Items tagged with: archaeologists
"The first surviving #CivilWar #woodenstakedefences to be found in the #UK have been discovered by #archaeologists in the #moat of #Sheffield's former #castle.
The stakes were stuck into the ground to form a barrier around the #Royalist-controlled castle, which fell to #Parliamentarian August
BBC News - Sheffield's first surviving Civil War stake defences revealed - BBC News…
Sheffield's first surviving Civil War stake defences revealed
The wooden stakes were discovered by archaeologists in the moat of Sheffield's former castle.Tom MacDougall (BBC News)
the stuff we leave behind!
#Archaeologists are finding mysterious ancient objects on Norway's melting #glaciers. Take a look.
#Chipewyan Prairie #FirstNations school teaches community members about hands-on #archaeology field work. Digs like this can be the starting point for academic careers. “I wish more #Indigenous people would go to university and then become #archaeologists”
Researchers Studied a 11,000-Year-Old Rock Art Motif—and Uncovered a Fascinating Story
The 12-mile-long piece of art depicted humans transforming into animals.Tim Newcomb (Popular Mechanics)
#Archeology #sflorg…
Archaeologists find ‘lost’ site depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry
The location of Harold’s residence at Bosham has never been proven, although it has been suggested that a manor house in the
Archaeologists Are Finding Dugout Canoes in the American Midwest as Old as the Great Pyramids of Egypt
In the waterways connected to the Great Lakes, researchers uncover boats that tell the story of millennia of Indigenous historyJacqueline Kehoe (Smithsonian Magazine)
#Archaeologists Uncover Ancient #Ancestor Cult Through #Skull Analysis : Medium
The role of #ClimateChange in the #Catastrophic #2025 #LosAngeles fires : Yale
#India Could Be #Apple and #Samsung’s #Solution to the #Future of #Phones : WIRED
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