Items tagged with: hootintootintuesday
Bonus #DadJoke
Q: What did the dishwasher say to the dirty dish?
A: You've obviously got a lot on your plate.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Dishes #Dishwashing #Housecleaning #DadJokes #YardSprinklers #GardenHose
Did you hear about the allergic vampire? He couldn't stop coffin.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Pollen #StarWars #DeathStar #Springtime #Spring #Allergies #SeasonalAllergies #Hayfever #DadJoke #DadJokes
If it's not winter, it's road construction season.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Spring #Potholes #Potholestodon #RoadSafety #Roads #RoadConstruction
I wonder if someone was jealous that he was named "Enchanter of the Year"? 🤔
Or maybe the Killer Rabbit has put out a hit on him...
#HootinTootinTuesday #MontyPython #MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail #JohnCleese #TimTheEnchanter #KillerRabbit
Why? What did Tim do?
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Signage #SignFails #Signs #SignSpotting #Trails #TrailSign #NatureTrails #Parks #Hiking
The #weather near me (outside of #Chicago ) has been very warm, then snow, then very warm, and snow again.
That's just a normal #springtime in #Illinois , so I have a lot of empathy for this poor little #owl .
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Owls #SnowOwls #OwlsOfMastodon #Owlstodon #Spring2025 #Spring #ChicagoWeather #Snow #OwlsOfTheFediverse
So this is why her supply of eggs is never... eggs-austed.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Chickens #Eggs #ThePriceOfEggs #Henstodon #ChickensOfTheFediverse #Chickenstodon #WhyDidTheChickenCrossTheRoad #Hens
#Spring might have technically begun on March 1st, but the weather in many places doesn't seem to have heard that news.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #Spring2025 #Seasons #Springtime
Even on #SaintPatricksDay ☘️, it's not easy being green.🐸
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Muppets #TheMuppets #Kermit #StPattysDay #Pepe_the_King_Prawn #StPatricksDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #BeingGreen #not_easy_being_green
Here's a #HootinTootinTuesday meme just for you, then...
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #StPattysDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #SaintPatricksDay #WearingOfTheGreen #DadJokes #StGertrude #StGertrudeOfNevilles #Cats #Catstodon #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Saints #PatronSaints
Bonus #DadJoke
What do you call an Irish spider?
(Paddy Long Legs.)
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #StPattysDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #SaintPatricksDay #WearingOfTheGreen #Snakes #Parenting #DadJokes #ShoeboxBlog #Driving
If everyone is Irish☘️ on St. Patrick's Day, does that mean they're Mexican🇲🇽 on Cinco de Mayo? 🤔
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #StPattysDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #SaintPatricksDay #StarWars #StormTrooper #Parades #Irish #CincoDeMayo #Cosplay #StarWarsCosplay
Bonus #DadJoke
Remember… St. Patty's Day☘️ puns don't just shame me, they Seamus all.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #StPattysDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #SaintPatricksDay #WearingOfTheGreen #DadJokes #StarTrek #SirPatrickStewart #CaptainPicard #Picard #ColmMeaney #MilesOBrien #IrishToast
St. Patrick’s Day☘️ is on Monday, so I thought I'd get a head start with some fun memes…
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Puns #StPattysDay #StPatricksDayMemes #HappyStPatricksDay #SaintPatricksDay #WearingOfTheGreen #DadJokes #StarTrek #SirPatrickStewart #CaptainPicard #Picard
In order to have a murder of crows, you first need probable caws.
They look like they really can't bear each other's company anymore.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Bears #Bearstodon #BearsOfMastodon #Nature #Marriage #MarriedLife
I wonder if the person who made this sign intended the unspoken story here.🤔
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Hiking #Hikes #Hikers #Nature #NatureTrails #NationalParks #SignFails #Signage
Bonus #DadJoke :
Is it allergy season again?
You've got to be pollen my leg.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Spring #Spring2025 #Weather #OwlsOfMastodon #Owls #Owl #Owlstodon #DadJokes #Joke
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Batman #DCU #TheDarkKnight #GothamCity #OSHA
Bonus #DadJoke :
Q: What do you do if your boyfriend hates fruit jokes?
A: You let the mango.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Sherlock #DrStrange #BenedictCumberbatch #Actors
Bonus #DadJoke :
How do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
You rocket!
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #UFOs #UAP #UAPsightings #FlyingSaucers #DadJokes #UFOsightings
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
"The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go!"
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #StarTrek #TNG #StarTrekTNG #Picard #Troi
It'll be egg-zactly what she wanted!
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Valentine #ValentinesDay #ValentinesDayGifts #Eggs #Valentines2025 #EggShortage #Romance #HappyValentinesDay #ThePriceOfEggs
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Elon #Musk #ElonMusk #Xitter #USPol #WalterIsaacson #ThomasErikson #Books #Bookstodon #BooksOfMastodon
This puppy is definitely not charging enough for the kisses.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Valentine #ValentinesDay #Valentines #HappyValentinesDay #Puppies #Dogs #PuppyKisses #DogsOfMastodon #Dogstodon #PuppiesOfMastodon
I think that when Volkswagen brings back the Beetle as a fully electric car... they should call it the "Lightning Bug."
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMemes #Beatles #AbbeyRoad #AlbumCovers #TheBeatles #VolkswagonBeetle #VWBeetle #VWBeetles
I'm not an early bird or a night owl... I'm some kind of permanently exhausted pidgeon.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #SuperbOwl #Superb_Owl_Sunday #Superb_Owl #Owls #Owlstodon #OwlsOfMastodon
The most important parts of the Superbowl are the commercials and the food...
I really don't care who makes the most baskets.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Superbowl #SuperBowlSunday #SuperbowlLIX #Maxine
Now THIS is a #SuperbowlSundae !
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Superbowl #SuperBowlSunday #SuperbowlLIX #Sundaes #IceCream
Why is Saturday stronger than Tuesday?
Because Tuesday is a weak-day.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Dogs #Cats #Dogstodon #Caturday #Catstodon #DogsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon #Husky #Huskies #AlaskanHuskies
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Snow #Snowmen #Snowman #WinterWonderland
In honor of #DeepSeek tanking the tech stocks on the stock market today...
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #ChatGPT #GenerativeAI #MadMagazine #AIart #AI
For all you folks dealing with unexpected and unusual #snow today...
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #SnowDay #DrivingInSnow #WinterDrivingTips #Winter #ColdWeather #Snowplows #Louisiana #Texas #SnowInTexas #SnowInLouisiana #SnowInFlorida
I got kicked out of the coffee club, because I wore a tea shirt.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Coffee #Tea #ColdWeather #SnowDay #Caffeine #IcedTea #IcedCoffee #DadPuns #DadPun
If you've ever said you'll do something "when hell freezes over," then you're on schedule to do it tomorrow.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Weather #ColdWeather #SnowDay #Poetry #Poem #Freezing #January #SnowInLouisiana