Items tagged with: neuroscience
"The Electric State" is a cool Sci-Fi flick! I just randomly started watching it and got hooked. Great VFX! 👀
#TheElectricState #ElectricState #Robots #Tech #AI #Neurology #Neuroscience #AlternateHistory #Gaming #VR #SFX #VFX #SciFi #Movie #Netflix
What we still need is #neuroscience research that contributes to mental imagery engineering for sound-guided visual mental imagery "We don't see with our eyes, we see with our brain" - Paul Bach-y-Rita
Scientific publications based ...
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution device for the
Perimenopause can have a huge impact on memory, sleep and mood for many women
'Brain fog' during perimenopause is real, and it can disrupt women's lives and careers. It's one of many cognitive impacts of the transition to menopause.Elsa Silberstein (ABC News)
Rhythms of the Brain | Oxford Academic
> Abstract. Studies of mechanisms in the brain that allow complicated things to happen in a coordinated fashion have produced some of the most spectacular discoveries in #neuroscience. This book provides support for the idea that spontaneous neuron activity, far from being mere noise, is actually the source of our cognitive abilities.
A basic understanding of neuroscience is prerequisite knowledge for this book
The discovery of ‘ovoid cells’ is transforming our understanding of memory and may pave the way for new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and other neurological conditions.
These highly specialized neurons activate each time we encounter something new, triggering a process that stores those objects in memory and allowing us to recognize them months—potentially even years—later.
Once upon a time, you had no clue what a phone was, or how to use it. But now, you've learnt to use your phone, & phones in general (a general intelligence). You don't have to learn it all again, every time you use a different phone.
This book, explains, using the research of #neuroscience, how we do that.
A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of #Intelligence (Jeff Hawkins)…
A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence
An author, neuroscientist, and computer engineer unveil…Goodreads
A study on brains and a statement on driving
#Neuroscience #BrainHealth #LatestResearch #HealthNews #DrivingSafety…
A study on brains and a statement on driving | STAT
The latest health news stories you need to read today.Theresa Gaffney (STAT)…
When I read research papers that are the result of very expensive work (experiments or simulations) I always want to know: how could this project have possibly ended with a null result? And is there an argument in this paper that compares the actual result to this null? If not, I'm very suspicious.
Actually this is a good question to ask about any paper, but the high stakes of super expensive research make it particularly important to ask the question. In my experience, it is surprisingly rarely answered in the paper and I find it hard to believe in these results.
📰 The Neurophysiological Correlates of Religious Chanting (A free, 9-page article from 2019)
Tags: #Chanting #Religion #Neuroscience #Samatha #Pureland…
The Neurophysiological Correlates of Religious Chanting
the neurophysiological correlates of religious chanting are different from those of meditation and prayerJunling Gao (The Open Buddhist University)
@jonmsterling @lindsey
A very senior faculty member once told me that "back in the day" (when they were young) an interesting research finding would first get published as a brief note in Nature, and then a year later the lengthy, detailed manuscript with all the data and methods would appear in the Journal of Neurophysiology. And that one wasn't considered a serious scientist if the latter wasn't published, for the former was but the news splash with barely enough substance to understand what the claim was.
Tragic that this separation of concerns has been lost, with everyone now giving more weight to the flashy bit ("significance of findings"), to the point of not bothering to publish the lengthy, detailed, reproducible study ("strength of evidence").
These two axes are what eLife's assessment aims at capturing in a pithy paragraph.
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year "A government spending bill, which was approved today by the House of Representatives and heads next to a Senate vote, allocates 20 percent less funding for the program than last year." #neuroscience
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to l...
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year
A government spending bill, approved today by the House of Representatives, allocates 20 percent less funding for the program than last year.Angie Voyles Askham (The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives)
Building a virtual neuron - part 1 - Neurofrontiers
You might think math is difficult, but each one of your neurons solves equations on a daily basis and you have billions of them.neuronerd (Neurofrontiers)
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year
#Neuroscience #neurology #trump #doge…
U.S. BRAIN Initiative set to lose $81 million this year
A government spending bill, approved today by the House of Representatives, allocates 20 percent less funding for the program than last year.Angie Voyles Askham (The Transmitter: Neuroscience News and Perspectives)
White paper: Why The vOICe will defeat Neuralink Blindsight
Why The vOICe vision BCI for the blind can defeat Neuralink Blindsight (and other brain implants for restoring vision)
Pregnancy changes the brain forever
"She likened this process [of shrinking brain] to Michelangelo chipping away excess marble to reveal David."
TLDR: Grey matter shrinks, white matter expands.
Source: Science News 2025-01-01
Is consciousness fundamental?
Here is your recommended deep-and-slow viewing for this month.
Is consciousness fundamental?
Your felt experience is everything.
#meditation #consciousness #zen #neuroscience #philosophy……
Seein we're bein thochtfae aboot the Internet an hou we uise it, here a lecture o mines entitled #CYBERSCOTS luikin at the history o #Scots language uise on the internet.
Ma unnergraduate degree is #neuroscience an #AI - A cam at oor Scots throu #ComputationalLinguistics an #Neurolinguistics an A'm fascinatit wi hou we uise oor language in interfaces an online.
A howp yees enjoy this whusslestap tour described bi the Internet Archive as "A Modern Classic" 🤓
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution device for the
Motor activity in gamma and high gamma bands recorded with a #Stentrode from the human motor cortex in two people with #ALS via; "the Stentrode can detect discriminable signals indicating motor intent"; #Synchron #BCI #NeuroTech #neuroscience
Since it's #brainawareness week, I want to take a break from the ongoing dystopia to celebrate my favorite organ and repost some of my favorite #neuroscience #sciart!
Let's start with this #scifi brain city I just made for an upcoming Italian graphic novel 🧠 🏙
We were pleased to welcome teachers and careers leaders yesterday to SWC, together with the Central London Careers Hub.
After touring our facilities, meeting staff and students to discuss diverse #neuroscience careers, they took part in an ‘escape room’ activity workshop.
Find out more about our resources for teachers ⬇️…
Resources for Teachers | Sainsbury Wellcome Centre
Access free resources and teaching ideas for use in the classroom and school science clubs. Brought to you by the Sainsbury Wellcome
Work on The vOICe vision BCI is unimpeded by Donald Trump or Elon Musk, but could have benefited greatly from US #neuroscience if focused and not decimated by funding cuts Human veridical mental imagery engineering vs AI hallucinations anyone?
Scientific publications based ...
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution
Scientific publications based on use of The vOICe sensory substitution device for the
Don't miss the preprint:
"The tardigrade as an emerging model organism for systems neuroscience" by Ana M. Lyons and Saul Kato, 2025.
The tardigrade as an emerging model organism for systems neuroscience
We present the case for developing the tardigrade (Hypsibius exemplaris) into a model organism for systems
How do games shape our minds? 🧠🎮 From cognitive benefits to behavioral #psychology, the intersection of #gaming & #mentalhealth is fascinating. The Video Game Library has thousands of #GameStudies books to discover, exploring this topic and beyond! 📖 👉 #Neuroscience
a boy is sitting in front of a...
The Video Game Library | All Books on Videogames
The Video Game Library is a site that celebrates books about videogames. From artbooks and children's books to novelizations and biographies. Indie writers to best-selling authors. Atari to Xbox. Come have a look and discover some books.TheVideoGameLibrary
It began with a rabbit: Unraveling the mystery of memory. 🐇
From @KnowableMag: "Half a century after the discovery of long-term potentiation, we’re still learning how the brain remembers."
#sciArt #neuroscience #illustration #sciComm #hope
Why nothing matters
It took centuries for people to embrace the zero. Now it’s helping neuroscientists understand how the brain perceives absences
By Benjy Barnett. Edited by Richard Fisher.
Hi, I'm Gabriel, PhD candidate in #ComputerScience.
My interests include #FormalMethods, #QuantitativeInformationFlow (#QIF), #ResponsibleComputing (#Privacy | #Fairness), #ArtificialIntelligence (#AI), and #Neuroscience.
Also find me on:
I'm looking forward to interesting discussions here on the #Fediverse!
The following hashtags are trending across South African Mastodon instances:
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The following hashtags are trending across South African Mastodon instances:
Based on recent posts made by non-automated accounts. Posts with more boosts, favourites, and replies are weighted higher.
The following hashtags are trending across South African Mastodon instances:
Based on recent posts made by non-automated accounts. Posts with more boosts, favourites, and replies are weighted higher.
#System #Neuroscience #Psychology #IDG…
The Fastest-Growing Brain Disease Is Set to Double – Are We Prepared?…
Parkinson’s disease is set to rise dramatically, with cases expected to more than double by 2050, largely due to an aging population... #health #parkinsonsdisease #aging #brain #neuroscience
The Fastest-Growing Brain Disease Is Set to Double – Are We Prepared?…
Parkinson’s disease is set to rise dramatically, with cases expected to more than double by 2050, largely due to an aging population… #health #parkinsonsdisease #aging #brain #neurosciencefor much deliberation
Scientists Kept People's Eyes Open While They Slept, Revealing Surprising Brain Activity
#SleepDisorders #BrainActivity #SleepScience #SleepResearch #Neuroscience…
Scientists Kept People’s Eyes Open While They Slept, Revealing Surprising Brain Activity
A recent study observed sleeping participants' pupils during sleep, using a new method that could have implications for studying sleep disorders.Margherita Bassi (Gizmodo)
📰 Neural Responses Underlying Extraordinary Altruists’ Generosity for Socially Distant Others (A free, 15-page article from 2023)
Tags: #Love #Buddhism #Neuroscience #Charity…
Neural Responses Underlying Extraordinary Altruists’ Generosity for Socially Distant Others
Neither behavioral nor imaging analyses supported the hypothesis that altruists’ reduced social discounting reflects effortfully overcoming selfishness.Shawn A. Rhoads (The Open Buddhist University)
Super interesting application of principles of neuroscience (both biology and learning) and gaming to help people with ADHD learn how to focus more effectively.
Read here:
The video game prescribed by doctors to treat ADHD
A US game has got regulatory approval to help treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.By Kitti Palmai (BBC News)