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Items tagged with: holocaust

It's not fair to blame #Hitler for the #Holocaust, when his minions could have said no, says President #Musk - boingboing.net/2025/03/14/its-… "The post literally said, "Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did."

Faschist Elon #Musk hat einen Post geteilt, der Hitler vor der Verantwortung des #Holocaust in Schutz nimmt. Warum sind die deutschen Politiker noch auf Twitter? www.volksverpetzer.de/aktuelles/mu...

Musk verharmlost den Holocaust...

With the building of a new museum, Poland at last has a fitting space to tell Treblinka’s horrific story theartnewspaper.com/2025/03/14… #MuseumsHeritage #Holocaust

Educators, thank you for everything you do to counter Holocaust Denial.

We have free resources to help you teach Holocaust Education accurately, across the curriculum (tell your colleagues!), for grades 6-12. In addition to English, History and Social Studies classes, these free lesson plans also cover English Language Arts, Film Literacy, Film History, Media Literacy, Music, Music History, Political Science, Psychology, and Visual Literacy.


#NeverAgain #Holocaust #HolocaustEducation #Education #Edutooters #Homschooling #History #Histodons @education @edutooters

Musk Boosts Claim That Hitler Wasn’t to Blame for Holocaust

The MAGA millionaire reposted a tweet saying “public sector workers”—not Hitler—caused atrocities.


Oh my god.

#News #Holocaust #Nazi #Musk #Trump #USpol #WhiteSupremacist #HolocaustDenial #Facism

#Musk Boosts Claim That #Hitler Wasn’t to Blame for #Holocaust thedailybeast.com/musk-boosts-…

academic ironies:

The candidate for Director of the UMass Amherst Institute for #Holocaust, #Genocide, and Memory Studies gave her job talk on art and representation of the Holocaust today, but it was very hard to hear her because the Palestine activists were screaming "Intifada! Intifada!" (etc. etc.) 6 floors below

They're great at yelling.
Not so much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lee Miller, the photojournalist who brought dignity to those who suffered during WWII.

The photos she took and the words she wrote in ‘Vogue’ magazine were and remain an indictment of the Holocaust


#LeeMiller #WorldWar2 #WW2 #Holocaust #Photography

I have a question from the world.

You knew about Hitler, you knew about nazis, you knew about church funding nazis. And you knew what they did.

How can you let it happen again in such a short time?

#trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #transgender #holocaust

Solidarität mit Deborah Schnabel und der Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, die von der #AfD-Fraktion im hessischen Landtag angegriffen werden. Gegenüber der Verharmlosung des #Holocaust gibt es keine Neutralität! juedische-allgemeine.de/politi…

Zeit ihres Lebens setzt sich Peggy Parnass gegen Geschichtsvergessen und Intoleranz ein. Sie selbst überlebt den Holocaust als Kind nur knapp. Für ihre Publikationen und ihr Engagement erhält Parnass viele Auszeichnungen. Jetzt stirbt sie im hohen Alter.#International #Holocaust #Hamburg #Todesfälle #Nationalsozialismus #Historisches #Literatur

Mar 12, 1912: On this date, Polish Jewish resistance activist Ala Gertner was born. While a slave laborer at a munitions factory, she smuggled gunpowder to prisoners at Auschwitz to build grenades, who destroyed Crematorium IV & killed several SS officers. She was one of four women (the others being Róża Robota, Ester Wajcblum, & Regina Safirsztajn) hanged Jan 5 (or 6), 1945 for their role in the Sonderkommando Uprising.

#WW2 #Holocaust #Jew #WomensHistoryMonth


Sie war Schauspielerin, Publizistin und linke Moralinstanz: Peggy Parnass überlebte den Holocaust und prägte deutsche Debatten mit ihren Kommentaren und Reportagen. Nun ist sie mit 97 Jahren verstorben.#Holocaust #Medien

Ein toller Abend!

Ganz großes Danke an Anna #Hájková, die uns gestern ihr Buch „Menschen ohne Geschichte sind Staub. Queeres Verlangen im Holocaust“ vorstellte, aber auch an Ronja vom St. Pauli-Archiv und @FraukeSt, die die Fragen stellten, und natürlich an die etwa 40 interessierten Menschen, die im #Kölibri waren.

#Hamburg #Geschichte #queer #Nationalsozialismus #Holocaust #stpauli

Nice. Now will IBM, who helped him with surveillance technology, be held accountable also or will they get off scot-free like they did after helping Hitler carry out the Holocaust?

(Spoiler alert: it’ll likely be the latter.)


#IBM #Duderte #Hitler #Holocaust social.coop/@raph/114142113764…

Good news are rare enough these days to pass on them.

Durerte, who murdered tens of thousands in his "war on drugs" and was issued an arrest warrant by the ICC for crimes against humanity, was just arrested.

So accountability is actually possible?



#trump posted an article to his Truth Social account this weekend featuring a deeply troubling image: a pink triangle—the Nazi-era symbol used to identify and persecute gay men in concentration camps—covered with a red prohibited sign."

This Pink Triangle was used to identify gay men and was a prelude to the Star of David that people of the Jewish faith had to wear.

In my mind #trump removed all doubt ( not that I had much ) that he is a #Nazi

The USA is entering a dark period in their history

#holocaust .

"The Meidas Touch reports:

Trump posted an article to his Truth Social account this weekend featuring a deeply troubling image: a pink triangle—the Nazi-era symbol used to identify and persecute gay men in concentration camps—covered with a red prohibited sign."

Fuck everyone who gaslit my wife and I when we began leaving, punished us for doing so, and continued to punish/ gaslight us. This is JUST like last time. Do not wave away our fears! Be an ACTUAL #ally !

#nazi #trans #holocaust #Trump

and that’s why forced conversions and the fear of, not just Gxd but HELL are now considered heresies in the Catholic Church.

hatreds of “The Others” justify genocide. it justified the #Holocaust. it’s justifying #Palestinian #genocide.

and why you’ve heard nary a peep from USAmerican christofascists about the billions used to kill Christians in #Gaza.

their #christianity and #zionism are just extensions of their sadistic dreams of #colonialism and worldwide domination and dominion.

/ 🧵

and because you can’t just leave Buddhists or even Atheists hanging, there’s not just provisions about that, but the TL;DR about FORCED CONVERSION:

it’s #heresy.

anything that goes against the #GoldenRule goes against the very essence and core of Jesus’ teachings

―Luke 6:31

Nostra Aetate is the RCC’s attempt to destroy all the excuses Catholics used to be complicit with the #Nazis and be active collaborators in the #Holocaust

Apropos the 'minimum calorie' formula for Gaza residents which raises disturbing parallels echoed in Weiss' analysis. Deeply troubling for a country that invokes the #Holocaust while implementing policies (long before October 2023) that employ legal frameworks reminiscent of historical atrocities. But really, we've crossed that bridge long time ago. #Gaza has effectively functioned as a ghetto, treated as such since Israel's withdrawal, which was followed by a twenty-year siege.

18 February 1902 | A Hungarian Jewish woman, Margita Hahn, was born in Budapest. From 1937 she lived in Prague.

She was deported to Auschwitz from the Theresienstadt ghetto on 15 May 1944. She did not survive.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #Holocaust #Shoah #Jews #history #Germany #otd #Hungary #woman

Mar 9, 1922: Felice Schragenheim was born on this date in Berlin. She was a German Jewish resistance fighter during WW2 & known for her her tragic lesbian love affair with Lilly Wust who was married to a German Nazi soldier. Schragenheim & Wust remained a couple until August 1944 when Schragenheim was arrested by the Gestapo. (1/5)


#WW2 #Resistance #Jew #Holocaust #LGBTQ #WomensHistoryMonth


🙏 "Bitte nehmt die Worte der Rechtsradikalen ernst. Bitte tut alles, um ihnen das Handwerk zu legen", fordert Holocaust-Überlebender Leon Weintraub im November 2024.

Der inzwischen 98-Jährige hat es sich zur Lebensaufgabe gemacht, die Gräueltaten des NS-Regimes weiterzutragen, um das Geschehene nicht in Vergessenheit geraten zu lassen.

📝 ndr.de/geschichte/Leon-Weintra…

#NDR #Holocaust

Mary Elmes (Marie Elisabeth Jean Elmes) died on 9th March 2002. She was an Irish aid worker credited with saving the lives of at least 200 Jewish children at various times during the Holocaust. In 2015, she became the first Irish person honoured as Righteous Among the Nations by the State of Israel, in recognition of her work in the Spanish Civil War and World War II.

#Ireland #IrishHistory #MaryElmes #Holocaust #RighteousAmongTheNations #OnThisDay

The explosives were subsequently used in the Sonderkommando uprising to destroy crematorium 4 and part of crematorium 5. The four women were caught, tortured, and hanged on Jan 6, 1945, two weeks before the Nazis abandoned the camp. (3/3)

#WW2 #Holocaust #antifa #Resistance

Auschwitz prisoners were subjected to forced labor at the WeichselUnion Metallwerke. Roza Robota led a group of women who smuggled small amounts of explosives into Auschwitz daily to three other prisoners Jehuda Laufer, Israel Gutman, & Noah Zabludowicz. (2/3)

#WW2 #Holocaust #antifa #Resistance


Anti-Fascists to remember this International Women’s Day: Ala Gartner, Róża Robota, Regina Safir & Estera Wajsblum were Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz. They were involved in the Oct 7, 1944 Sonderkommando uprising against the camp. (1/3)

#WW2 #Holocaust #antifa #Resistance #Jews #Shero


The Dressmakers of Auschwitz


For 25 young female Auschwitz prisoners, the key to their survival was crafting exquisite garments for the wives of high-ranking Nazi officers.


#Brandmauer #Holocaust

Kürzlich hat der Holocaust-Überlebende Albrecht Weinberg sein #Bundesverdienstkreuz zurückgegeben

Aus Protest gegen #CDU und #CSU wegen der Abstimmungen zur #Migrationspolitik im Bundestag Ende Januar

Heute feiert er seinen 100. Geburtstag



#Antisemitismus #Rechtsextremismus #Protest #noafd #Erinnerung #Shoah #Konzentrationslager #Auschwitz #AlbrechtWeinberg #Neorechts #KrisedesKonservatismus

„Anne Frank Tag 2025
Als bundesweiter, schulischer #Aktionstag gegen #Antisemitismus motiviert der Anne Frank Tag dazu, sich mit dem #Holocaust zu befassen, digitale Erinnerungsangebote zu nutzen und eigene Projekte zu entwickeln.
Anmeldung für #Schulen noch bis zum 17. März!“
👉 buff.ly/HxTfDDl

Anne Frank Tag 2025

Als bundesweiter, schulischer #Aktionstag gegen #Antisemitismus motiviert der Anne Frank Tag dazu, sich mit dem #Holocaust zu befassen, digitale Erinnerungsangebote zu nutzen und eigene Projekte zu entwickeln.

Anmeldung für #Schulen noch bis zum 17. März!

👉 buff.ly/HxTfDDl