Items tagged with: homesteading
I knocked myself out and gave myself a concussion by hitting my head on a low beam in the barn while trying to flash my wife on the Ring camera 🤦♀️
The chicks were 1 week old yesterday and I moved them up to a bit bigger brooder with plenty of perch space.
Still a bit early to be certain they're all female but so far it's looking good the way the wing feathers are coming in, lots of tan and no black yet.
Not opposed to having a roo, but if more than one develops that way I might have to rehome any extras if territorial fighting starts.
The future of food is urban greenhouses and small family farms that use ages old conservation & regenerative soil practices. It's not factory farms of any kind. And anyone with a yard can do some gardening. Anyone with a sunny window or porch/balcony can grow herbs & spices and many greens. We need to be proactive about food security, starting at home. A neighborhood swap is a micro farmer's market, too.
The book:…
#Gardening #FoodSecurity #Food #UrbanAg #Homesteading
3-8-25 Compact Farms
Welcome to the Mother Earth News Store, the ultimate source for books and products for homesteading, gardening, cooking, preserving, raising livestock, natural health and more. Shop now and get on the path to wiser living.Mother Earth News
Henry’s guide to getting #cuddles in 3 easy steps: 1. Lower head and make solicitous face at a likely-looking human. 2. Walk slowly into the edge of human’s personal space bubble so as not to frighten them off. 3. Position head in convenient location to receive #ChinSkritchies.
If human is chosen well, human will then provide many chin skritchies and tolerate being affectionately shoved into a hay pile.
This has been Episode One of my new docuseries, “Ways that #Horses are Basically Giant Grass-Eating #Cats.”
#HorsesOfMastodon #PoniesOfMastodon #FarmLife #homesteading #PetAPony #SoYouWantAPony? #MoarPets #BestPets
MAGAgriculture Secretary says raise your own chickens
#MAGA #NationalZero #Agriculture #Homesteading #RaisingYourOwnChickens
Possibly one of Kris Harbour's most entertaining videos ever.…
#OffGrid #Construction #Homesteading CN: Youtuber
Bad news: we have to leave the spot we have been living in for a while, soon soon.
Good news: we have been offered help with transport to state that we more had in mind.
In the meanwhile, we need the funds to get ready!
We need to keep covering our car and insurance payments, we need to arrange a spot to move to. We need to increase our monthly pledged support to make our new labstead/homestead happen, a place the Vulpibus and Leaf can call home.
More options for supporting us are a DM away!
Can You Really Save Money on Eggs by Raising Your Own Chickens?
#Homesteading #BackyardFarming #UrbanAgriculture #RaisingChickens #DIYEggs…
Can You Really Save Money on Eggs by Raising Your Own Chickens?
Allow me to introduce you to "chicken math."Amanda Blum (Lifehacker)
Last year the wind here really complicated our mapling efforts. We don't have a proper sugar shack, and it's tough to build anything new here as most of the flat land is taken. So I knocked this travesty of a sugar shanty together for $4 of pallets and an hour of work.
It'll either help a lot or burn down immediately. Tomorrow's supposed to be in the 40s, so we'll find out soon!
Prepping for this season by making seed tape 🥕
While somewhat finicky, it ensures good plant spacing and cuts down on the low to the ground work that can strain your back.
The seeds are attached to the paper with a homemade starch glue (1:1 flour and water)
#seedtape #seeds #homesteading #gardening
Building soil and community all year round!
The mainstream wants us divided, it would seem. I want us connected.
Im grateful for my neighbors, including folks with different values.
Enough of us find ways to support each other, sometimes small things, sometimes big gestures to make this community special.
I'm learning, expanding and loving as I go.
For now... yay more leaves! This batch mulched part of a swale (shown in the video)
#permaculture #homesteading #community
🌨🫘🌱 Cold stratifying seeds is a useful skill for #gardening, #homesteading & #permaculture folks, whether you are starting a food forest or just want to grow some less common perennials!
✨️ Here's our free article on cold stratifying seeds:…
I share everything I know and no signup necessary. 💚🙏🏼🤗 Consider it a gift. I'd love your feedback after you check it out!
#permaculturegarden #seeds #permacultureskills #perennialfood #foodforest #flowerforest #permaculturenursery
How to Cold Stratify Seeds – Homestead Culture
Do you want to grow some perennial seeds that require cold stratification? Many perennials that are adapted to temperate climates with cold winters requireHomestead Culture
This post convinced me finally to ask gardeners of the fediverse: how much space do individual plants ACTUALLY need?
My garden beds never look like this when I follow the plant spacing guidelines.…
@gardening #gardening #vegetablegarden #growyourown #homesteading
Does anyone have recommendations on BOOKS about #homesteading/#farming #homerepair that I can buy or download?
Online sources are great but I want to have offline copies in a binder on hand.
@3goodthings #3goodthings #threegoodthings
1. Started the first indoor seeds of the year: 2 kinds of lettuce🥬, peppers🫑, and the roots of a store-bought onion🧅.
2. Had a great Relics class
3. Put an unused lawn table up for sale, the proceeds to go to the purchase of a greenhouse 😎
To those who are into the #homesteading lifestyle, #selfsufficiency #gardening #DIY etc but want to avoid the sometimes right wing culture and ideas that come attached with this topic, might want to check out the "Poor Proles Almanac" podcast. it is based in the u.s.a so some things might not apply to other places, but it is still an amazing resource of knowledge and interesting topics that is very inspiring and timely. check it out…
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
Whether you live in a city or rural area,
🥫 Food Prices will Increase due to Tariffs, or the threat of such, so learning how to preserve food safely is important.
**If you are a city dweller, you can save money buying by the case and preserving produce. Living in an apartment? Yes you can, can!
👉 Here's an excellent website from a source that I know from years of experience provides instructions about how to safely can meat, veggies, fruit and more...With recipes!
I started really seriously reading up on this in 2020, and your best bet is to grow potatoes, dry beans, and winter squash as your main foods. Growing and processing grain is insanely hard without diesel power and grain is picky and vulnerable. Potatoes are a lot hardier in most climates, and they produce just absurd amounts of food per square foot.
Dairy goats are good for dairy folks - cows produce *a gallon a day* when they’re fresh. Goats are more manageable. Rabbits and chickens for protein.
Reconnecting people with food through large-scale gardening can transform the world. Grow fresher, healthier, pesticide-free food with unique varieties. Access seeds, guides, and One Community’s open-source strategy to feed 100+ people in a year.…
#SustainableLiving #GrowYourOwn #FoodFreedom #Permaculture #RegenerativeAgriculture #SelfSufficiency #Homesteading #OrganicGardening #SeedSaving #FoodSecurity #EcoLiving #CommunityGardening #ResilientCommunities #FarmToTable
DIY Plaster: Eco-plaster and Traditional Waterproofing Open Source Hub
Green Building: An open source plaster and waterproofing resource discussing traditional and natural methods of plastering and eco-plastering a natural home.One Community (One Community Global Nonprofit)
Who are your favorite #PeerTube #Pixelfed and #Loops creators currently?
I'm trying to expand my feeds and would love to find content related to #art (real world art, abstract, performance, etc), web #design, retro computing, #gardening, and #homesteading.
I hope I didn't scare you with all my hashtags.
And here's the little monster / expectant mother now. Pinkey is still the smallest if not the sweetest. That honor goes to her love bug of a twin sister.
Throwback to when Pinkey Princess earned her name. For weeks she would only sleep on Mom's back, like the Princess and the Pea. Last season's lambs were all color names since Dad was Littlest Red.
The last thing you see before drowning in a cuddly lanolin sea. The ewes have decided that 20F isn't so bad, so they can come out of the barn to yell for dinner.
Hey there! I'm Lily, a proud trans lesbian from Conifer CO, a mom of a 13 year old, and a perpetual instance migrator.
I'm a neurodivergent woman in tech working as a Senior SRE at Writer.
I love to be outdoors, tend to the farm, play in my wood shop, hang out with my kiddo, play guitar, snowboard, play videogames, and see whatever kind of trouble my wife @deb and I can get into on the weekends.
#introduction #transbian #trans #lesbian #colorado #mom #neurodivergent #womenintech #devops #sre #k8s #kubernetes #snowboard #wlw #farm #homesteading #ducks #chickens
Hey since I only started using #mastodon again only lately, I'm resending my #introductions note in the hope for other people with similar interests as myself to connect with.
Some of the things i do and like to do are:
#stayathomedad #fatherofone #bassguitar #punkrock #chess #vinylcollection #ecology #ruralpunx #miniaturepainting #warhammer #DIY #camping #boardgames #witchcraft #homesteading #gardening #agnostic #anarchy
thanks and have a nice day everybody 😀
Really thought provoking:
Homesteading with a Planet on Fire: The role of hobby farming in a greater agricultural context.
I am excited to announce that is officially open for signups! If you're passionate about sustainable living, getting back to the land, or exploring self-sufficiency, this is the place for you. 👩🌾 🚜
Whether you’re an experienced hand at homesteading or just starting out, our community is here to support you with tips, advice, and camaraderie. We’ve got spaces for every kind of homesteader—permaculture enthusiasts, animal keepers, off-grid dreamers, DIY lovers, and everyone in between.
So come on in, find your new homestead family, and let's grow together. From gardening and DIY projects to the joys of farm life and everything in between, we can’t wait to see what you bring to the community!
#HomesteadSocial #Homestead #Homesteading #OffGrid #Permaculture #Gardening #Sustainability #SolarPunk is an inclusive community open to anyone interested in homestead living. Welcome home! Please consider supporting our instance costs! 💜 hosted on
Hello Fediverse!
This is 'Life on the Homestead', an account dedicated to featuring content related to homesteading, farming, gardening, off-grid living, and more ran by the team (honestly it's really just @lily for now but hey)
Give us a follow!
#Introduction #Homestead #Homesteading #Farm #Farming #Garden #Gardening #Cows #Chickens #Ducks #Goats #Bees #ClimateAction #OffGrid #HomesteadSocial #HomesteadDotSocial
Pastoral Song by James Rebanks is one of the best books I've read this year. It is beautiful and honest and is a perspective I have longed to hear on how and why farmers went from farming small, in small rural communities, to operating at commercial/industrial scale, and back to small again.
A must-read for any farmer or homesteader, and anyone who cares one ounce about the realities of feeding this world.
The Miyawaki Method: Imagining a Mini-Forest’s Potential
Want to witness the magic of the mini-forest? When you practice The Miyawaki Method, you'll see an empty lot or backyard transform into a biodiverse forest.Gretchen Kruesi (Chelsea Green Publishing)