Items tagged with: journalist
Serbia: One year of unpunished attacks on journalist Dinko Gruhonjić, the culture of impunity must e…
The members of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium and partner organisations of the Council of Europe’s Safety of Journalists Platform, which the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is part of, are deeply concerned about the …BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Yesterday was all about herbs. A visit to the Kitchen Garden Plant Centre to talk plants and growing for a future feature.
#gardening #herbs #gardens @growyourown #GrowOwnFood #journalist #gardens
#pressoffice #ufficiostampa #advertising #pubblicità #nativeadvertising #Bunner
#advertorial #business
#journalism #journalist
Journalist Viktoria Roshchyna receives posthumous human rights award
Roshchyna, who died last fall in Russian captivity, received the award for her "work dedicated to portraying issues threatening the democratic order of Ukraine, which she did not compromise on, even at the risk of her personal safety."Abbey Fenbert (The Kyiv Independent)
CBC: B.C. aims to poach U.S. doctors and nurses by highlighting 'uncertainty and chaos' south of the border —…
#BC recruiting #nurses and #FamilyDoctors from the #USA, to increase the number of #HealthCare workers in the system.
I hope Andrew Kurjata will follow up with BC CNM (it's College of Nurses and Midwives, minor correction) Cynthia Johansen and UBC SoN Elizabeth Saewyc - there's another story on advance practice #Nursing.
Hemet may require journalists get pre-approval to cover local disasters
The city would be the only Inland Empire government agency to issue such credentials.gqlshare (Press Enterprise)
Two men stand trial in New York over alleged plot to kill Iranian journalist
Prosecutors claim the suspects, allegedly members of an Eastern European crime group linked to Iran, were hired to carry out a murder on US soil in 2022.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
📢 American #journalist and writer Chris Hedges criticized #us President Donald Trump’s lack of a clear plan for the future of the #gaza strip while speaking to Al-Ghad channel’s Madar Al-Ghad programme on Sunday, asserting that his motivations are primarily financial and confirming that Israel seeks to displace Palestinians.
📰 Report: Al Ahram, #cairo 👇🏽
Ich habe eben die #Kampagne von #weact "#Sozial/e #Netzwerk/e als#demokratisch/e Kraft retten" unterzeichnet.…
Bereits 200.000 #Unterschrift/en dagegen, dass das freie #Internet und damit unsere #Demokratie von #BigTec -Monopolen wie #Meta #Twitter oder #Tiktok gefährdet wird.
Zu den Unterzeichnern gehören #Musiker (z.B. #JanDelay), #Autor/en (@marcuwekling, @sasastanisic, @NinaGeorge, #UweTimm), #Blogger (@pallenberg) und #Journalist/en /.
Soziale Netzwerke als demokratische Kraft retten
Rund 100 Akteur*innen aus Kultur, Wirtschaft und Medien haben sich zur Initiative Save Social zusammengetan.WeAct
Sarah Spain Talks ‘Thrilling’ Rise In Women’s Sports Amid Iconic Victory
Sarah Spain emphasized the “thrilling” rise in attention on women’s sports as she accepted the 2025 Social Impact Award at the HeartPodcast Awards on Monday evening (March 10). The annual show returned to SXSW in Austin, Texas.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
A reminder: #Assassination of #JamalKhashoggi
On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a #Saudi #dissident #journalist, was #killed by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.
Khashoggi was #ambushed & #strangled by a 15-member squad of Saudi operatives.
His body was dismembered & disposed of in some way that was never publicly revealed.
#USPol #auspol #Ukraine #PeaceTalks in #SaudiArabia really? Watch your back!
russia’s persecution of four members of one
#Crimean #Tatar family, as well as of a gravely ill civic #journalist is chillingly reminiscent of the methods of terror use by Stalin’s regime against the three brothers’ great-grandfather
Death sentence and persecution by Crimean Tatar family in Russia’s war against Crimean Solidarity
Russia’s persecution of four members of one family, as well as of a gravely ill civic journalist is chillingly reminiscent of the methods of terror use by Stalin’s regime against the three brothers’ great-grandfatherHuman Rights in Ukraine
Ukrainian #journalist Victoria Roshchyna died after savage torture and extreme emaciation in russian captivity
The 27-year-old journalist, who lived for her work, had travelled to occupied Zaporizhzhia in order to find out about russia’s torture prisons on occupied territory
Ukrainian journalist Victoria Roshchyna died after savage torture and extreme emaciation in Russian captivity
The 27-year-old journalist, who lived for her work, had travelled to occupied Zaporizhzhia oblast in order to find out about Russia’s torture prisons on occupied territoryHuman Rights in Ukraine
A study in best to say, "Hell, no!" when the boss says let's add #AI to it. The explanation as to why it was a bad idea and an embarrassment to the Trump-apologist LA Times with a short history lesson in the KKK by a history professor can be found in this fast-read article all writers and journalists should read.…
#Journalism #Journalist #writer #Author#genAI #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon
This Week in Schadenfreude: Picking Up the Pieces
Click on the map for the
Bessedin presents himself as an independent #journalist, but his content is heavily biased in favor of #Russian narratives. He portrays #Estonia and the West as corrupt, aggressive, and anti-Russian while defending #Russia’s actions on the world stage.
In #Afghanistan ist es jetzt 1933. #Spendenaufruf #KabulLuftbrücke #frauentag #frauenrechte #Frauenunterdrückung
Voice of America correspondent, Ostap Yarysh fired in DOGE crackdown
Since Russia’s full-scale invasion began, Ostap Yarysh, who joined VOA's Ukrainian service in 2019, has focused on covering U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.Volodymyr Ivanyshyn (The Kyiv Independent)
Never have I received so many invitations from #PR agencies to, please, attend a #conference in the US. #Flight and #hotel paid for.
This tells me: I am not the only #journalist who is not #traveling to the #US at this time.…
#ImaraJones #journalist responds to state-sanctioned attack on #transpeople
“War on Trans People”: Transgender Journalist Imara Jones Responds to Trump’s Speech
President Trump has signed a number of anti-trans executive orders in the first month of his second term.Democracy Now!
Did AI really defend the KKK at the end of my column? Let’s discuss
Journalism schools teach that writers should report the news, not be the news. But what happens when one of your articles goes viral — not for its content but rather for how an AI doohickey swallowed up what you wrote and upchucked a controversial su…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Former #BBC #journalist #KarishmaPatel had been covering #Gaza as a #MiddleEast specialist, for months.
Her views from the inside, on the persistent failure of the BBC:
»To see such overwhelming evidence every day and then hear 50/50 debates on #Israel’s conduct – this is what created the biggest rift between my commitment to truth and the role I had to play as a BBC journalist. We have passed the point at which Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity are debatable. There’s more than enough #evidence – from #Palestinians on the ground, aid #organisations; legal bodies – to come to coverage-shaping conclusions around what Israel has done.«…
I’m a former BBC newsreader – Gaza is the reason I resigned
The controversy over the pulling of the ‘How to Survive a Warzone’ documentary is a distraction from a much bigger problem my old employer has with impartiality, writes Karishma PatelKarishma Patel (The Independent)
#Substack #News #journalist #article #tommycash #eurovision2025
Espresso Macchiato, Tommy Cash and the selective freedom of speech
A personal perspective from an ItalianLuca From The Window
als rechts-extremisme vol bewondering kritiekloos in de bek wordt gestaard?
Scherp artikel van Canoy. Goed zelfs. @NOS #journalist #journalistiek…
Waarom de media rechts-extremisme normaliseren
In de media zien we dagelijks dat meepraten met valse frames lucratiever is dan het doorprikken ervan. Zelfs de NOS is niet meer neutraal.Sociale Vraagstukken
Magdalena Mołek Polish journalist
Magdalena Mołek Polish journalist - Girl SelfieGirlSelfie (Girl Selfie)
Ukrainian journalist Victoria Roshchyna, who was captured by Russian forces in the summer of 2023, endured brutal torture in captivity, according to an investigation by Slidstvo.Info. Investigators found she suffered knife wounds, electric shocks, and became so emaciated her weight dropped to just 30 kilograms. Russian prison staff reportedly hid her from inspections to conceal her deteriorating condition.…
#UkraineWar #journalist #press #pressfreedom
Ukrainian Journalist Died Exposing Russia’s Hidden Crimes
A young Ukrainian journalist believed in truth and justice. She was 27 when she died in a Russian prison while trying to show the world the reality of war in her country.OCCRP
Israel resumes genocide in Gaza. Yet the Western media is suppressing the truth.
(...) Israel’s military attacks on Gaza resumed yesterday, and bear in mind dozens of Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army since the so-called ceasefire began in January. All of this is being suppressed and misrepresented by most of the Western media, who once again, cannot do their basic in explaining the inarguable facts, because their coverage is so slanted in favour of pro-Israel narratives. (...)
> See also: Another expert report finds Israel is committing genocide. The West yawns.
Tags: #english #israel #palestine #palestinians #gaza #WestBank #genocide #hamas #media #news #journalism #journalist #censorship #bbc #cnn #icc #war crimes
Suchst du einen #Speaker #Autor #Dozent #Journalist oder Mitarbeiter für Projekte im Bereich #Wissenschaft und #Eventmanagement?
Wirf einen Blick:
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: 03/2024 – Empowerment for Peace (EfP) 02/2024 – The Institute for a Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS) 09/2023 – Demokratiezentrum Wien …Josef Mühlbauer
Hi everyone, if you're finding me here & not my *~super secret~* second account, here's a quick #introduction:
I'm a #Canadian #journalist based in Padova, #Italy and a #CBC survivor. I'm a #Europe correspondent and a #magazine writer who covers #history, #politics, #religion, & other, weirder stuff.
My other acct is mostly trivia, but this one will be reserved more for #cdnpoli, #eupol & #news.
If you're new, welcome to Mastadon, it's great here!
I've been going through the press releases, scribbled notes and photos from the recent Garden Press Event. This rather lovely new clematis was just one of the things I saw.
Head over to my blog to read about the day:
#gardens #gardening #clematis #flowers #plants #GardenChat #clematis #BlogPost #journalist
A Growing Trend at The Garden Press Event - The Chatty Gardener
A round-up of some of the trends at The Garden Press Event 2025The Chatty Gardener
Die "Deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft" war nie wirklich auf Augenhöhe, sondern Geschäft, die #Atlantikbrücke die korrupte Gesellschaft dazu, der amerikanische Imperialismus wurde nie offiziell kritisiert:
Die Projektion auf #Putin macht deutlich, wie die Listen der "Demokratisierungen" durch "den Westen", die #NATO aussehen würden ...
Dass die Nato schon vor Jahren mit 37.000 #Journalist*innen alle Nachrichtendienste beliefert, gibt ihr ein Monopol,aus dem wir nur #mühsam wieder ausbrechen, wie aus #microsoft und der #korruption wie bei der #CSU mit #windows ...
▶ Tech Bro Supervillains Confess World Takeover Plan
#Journalist #Website #TechBro #February112025 #WorldTakeover
The WH said it was a privilege, not a right, to have such #access, & that it wanted to open space for “new media” outlets, including those that just so happen to support #Trump.
But after the WH’s decision to bar the venerable AP as punishment for its coverage, the message is clear: Any #journalist can be expelled from the #press pool at any time for any reason. There are worse penalties, as Ms. Tregubova would later discover, but…her eviction was an early step down a very slippery slope.