Items tagged with: bim
#Bim (although not in #Kuroko fully but still uses Kuroko to an extent) and Kuroko itself work in #Musl on a bare kernel! I'm only using #BusyBox and util-linux (which are the only non-Kuroko tools)! Everything including the #Linux kernel is compiled to Musl.
I'm calling this Lunaris. Yes I reuse names from failed projects of mine a lot. This is very volatile. One wrong move and I need to remake the rootfs or the disk image or packages... I hate it.
#Kuroko and #Bim both on my #GentooLinux system
Am I just switching to #ToaruOS tools entirely now?
What next? #Yutani on Linux??? (Actually, that's not a bad idea...)
#Linux #Gentoo #Tech #Technology
Each year on the Friday before the FOSDEM event, FreeCAD has held one of it’s “FreeCAD Days” where, after working for a few days directly on FreeCAD in a hackathon style, the day is set up as an Un-conference meaning any presentation or activity can be attached to the agenda. It’s a lovely format that allows for really interesting things to happen.
#freecad #opensource #cad #cam #bim…
FreeCAD Day 2025
Each year on the Friday before the FOSDEM event, FreeCAD has held one of it’s “FreeCAD Days” where, after working for a few days directly on FreeCAD in a hackathon style, the day is set up as an Un…FreeCAD News
Edouard Philippe sur Macron et son héritage politique: "Je pensais en 2017 qu’avec son élection s’ouvrait une fenêtre qui permettait d’engager les réformes nécessaires au pays. Une fenêtre ça s’ouvre puis ça se referme", lâche l'ex-Premier ministre dans Le Parisien. "Je ne travaille pas pour ou contre Emmanuel Macron", jure Philippe au cours de cet entretien. On dirait le contraire, pourtant...
#Politique #Macron #EdouardPhilippe #Presidentielle #Compol #Presse #Medias #Election #Bim