Items tagged with: ignore
Filtered word: nsfw
1. If you're going to #report somebody you need to give #examples of what #activity you're reporting. Just #reporting a #profile and telling an #instance #admin that an #account is being "#spammy" doesn't cut it. Not when we can clearly see the user is not.
2. Again, not a very helpful report. You report a user and say they're a #SCAM account but offer up absolutely no #evidence to support your #claim.
3. Every account was new once, including the person that reported this one. As long as #NSFW #content is properly #flagged, there's no issue. Suspecting an account to be a "scam account or worse" is not a valid #reason for reporting an account.
4. Another report without any basis or #justification.
5. Again, another baseless report about somebody with absolutely ZERO evidence to back up their claim.
So here's what's going to happen....
The instances that forwarded these #bogus #reports to me, and wasted my time, each have a strike against them.
Strike three and we tell #Sharkey to #ignore any and all reports coming from the #instance in the future.
No #admin wants #BadActors on their instances, and no admin wants a #BadActor to make someone else feel unwelcome.
But you can't just flag and report an account for any bullshit reason either.
You have to give us proof and evidence.
This is not high school and this is not middle school. If somebody is being disruptive or causing problems, let us know.
But if you just suspect someone might cause problems or they might be disruptive... wait until you have proof and evidence and then let us know!
#FediAdmin #AdminStuff #administrivia #UserReports #FediReports #InstanceAdmins #MastoAdmin
people attending to political action but ignoring the environmental catastrophes rising up around us
“When morality reaches the public realm, it is called politics.”
I don’t know where other people think the sphere of politics is! I was reading two quotes relative to this today.
One was Marilyn French in “Beyond Power: Of Women, Men, and Morals”
“Morality is a personal and communal affair; when it reaches the public realm; it is called politics…. Rousseau claimed that separating morality from politics made both disciplines incomprehensible…. Feminists say simply, the personal is the political.” (p. 16)
“for good men to do nothing”
And the other was
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
Since I don’t want to do the second, I would rather err on the side of being too outspoken rather than not enough. And the first expresses my feeling that politics IS morality expressed in policy…in which case everything I write about is politics.
Anyway, I can’t draw any clear line around politics to distinguish it from the rest of the human condition, and certainly I don’t see how it can be divorced from the environmental crises that are currently rearing up in a horrific way. For it will be only people acting collectively, public policy changes – politics – that can have any effect on them.
How I see people attending to political action but ignoring the environmental catastrophes rising up around us.
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Facing Foursquare the Darkness – Not for Cowardly or Uncaring Humans: Strange Days, Pt 3
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Wtf? The End Being Nigh: Strange Days, Pt 2
The End Being Nigh:
Strange Days, Part TwoStrange Days
For most people, I would assume I am not saying anything new in pointing out that our times are unique. For that matter, all times are unique—unlike any other. But what no other time has seen is the actual—not imagined—possibility, even likelihood, of the “end of the world.” That is to say, we are facing the end of our species and maybe all life on this planet along with us. Considering just one scenario, we have the capacity, with only a minuscule amount of our nuclear weapons, to wipe out all life on this planet. We all know this. [continued after video]
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?
[strong]by SillyMickel Adzema[/strong]For the author’s readingof this part, click on the link to youtube above or click the video player here:…
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?–Michael Adzema“The End Is Nigh!”
I used the phrase, just now, “end of the world,” deliberately. For I expect that it will evoke in some a reaction that what I am going to say from here on will be a drawn-out verbal version of a familiar cartoon, depicting a bearded and bedraggled man on a street corner, carrying a sign or wearing a clapboard proclaiming, [strong]“The end is near!” and that what I will say will have just about as much credibility as that man’s would.[/strong]
I take that chance to make my first point…which is: The fact that we can so easily dismiss, ridicule, and smugly deride such ideas of apocalypse points to our complacency with these strangest and most precarious of days. In fact, we have lived with this unprecedented situation—dangling on a thread, as it were, above the abyss of nuclear annihilation, to name just one of the possible forces of extinction…we’ve lived with it for so long as for it to seem commonplace—as part of the normal and familiar furniture of our daily lives.
Heads in the Sand
It has become so much a part of our daily lives, in fact, that we hardly give it any thought anymore. But for a moment, let us just imagine a person from a previous time in history being somehow transported into this time and being made to understand the impending forces: environmental collapse, species extinction, nuclear threat, population explosion, virulent epidemic, possibly human-created earthquakes and thus tsunamis, planet poisoning, and so on.
Unless this person was Nostradamus, we can imagine this person would be hugely alarmed, to say the least. This person might well wonder at our nonchalance, or should we say apathy, in the face of such likely, not just potential, apocalypse. [Footnote 1]
So I won’t waste time pointing out the statistics that prove the premise that the current trends we are following are apocalyptic.
We need simply to look to our daily headlines. Need I remind of the dangers from catastrophes like Fukushima and the Gulf Oil Spill?
Care for Some Radiation with that Milk?
We have radiation mixing into the world ecosystem as I write. Fukushima [strong]alone is spreading radiation that’s off the charts into food, air, oceans, and has made it to the East Coast of the U.S. and beyond in just a short time. We also know that nuclear waste needs to be guarded for 25,000 years because of its toxicity…it is still deadly for 250,000 years. Yet we continue to excrete massive amounts of it into our globe and even after the Fukushima meltdowns to push for building more plants. [Footnote 2]
[/strong]Dead Zones and Dolphins
We have watched baby dolphins by the hundreds washing up on Gulf coasts and the creation of hundred mile dead zones in our seas.BP stupidly used toxic chemicals to disperse the oil rather than to collect it. The dispersants themselves are toxic, but the much bigger crime was to make sure the even more toxic oil, which depletes the oxygen in the water and thus creates the dead zones, would be spread far and wide throughout the global water. Good for BP shares looking like they could fix it, bad for survival of oxygen-breathers on Earth.
So BP’s egregiously criminal move was the equivalent of sweeping dirt under the rug to clean up. [strong][strong][strong][strong][em]
[/em][/strong][/strong][/strong]Unfortunately there is no “away” in which it can “go.” So we have, in this incident alone, precipitated greatly the dying off of the life of the oceans—the oxygen-producing [strong][em][/em][/strong]plankton—and, hence, the basis of all life on [strong][strong][em][/em][/strong][/strong]this planet. [/strong]
*Cough, Cough*
To this ravaging of the lungs of the planet add worldwide runaway deforestation, already in full swing. I am practically choking as I think how we then stink up the air with industrial emissions and auto exhausts. Living in the LA area, I can tell you that I feel my mouth is sealed to the end of an exhaust pipe most of the time. So to the dangers bringing on our demise we need to add globally increasing air pollution.
Forget Your Sunscreen, We’re All Gonna fry.
Environmentally also, we have the greenhouse effect[strong]—global climate change or warming—the depletion of the ozone layer, and so on. [Footnote 3][/strong]
Al Gore is owed the gratitude of the world informing us of climate change in his book and documentary of the same name, Inconvenient Truth.
Meanwhile lots of folks think we have solved the ozone layer problem. We banned fluorocarbons, and we don’t hear much about this problem anymore in the media.
Environmental nay-sayers are arguing that we “fixed” this problem, as part of their stance that we need not worry about what we’re doing to the planet. But not long ago[strong]—April 2011—CNN broadcast the news that the ozone had been depleted by 40% in the last two months alone! They immediately then turned to an item of dire importance[strong]—[/strong]a snake had gotten loose in New York! [Footnote 4][/strong]
Only One Earth, Don’t Blow It!
Nor need I elaborate on the the nuclear threat–whether precipitated by terrorists, rogue nations, or accident. We know, but don’t want to, of the possibility of any one or more of these mad actors employing weapons of mass destruction, [strong]
possibly leading to ever-mounting rounds of retaliation with eventually no one left standing. Relatedly we push out of our minds the threat of other kinds of weapons–such as biological weapons–getting out of control and creating a worldwide epidemic or holocaust.
[/strong]Eight billion and Counting…Now Let’s Attack Planned Parenthood! *sarcasm*
Need I mention the continuing explosion of the world’s population leading to likely famine, wars, diseases, and so on? We have twice as many people alive now as the combined total of all humans who have ever lived! We are no different from bacteria who overrun their petri dish only to die off. We certainly aren’t showing ourselves to be any smarter than that. [Footnote 5]
How about the possibility of virulent epidemic that cannot be cured? Does that catch your fancy? Strains of micro-organisms are evolving that are immune to our much-touted antibiotics.You Sure You Should Be Reading This?
What island were you stranded on?
But why go on? If you are not aware of these things, you are from some other planet. If you are dismissing these facts, you are in actual psychological denial of your dire situation. If you are not paying attention, you are spending your life desperately running away.
No, I won’t go into stats and figures to support the premise. The evidence and statistics are there for all to see, crying for attention, put out, published, and promulgated by the best scientists of our time, mixed in with the more mundane messages of our daily newspapers and nightly newscasts, though we mostly turn our ears from them.
We’ll Try to Save You, Too.
In fact, if you are not already aware of the global crisis that besets us, I do not think you will get much out of reading further in this book and would probably better spend your time doing something else. There will always be those that will have their heads in the sand and will be cast about like flotsam upon the waters by the events swirling around them–impotent in the face of them and dependent upon other’s actions for the result. If you are one, know we’re trying to save you, too.
[strong]Continue with [/strong][strong]people attending to political action but ignoring the environmental catastrophes rising up around us[/strong]
Return to Something’s Happening Here: Strange Days, Pt 1
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?
[strong]by SillyMickel Adzema[/strong]For the author’s reading, with elaboration, of this part, click on the link to youtube above or click the video player here:…
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?–Michael AdzemaFootnotes
1. Gulf Oil Spill, Fukushima meltdowns, nuclear radiation, toxic nuclear waste, HAARP, killing off of the ocean–destroying oxygen in it, dead zones with no oxygen, dolphins washing up, birds falling out of the sky, bees disappearing, ozone depletion at the rate of 40% in the last two months alone, and a massive 50% species extinction in the next few decades, i.e., in our lifetimes! (now, enjoy your hamburger.) [return to text]2. Spent Nuclear Fuel a Danger 250,000 YRS!
Spent nuclear fuel needs to be guarded for 24,000 years just to reach its half-life; needs to be kept away from humans for 250,000 years; and it is still highly radioactive after that.Guess I’ll have to stay up late!
My comment: Oil Spills and Reactor Blowups: “Where is the fierce urgency of Now?!!!” I can’t believe the nonchalance around the huge environmental catastrophes that have gone on in just the last year alone: specifically, the Gulf Oil Spill and the Fukushima Japan nuclear disaster. When the BP disaster was ongoing and gushing devastating amounts of oil into the Gulf, Donna Brazille, frustrated with the Obama Administration’s response to the Spill, fumed aloud, “Where is the fierce urgency of Now?!!!”
But these hugely unprecedented environmental catastrophes, daily spreading the damage to our planet, are just two canaries in a coal mine.
We are just beginning to understand the immensity of the damage to our planet the Fukushima disaster did. We will probably not be told the degree of radiation exposure from it we are receiving until long after people have been dying in droves from it.
The BP oil spill of 2010 is, similarly, presenting ongoing planetary damage, which, like the Japan nuclear disaster, is, as I speak, not being reported. At this moment, in fact, dolphin carcasses in the hundreds are washing up on Gulf beaches, birds are dying and some are simply dropping dead out of the sky, and we know of at least one dead zone–caused by the BP oil spill–a dead zone being an area in the ocean where nothing can live for lack of oxygen–which is a hundred miles long and 12 miles wide. That is the only one that is being reported on, who knows how many more there are and how great is the ongoing damage?
But none of these dire events are being mentioned much in the media. We hear the reports, but then the media directs our attention to something else. So we cover our eyes to what is going on. We dismiss these events thinking that someone higher up than us is surely attending to the problem (dream on!). What’s worse is these things are only the tiny beginnings of much more that is bound to happen. If we don’t listen up, and wake up, we’ll be just as unprepared and helpless when the even worse and more dire events unfold. This is not a time to curl up under the covers.
For more: The Time Danger of ‘Spent’ Nuclear Fuel [return to text]
3. “We’re all gonna fry.” With appreciation to Scout Niblett, “We’re All Gonna Die/ Your Beat Kicks Back Like Death”…
[return to text]
4. “We Lost 40% of Ozone Layer Last 3 Months” and from CNN in April, 2011 — “Ozone Depletion Over Arctic ‘Unprecedented’ This Winter“
My take on this: CNN reported this month that 40% of the ozone layer over the Arctic was depleted from December 21st, 2010 to March 31st, 2011–roughly three months. I heard a CNN anchor report this, with some alarm. The clip provides confirmation. I also watched as this anchor continued, after a few sentences on this, to another news item–about a snake getting loose in New York, if memory serves me. Guess life on this planet not as big a deal.Btw, if you want to dismiss this by consoling yourself that it is “only” happening over the Arctic, consider what is happening in parts of the globe that aren’t being actively monitored. Seems to me if the lake goes down on the other side, the water is lower on my side as well. [return to text]
5. John Leslie, The End of the World. See, Ok we’re commiting species-suicide; but how DARE we become species-suicide-bombers killing all OTHER life with us! [return to text]
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?
[strong]by SillyMickel Adzema[/strong]For the author’s reading, with elaboration, of this part, click on the link to youtube above or click the video player here:…
Strange Days. Apocalypse? Or Earth Rebirth?–Michael AdzemaContinue with [strong]people attending to political action but ignoring the environmental catastrophes rising up around us[/strong]
Return to Something’s Happening Here: Strange Days, Pt 1
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