Items tagged with: ninacruise
Just love 🫶😍
#TomCruise ❤️
#TopGunMaverick #Kino #lastactionhero #filmset #london #hollywood #filming #lastmoviestar #blockbuster #movies #movie #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #film #missionimpossible #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever
Tom at his community's annual gala event...🤩😍 Sooo handsome, he looks really chic. Let‘s wait for more.🙏 Love you my man!
#tomcruise ❤️
#ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #missionimpossible #film #cinema #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movie #movies #blockbuster #lastmoviestar #filming #hollywood #london #filmset #lastactionhero #Kino #TopGunMaverick #sciento #ias #patron #sainthillmanor
((The third picture (with the helicopter) is a bit older, the others are all from the last five days.))
#tomcruise ❤️
#kino #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #filmset #london #hollywood #filming #blockbuster #movies #movie #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #film #helicopter #missionimpossible #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever
#TomCruise ❤️
#lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #london #hollywood #filming #blockbuster #movies #movie #cinemastodon #Kino #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #loveyouforever #ninacruise #loveofmylife #missionimpossible #heliport #helicopter
#TomCruise ❤️
#ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveofmylife #cinema #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #Kino #cinemastodon #movie #movies #blockbuster #filming #hollywood #uk #london #filmset #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar
Tom, the moto cyclist 🏍️ few years ago.
#tomcruise ❤️
#hollywood #filming #blockbuster #movies #movie #cinemastodon #Kino #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #jackreacher #motocyclist
Last night in London, the man comes from work... always nice when he comes home.🤩
#TomCruise ❤️
#lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #filmset #hollywood #filming #blockbuster #movies #movie #cinemastodon #Kino #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #missionimpossible #london #helicopter #heliport
Hellooo 🙋🏻 Monday & new week! 👋🖖
#TomCruise ❤️
#TopGunMaverick #missionimpossible #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #cinema #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #Kino #cinemastodon #movie #movies #blockbuster #filming #hollywood #filmset #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar
For me the greatest, most beautiful man in the world. 🥰😍 Always, and forever.❤️ And the most talented and by far the hardest-working actor 🎭 ever.
#TomCruise ❤️
#hollywood #blockbuster #filming #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #cinema #Kino #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #missionimpossible #TopGunMaverick
Happy Birthday 🥳 🌺 Rebecca Ferguson.
#TomCruise ❤️
#rebeccaferguson #christophermcquarrie #missionimpossible #filmset #hollywood #blockbuster #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filming #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #theatre #cinema #london #Kino
Hope hope HOPE…🤩🙏 And I'm sooo looking forward to it... but we'll have to wait and see whether Tom and his teams can really manage both shoots in one year. So much can always come up...
#TomCruise ❤️
🇺🇸 🎬 📽️ 🎥🍿…
#cinema #theatre #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #filming #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #blockbuster #hollywood #filmset #inarritu #ChristopherMcQuarrie
Tom Cruise Shooting Two Films in 2025
While ‘Mission: Impossible 8’ is still filming , it’s going to be a very busy next few months for Tom Cruise as he has booked two films, set to shoot in 2025, and they’re both non-IP films.Jordan Ruimy (World of Reel)
A source told RadarOnline...!!! Are you serious??? Until now I thought movieweb was a reputable source... and as for this ominous source... IF there really is one in his circle, then hopefully he will find it and throw it out‼️ It's a disgrace to spill something like that in any form.😣
What disrespect towards Tom.😥
#TomCruise ❤️
#ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filming #missionimpossible #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews
After a few days of "heliport break" he was seen again yesterday at the London Heliport.
Note: Tom was not in US 🇺🇸 as many gossip magazines reported. He was and still is in the UK 🇬🇧
Note 2: Pics and video are from different moments, one arrival and one departure from the heliport, but both yesterday.
#TomCruise ❤️
#MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #missionimpossible #london #filming #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #heliport
After a few days of "heliport break" he was seen again yesterday at the London Heliport.
Note: Tom was not in US 🇺🇸 as many gossip magazines reported. He was and still is in the UK 🇬🇧
Note 2: Pics and video are from different moments, one arrival and one departure from the heliport, but both yesterday.
#TomCruise ❤️
#MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #missionimpossible #london #filming #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #heliport
#tomcruise ❤️ 🙏
#loveofmylife #loveyouforever #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #missionimpossible #london #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #Kino #filming #filmset #cinema #hollywood #ninacruise #blockbuster #injuries #stuntman
#TomCruise ❤️
#blockbuster #ninacruise #hollywood #cinema #filmset #filming #Kino #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #MovieNews #london #missionimpossible #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #loveyouforever #loveofmylife
A few "day after" pics from Tom's US home base Clearwater/ St. Pete. The sun is shining again... but…😢 AND *NEW PICS * from #TomCruise ❤️🙏
I know your thoughts are at home and you're worried. But I'm glad that you're in supposedly safe Europe right now and I really hope that your family and friends are safe. 🙏🥺🙏
#milton #clearwater #florida #london #MovieNews #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #europe #Kino #filming #filmset #cinema #hollywood #ninacruise
👌🤩The Love 🥰
#TomCruise ❤️
#Kino #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #movie #blockbuster #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #MovieNews #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #cinema #filmset #filming #london #missionimpossible #pilot #helicopter
*NEW PICS* Tom yesterday at London Heliport.
#TomCruise ❤️
#helicopter #pilot #missionimpossible #london #filming #filmset #cinema #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #blockbuster #movie #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #Kino
#TomCruise ❤️
#helicopter #pilot #missionimpossible #london #filming #filmset #cinema #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #blockbuster #movie #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #Kino
For the time being, Tommy is living in the UK 🇬🇧 Europe 🇪🇺👍
Even though you have been here with us for quite a while, Happy Warm Welcome, dear Tom. I can understand that very well.🤩
#TomCruise ❤️…
#ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #movie #blockbuster #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #MovieNews #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #cinema #filmset #filming #london #TopGunMaverick #missionimpossible #pilot #helicopter #uk #europe
Unremarkable little UK town where Hollywood star Tom Cruise decided to live
Mission: Impossible actor and Hollywood star Tom Cruise spends some of his time in Biggin Hill, Kent on the outskirts of London, a town that was once home to Charles DarwinThe Mirror
Such a cutie 🥰 Tom bts at the Olympics Closing Ceremony / August 11th 2024 / Paris, France
#TomCruise ❤️
#filming #filmset #cinema #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #blockbuster #movie #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #stuntman #paris #france #olympics #Sport
Good morning and a good start into the new week! 🖖🙌 #TomCruise ❤️
#missionimpossible #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #movie #blockbuster #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #MovieNews #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #cinema #filmset #filming #TopGunMaverick #london
For me, every day is Tom day.🥰🙏😍
❤️ #TomCruise
#loveofmylife #iwillloveyouasfarasibreathe #tomcruiseday #in #japan #TopGunMaverick #filming #filmset #cinema #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #blockbuster #movie #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #missionimpossible #pilot #stuntman #tcday
The two of us in one photo. How cool.😎 Thank you for these beautiful pics and memories.🙏
❤️ #TomCruise
#ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #movie #blockbuster #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #MovieNews #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #cinema #filmset #filming #liveinconcert #RoyalAlbertHall #MovieSoundtrack #london #TopGunMaverick #ChristopherMcQuarrie
#TomCruise ❤️
#missionimpossible #stuntman #filming #filmset #cinema #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #blockbuster #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #TomCruise
#tomcruise ❤️
#filmsky #kino 🎬 📽️ #london #heliport #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filming #filmset #cinema #missionimpossible #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #helicopter #pilot #blockbuster #ChristopherMcQuarrie
#TomCruise ❤️
#london #blockbuster #heliport #pilot #helicopter #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #MovieNews #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #missionimpossible #cinema #filmset #filming #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife
#TomCruise ❤️
#filmsky #kino #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filming #filmset #cinema #missionimpossible #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #MovieNews #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #helicopter #pilot #heliport #blockbuster #london
#TomCruise ❤️
#MovieNews #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #missionimpossible #cinema #filming #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filmset #olympics #france #paris
[August 2024]
#TomCruise ❤️
#paris #france #olympics #filmset #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #filming #cinema #missionimpossible #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #movies #movie #MovieNews
End of work! Off to home!
Tom the night before last at the London Heliport.
(2024 Sep 30)
#TomCruise ❤️
#filmthreads #MovieNews #london #movie #movies #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #lastmoviestar #lastactionhero #missionimpossible #cinema #filming #blockbuster #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #filmset #heliport #pilot #helicopter #longcross
#tomcruise ❤️
#filmsky #kino #london #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #blockbuster #filming #movie #movies #MovieNews #cinema #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #missionimpossible #lastactionhero #lastmoviestar
OMG... beautiful enough to cry again... "I Love You Too.❤️"
#TomCruise ❤️
#hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #cinema #MovieNews #movies #movie #filming #blockbuster #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #Kino #TopGunMaverick #topgun #RoyalAlbertHall #liveinconcert #london
Rock the october, Babe 🤘🥰
#TomCruise ❤️
#missionimpossible #Kino #lastmoviestar #hollywood #filmisnotdead #cinemastodon #cinema #MovieNews #movies #lastactionhero #movie #ninacruise #loveofmylife #loveyouforever #filming #filmset #blockbuster
Good Morning, my dear october boy ❤️🥰
#TomCruise ❤️
#topgun #TopGunMaverick #filming #ninacruise #loveyouforever #loveofmylife #movie #lastactionhero #movies #MovieNews #cinema #cinemastodon #filmisnotdead #hollywood #lastmoviestar #Kino #missionimpossible