles et respectueuses de l’environnement.
+infos & inscritption:
✍️ formations @
MAP-EPI asbl
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne
Ecole Paysanne Indépendante
Contact: info @
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne -
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne - www.LeMAP.beLe Mouvement d’Action Paysanne (MAP) est une organisation paysanne indépendante. Sa mission principale est l’éducation. Le MAP propose des formations à des méthodes non industrielles et respectueuses de l’environnement.
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne -
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne - www.LeMAP.beLe Mouvement d’Action Paysanne (MAP) est une organisation paysanne indépendante. Sa mission principale est l’éducation. Le MAP propose des formations à des méthodes non industrielles et respectueuses de l’environnement.
Nicolas Legendre était l'invité de Mathieu Vidard, dans La Terre au carré, sur France Inter.
L'auteur de Silence dans les champs, membre de « Splann ! », est revenu sur « l'ouragan » qu'a provoqué la sortie de son enquête sur le productivisme agricole breton.…
#splann #bretagne #agriculture #agroindustrie #agrobusiness #agroalimentaire #enquete #journalisme #investigation #paysan #rennes #franceinter #ferme #environnement #agroecologie #ecologie #travail #lobby
Nicolas Legendre : "La Bretagne n'est pas un cas à part, mais un cas d'école"
"Opposer les mots au silence". C'est avec cette conviction que Nicolas Legendre, fils de paysans, a enquêté sept ans sur la violence et l'omerta du système agro-industriel en Bretagne.Mathieu Vidard (France Inter)
🌾 Formations dans notre réseau de fermes-écoles paysannes agroécologiques
+infos & inscritption:
MAP-EPI asbl
Mouvement d’Action Paysanne
Ecole Paysanne Indépendante
Membre de
#ViaCampesinaBelgium #Agroecology #PeasantAgroecology #AgroecologySchool #ViaCampesina #LaViaCampesina #Belgium #Europe
08 March – International Day of Working Women’s Struggle
On the occasion of the International Day of Working Women’s Struggle, La Vía Campesina calls for a global mobilization to face the advance of fascism, violence and the food crisis....\nLa Via Campesina
📆 Deadline: Monday, March 31st At 23:59 (CET) 🌱…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #foodsystems #europe
CO-CREATION CALL • Agroecology Europe
Co-creation calL DEADLINE: MONDAY, MARCH 31ST AT 23:59 (CET) Proposals to the co-created programme of Agroecology Europe Forum 2025 are enthusiastically welcomed from members of Agroecology Europe, partner organisations and anyone interested in shari…Agroecology Europe…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
The Food Forest - Agroecology Map
The Food Forest is a 15 hectare property in Gawler where we grow over 160 varieties of fruit, nuts, grains, vegetables and timber. If you haven't already tasted any of our goodies, come along and s...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Limestone Permaculture - Agroecology Map
"At Limestone Permaculture we strive to educate for a regenerative & sustainable future by exampling what is possible right now with Permaculture Principles.! We feel there has been an ‘awakenin...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
High Valley Dawn Permaculture Farm Yeppoon - Agroecology Map
The High Valley Dawn journey began when a passion for wellness and sustainable development collided with a desire to serve fresh, local, organically grown produce in our nearby restaurant, Beaches ...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Kendall Permaculture Farm - Agroecology Map
The Kendall Permaculture Farm is located in the Noosa Hinterland town of Kin Kin in Queensland, Australia. It has been a Permaculture Demonstration and Education site since 2012, and over 350 pe...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #australia
Purple Pear Farm - Agroecology Map
A small scale Biodynamic Permaculture farm – using sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices. Run by Mark Brown and Kate Beveridge, Purple Pear Farm, Education Centre and Biodynamic far...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #malaysia
Urban Hijau - Agroecology Map
Urban Hijau is more than just a park or garden. We are a living and breathing example of organic sustainable farming, right in the middle of the city. As a planned sustainable social enterprise,...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #nepal
Himalayan Permaculture Centre - Agroecology Map
The Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC) is a grass roots non-government organisation (NGO) set up by trained and motivated farmers from Surkhet district (Mid-Western Nepal) in 2010 to implement reg...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #philippines
Likhalikasan Permaculture Farm - Agroecology Map
Likhalikasan Permaculture Farm Is The Lovechild Of Nature Lovers Marix And Jordan. The Name “likhalikasan” Comes From Two Words Merged Into One. The First Word Is “likha” Which Means “to Create” An...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #cyprus
Petrera Permaculture Land - Agroecology Map
The goal of Petrera is to become an educational demonstration centre where permaculture principles and ethics are applied for the land’s design and constant amelioration. It’s the place where we ha...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #india
The Odd Gumnut Farm - Agroecology Map
We are The Odd Gumnut, a collective of permaculturists on a mission to build a resilient and regenerative future. In a world dominated by overconsumption and disconnection from nature, we challenge...Agroecology Map
Kuatro Maria's Agroecology Farm - Agroecology Map
Kuatro Marias' Agroecology Farm, located in San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, is a pioneering model of sustainable agriculture in the Philippines. Established in 1998, the farm operates on t...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #nepal
HASERA Permaculture Learning Center - Agroecology Map
HASERA is a certified organic farm and Permaculture Learning Center dedicated to the promotion of Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Practices and Permaculture. We conduct courses on Permaculture...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #indonesia
Saifana Organic Farm - Agroecology Map
Saifana used to be an abandoned cashew tree orchard and most of the land comprises of rocks and very little top soil. Each year, a long drought arrives at the end of April, and stays all the way th...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #thailand
Sahainan Permaculture Organic Farm - Agroecology Map
Nestled in the mountains of northern Thailand, Sahainan Organic Permaculture Farm is a thriving 5.5-acre (14-rai) food forest and center for regenerative education. Since its founding in late 2014,...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #taiwan
Ba Sian Sustainable Farm - Agroecology Map
Ba Sian Sustainable Farm (八仙六代園) stands as a unique example of agroecology in the heart of Taipei, blending sustainable agriculture with urban resilience. As young farmers cultivating within a metr...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #indonesia
Kebun Hanif Regenerative Culture - Agroecology Map
Kebun Hanif Regenerative Culture is an integral part of Daarul Hanif and the Basyariah Foundation, serving as a living space where the ethics and principles of permaculture guide a holistic approac...Agroecology Map
Face aux défis de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale, du changement climatique, de la restauration de la biodiversité, de l’épuisement des ressources, l’agroécologie offre un cadre de réflexion et d’innovation prometteur.INRAE Institutionnel…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #philippines
Kuatro Maria's Agroecology Farm - Agroecology Map
Kuatro Marias' Agroecology Farm, located in San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro, is a pioneering model of sustainable agriculture in the Philippines. Established in 1998, the farm operates on t...Agroecology Map
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#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #agrarökologie #permaculture #permacultura #permakultur #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #agroforstwirtschaft #sustainability #sustentabilidade #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #japan
Kasamatsu Farms - Agroecology Map
Kasamatsu Farms, founded by Byron and Kaori Nagy in 2012, is a family-run organic farm in the mountains outside Tokyo that integrates regenerative agriculture and permaculture principles into its o...Agroecology Map
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#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #regenerative #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #ecologie #citizenscience #palestine
Marda Permaculture Farm - Agroecology Map
Initiated in 2006 by permaculturist Murad Alkhufash, the Marda Permaculture Farm is a working farm and demonstration site for permaculture principles, techniques and strategies. Based in the commun...Agroecology Map
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #africa #tanzania
Moyo Farm - Agroecology Map
We are a small off grid family farm practicing the principles of permaculture and working toward self sufficiency (garden is in beginning stages). We use solar power and our own well for water. We’...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #africa #madagascar
La Ferme Permacole - Agroecology Map
La Ferme Permacole, located in Ambohimanambola near Antananarivo, Madagascar, is a vibrant example of how sustainable agriculture can transform local communities. This initiative is dedicated to pr...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #africa #morocco
Akal Ferme en Permaculture - Agroecology Map
Au fil du temps, sur les 4 hectares d’une terre fertile et vierge de toute pollution, Akal a développé une agriculture biologique, réfléchie, respectueuse de l’écosystème, fidèle aux saisons...Agroecology Map…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #africa #senegal
Taaru Askan Farm - Agroecology Map
Located in Mbodiene, Senegal, Taaru Askan Farm cultivates organic fruits and vegetables while offering training rooted in permaculture and agroecology principles. What began as a modest dream in 20...Agroecology Map