Items tagged with: byzantine
1,500-year-old female ascetic buried in chains discovered near Jerusalem
Recently, excavations at the Khirbat el-Masani monastery, northwest of Jerusalem, revealed the remains of an individual wrapped in heavy metal chains. Generally, this was a theme associated with male ascetics, but scientific analyses revealed a surprising truth: the remains belonged to a woman...
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1,500-year-old female ascetic buried in chains discovered near Jerusalem
Excavations at Khirbat el-Masani near Jerusalem uncovered a chained individual, later identified as a woman.Dario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
Moscou. Clocher d'Ivan Veliky au Kremlin ca. 1890-1906 Bells,Streets,Orthodox churches,Russia (Federation) Moscow
#Moscou #ClocherdIvan #Kremlin #Streets #Orthodox #Russia #Moscow #RussianOrthodox #SaintBasils #Byzantine #Russian #NicholasIIs #photography #historicalPhotos
Russian church, Warsaw, Russia (i.e. Warsaw, Poland) between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of architecture and other sites primarily in Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine
#Russian #Warsaw #Russia #Poland #Ukraine #EasternOrthodox #Byzantine #EasternEurope #WorldWar #photography #historicalPhotos
Section of opus sectile floor from the basilica of Hagia Sophia in Iznik, ancient Nicaea, in Türkiye. The church was built under the #Byzantine emperor Justinian in the 6th c. and was the site of the seventh ecumenical council. 📷🇹🇷
Opus Sectile Floor (Iznik, Tur...
Opus Sectile Floor (Iznik, Turkey)
The basilica of Hagia Sophia in Iznik (Nicaea) was built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian in the sixth century. The church was the site of the seventh ecumenical council.Flickr
Section of opus sectile floor from the basilica of Hagia Sophia in Iznik, ancient Nicaea, in Türkiye. The church was built under the #Byzantine emperor Justinian in the 6th c. and was the site of the seventh ecumenical council.
@photography @visualarts @humanities
Opus Sectile Floor (Iznik, Turkey)
The basilica of Hagia Sophia in Iznik (Nicaea) was built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian in the sixth century. The church was the site of the seventh ecumenical council.Flickr
Palais de Justice and Pantelimon Church, Odessa, Russia, (i.e., Ukraine) between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of architecture and other sites primarily in Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine
#PalaisdeJustice #PantelimonChurch #Odessa #Russia #Ukraine #Poland #Byzantine #photography #historicalPhotos
Towards the Blagowjaschts-Chenski, (i.e., Blagoveshchenskii), Monastery, Nigni-Novgorod, (i.e., Nizhniĭ Novgorod), Russia between ca. 1890 and ca. 1900. Views of architecture and other sites primarily in Poland, Russia, and the Ukraine
#Blagoveshchenskii #Monastery #Nigni-Novgorod #NizhniĭNovgorod #Russia #Poland #Ukraine #NizhniyNovgorod #Russian #Byzantine #StavropolCathedral #photography #historicalPhotos
#Ostrich in the #Byzantine Diakonikon-Baptistery Mosaic, Mount Nebo, Jordan, 530 CE.
Look how it has the right # of toes - it's the only bird in the world with two toes on each foot!
🆔There was an ostrich subspecies native to the Levant & Arabian Peninsula that persisted into mid-20th c.: Struthio camelus syriacus.…
On this day in 1653, the city of New Amsterdam was incorporated. Thanks to the band "They Might Be Giants", I instantly know that New Amsterdam is now called, New York.
Here is their song "Istanbul (not Constantinople)":…
And here is my Byzantine Follis I managed to squeeze in a reference to that song:…
#SaturdayNightCoinShow #Numismatics #CoinCollecting #AncientCoins #Rome #Roman #Byzantine #History #Histodons @numismatics @histodons
#news #history #archeology #science #research #saxon #byzantine #roman #medieval
The basilica of Hagia Sophia in the city of Iznik (Nicaea) was the location of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787. It was built under Justinian in the 6th c. Shortly after I visited in 2011 it was converted into a mosque. 📷🇹🇷☦️ (click for full view)#photography#Byzantine#Turkiye
Apse & synthronon (Iznik, Turk...
Apse & synthronon (Iznik, Turkey)
The city of Iznik was founded as Nicaea in the Hellenistic period. It held importance as a principal city in the Roman province of Bithynia and was the site of two ecumenical councils, the first in 325, the second in 787.Flickr
Sutton Hoo burials may belong to Anglo-Saxons who fought for the Byzantine Empire, new research reveals
A recent study conducted by Dr. Helen Gittos, a professor specializing in medieval history at the University of Oxford, challenges perceptions regarding Sutton Hoo, which is recognized as one of England’s most significant archaeological locations...
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Sutton Hoo burials may belong to Anglo-Saxons who fought for the Byzantine Empire, new research reveals
A recent study challenges long-held views of Sutton Hoo, suggesting the site may hold Anglo-Saxon warriors who served in the Byzantine EmpireDario Radley (Archaeology News Online Magazine)
Something warm and bright from the travel archive on this cold and dreary Saturday afternoon.
This is Panagia Paraportiani, a Byzantine church (technically five churches), in Mykonos town.
#Photography #Travel #Mykonos #Church #Byzantine #Greece #TravelPhotography #Architecture
Byzantine Monastery with Stunning Mosaic Discovered in Israel -
An archaeological excavation near Kiryat Gat, a city southwest of Jerusalem, has uncovered a Byzantine monastery with a mosaic floor featuring a Greek inscription, as well as a sophisticated winepress and other ancient
#QuizOfTheDay: The #Byzantine and #Ottoman empires were two of the large empires that existed in the Mediterranean region.
Which city served as the capital of both the Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire?
A. Rome
B. Istanbul
C. Athens
D. Ankara
A bronze tabula ansata found in the atrium of the Christian basilica at Dion, #Greece. The votive inscription reads "On behalf of the memory of Thekla", possibly the famous saint. 7th or 8th century.
📷 🇬🇷
@humanities @photography @visualarts
Votive in memory of Thekla (Dion, Greece)
A bronze tabula ansata and chain were found in the atrium of the Christian basilica at Dion. The tabula ansata is a rectangular tablet with handles that appears on votive offerings and grave inscriptions from the imperial period through Christian Lat…Flickr
A bronze tabula ansata found in the atrium of the Christian basilica at Dion, #Greece. The votive inscription reads "On behalf of the memory of Thekla", possibly the famous saint. 7th or 8th century. 📷 🇬🇷
Votive in memory of Thekla (Di...
Votive in memory of Thekla (Dion, Greece)
A bronze tabula ansata and chain were found in the atrium of the Christian basilica at Dion. The tabula ansata is a rectangular tablet with handles that appears on votive offerings and grave inscriptions from the imperial period through Christian Lat…Flickr
#CAPPELLAPALATINA #PalatineChapel #Palermo #Italy #Byzantine #Sicilia #photography #FerroCandilera…
FFC044951 Palermo- CAPPELLA PALATINA (fondo Ferro Candilera)
Detail of the sarcophagus of the Exarch Isaac (ca. 625-43) in the church of San Vitale, #Ravenna. The reused 5th c. sarcophagus has a scene with the Magi on the front. The inscription on the lid is in Latin and Greek.
Detail of the sarcophagus of the Exarch Isaac (ca. 625-43) in the church of San Vitale, #Ravenna. The reused 5th c. sarcophagus has a scene with the Magi on the front. The inscription on the lid is in Latin and Greek. 📷🇮🇹 #Byzantine#Italy
Greek inscription from the sar...
Greek inscription from the sarcophagus of the Exarch Isaac (Ravenna, Italy)
In the church of San Vitale in Ravenna, a fifth-century sarcophagus with a scene of the Magi bearing gifts to the child Jesus seated on the Virgin's lap, displays a 7th century inscription on the lid in both Latin and Greek.Flickr
Nuraghe and Church of Santa Sabina in Silanus, Italy
A lone nuraghe and a little old church with mysterious origins.#history&culture #byzantine #stone #mystery #church #section-Atlas