Items tagged with: headless
Bon... Décision est prise de fuir #Spotify.
Reste à choisir une alternative :
- #Deezer : français sur le papier mais l'actionnaire majoritaire est une holding US ; j'y ai déjà un compte gratuit et pris en charge (depuis peu) par #HEOS, un client #linux et un #headless communautaires sont maintenus. Il n'est jamais cité ici, sans avoir trouvé de grosse controverse.
#Tidal : réputé plus éthique (détenu partiellement par des artistes) mais là aussi holding UK-US. Pris en charge par HEOS.
It is the (relatively) simple things that I often find most frustrating about technology.
I want to migrate my GoToSocial (Docker Compose with Docker Volumes) instance to a new server, but when I do so it’s like the app no longer connects to the database. 😖
Anyone have some simple answers for what I’m doing wrong?
#GoToSocial #SQLite #Docker #RaspberryPi #SSH #Debian #Headless #FediAdmin
Commercetools voert ingrijpende reorganisatie door na tegenvallende r
Het Duitse bedrijf Commercetools, bekend als pionier in 'headless commerce', heeft aangekondigd tientallen medewerkers te ontslaan na het niet behalen van hunTrending Tech News
Enquanto não compro outro pc estou em um fallback para trabalhar, mas notei que só minha gpu que foi pro saco, o pc continua funcional e usável em headless state, vou usar o que sobrou para fazer umas experiências. Ele estava rodando debian com gnome nele, vou precisar substituir para algo mais adequado, já usei arch, nunca usei gentoo, o que vai ser?
#pool #repurpose #headless #linux
- Arch (100%, 1 vote)
- Gentoo (0%, 0 votes)
- Outro (Qual?) (0%, 0 votes)
#almalinux #certbot #cms #cmsapps #directus #headless #installguide #letsencrypt #nodejs #npm #postgresql #selfhosting #selfhosted #vps #vpsguide #Cloud #Guides #VPS…
How To Install Directus On AlmaLinux VPS - VPS Hosting Blog | Dedicated Servers | Reseller Hosting
Here's a step-by-step guide detailing how to install Directus on AlmaLinux VPS.Editorial Staff (RadWeb, LLC)
Just released version 2.14.0 of Typemill with an API feature that is finally described in the brand new documentation. There is also a preview of the upcoming AI integration with Kixote. Exiting times for Typemill, read all here:…
#documentation #api #headless #ai #contentmanagement
Support Typemill with a Simple Click
With the new version 2.14.0 of Typemill, we are moving fast forward again. But before we dive into the details, please support Typemill and make a final voteTypemill
#portrait #argentique #tatto #zebra #portrait #analogphotography #analogportrait #rawportrait #raw #wysiwyg #model #dance #contemporarydance #blackandwhitefilmphotography #blackandwhitephotography #naturallight #naturalnolight #nolandscape #argentique #argentiquephoto #nohead #headless #filmisnotdead
Google's javascript-eis transformeert de webscraping-industrie
Google heeft een nieuwe vereiste geïntroduceerd waarbij alle zoekopdrachten met JavaScript moeten worden weergegeven. Deze verandering heeft verstrekkende gevTrending Tech News
Debian ohne Bildschirm & Tastatur headless installieren
In meinem Video erkläre ich dir, wie du ein Debian-Image für die Headless Installation remastern kannst und wie du dich dann mit dem SSH-Server des Debian-Installers verbindest.
Wenn ihr also ebenfalls Debian ohne direkten Zugriff installieren möchtet, schaut euch mein Video an und lasst euch inspirieren.
#kansascity #missouri #unitedstates - Kaw River (aka Kansas River): On a rainy night there is a headless woman that walks the river bank. It is said she was in a covere. . . Read:…
#decapitated #ghost #haunt #headless #night #rainy #river #wagon #walks #woman
Kaw River (aka Kansas River) - Haunted Lineage
Kaw River (aka Kansas River) On a rainy night there is a headless woman that walks the river bank. It is said she was in a covered wagon that turned over and rolled down the hill andHaunted Lineage