Items tagged with: markspain
Danville artist honors late news anchor Mark Spain with heartfelt portrait tribute #Abc13 #artist #danville #MarkSpain #PancreaticCancer #portrait #Spain #Tribute #WSET
Danville artist honors late news anchor Mark Spain with heartfelt portrait tribute
DANVILLE, Va. (WSET) — An award-winning artist and Air Force veteran from Danville has created a touching tribute to honor the late Mark Spain, a beloved ABC 13 News Anchor who passed away from pancreatic cancer at the end of last year.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe) Danville artist honors late news anchor Mark Spain with heartfelt portrait tribute #Abc13 #artist #Danville #MarkSpain #PancreaticCancer #portrait #spain #tribute #WSET Mark Spain honored by John McGuire on House of Representatives floor #ABC13 #community #HouseOfRepresentatives #JohnMcGuire #Lynchburg #MarkSpain #PancreaticCancer #resolution #spain