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Items tagged with: notion

Случайно наткнулась в Gnome Sofware
Типа #Notion


Список сервисов:
- teamly.ru/
- evateam.ru/evawiki/
- yonote.ru/
- affine.pro/

Список сервисов с Хабра: habr.com/ru/companies/skillfac…

Let’s talk… documentation!

Keen to get opinions on #Confluence vs #Notion for technical documentation (text/embeds/graphics) for internal dev teams!

Have used both, but confluence is my choice. Notion feels too clunky even though it offers more customisable possibilities!

What’s your go to for writing documentation?

Why I keep my notes local! Anyway #Notion never really worked for me because of this. That's why I use #Obsidian.


#notion : more properly, a general or universal conception, as distinguishable or definable by marks or notae

- French: idée

- Italian: nozione

- Portuguese: noção

- Spanish: idea


Thank you so much for being a member of our community!

French gov's open source alternative to Notion or Outline


#HackerNews #FrenchGov #OpenSource #Notion #Alternative #SuiteNumerique #Docs

Elkarlanean eta denbora errealean dokumentuak sortzeko software askeko tresna berria:


Frantziak (DINUM) eta Alemaniak (ZenDiS) batera garatutako ekimena da.

#docs #softwareaskea #googledocs #notion

Really cool project from the French (and German) government: "La Suite Numerique", an open-source, collaborative editor and replacement for #Notion and alike

#foss #opensource #office

Some "notes" (LOL) about my first week with Anytype, how I see using it, and why I probably won't put all my notes there...

➡️ rasterweb.net/raster/2025/03/0…

#anytype #notion #notes #bearapp


Notion's help is so bad I had no choice just then but to use the built-in AI to add a field to a page.

We're all fucked.

Have I found my #Notion replacement? anytype.io I really like it so far!

I'm getting SO much more federation or #SelfHosted pilled with stuff.

I'm really appreciating the traditional model of selling sofware licenses as one off fees rather than monthly subscriptions.

Like with #Obsidian , I love it! Its also free. But its awesome that if the company dies tomorrow? My notes are still here, and I can still use the software.

If #Notion dies tomorrow? My notes are gone and I've lost my tool that my productivity relies on!

Stichworte #notetaking und #unplugtrump. Ich habe gesucht, finde aber aktuell nichts zur synchronisierten Nutzung von Notizen Apps wie #Obsidian, #Notion, #LogSeq usw. über Platform-Grenzen hinweg: Windows - Mobil Geräte... - Habe ich nicht genau genug geschaut? - Welches Szenario empfiehlt sich, um lokal gespeicherte Daten auch mit einem Mobilgerät nutzen zu können?

[edit] j'ai fait un tableau excel, c'est bien un tableau excel
question sérieuse (je sais que je fais une erreur fatale en la posant ici)
Préambule : je sais que #Notion peut répondre à mon besoin mais pas trop envie pour 2 raisons : une app US et un système fermé.
Pour mon activité pro, je voudrais pouvoir suivre devis avec date probable d'intervention + date de relance et ensuite dates de prod (acompte et livraison) pour avoir un calendrier et un prévisionnel par mois.
Tu utiliserais quoi ?

Have we become too dependent on American products? I find myself more hesitant to send money that way.

Mastodon thankfully not an issue. Phones we have recently discussed (including @jolla as an option, but tough one). What about a good alternative to Google Business stuff for small companies? Or something like #Notion? Or #Slack?

Ostatnio jak rozmawialismy o aplikacjach do zarzadzania zadaniami to ktos wspomnial, ze #Notion sie nie nadaje bo nie da sie w nim ustawic powtarzajacych sie zdarzen

No to juz mozna 😀

"Do more with recurring tasks

Automatically update pages on a schedule with recurring database automations. Set and forget tasks like weekly reminders, or auto-generate weekly status docs for projects marked as In Progress."

#aplikacje #TaskManager #software #oprogramowanie

📝 Turn your voice notes into organized Notion docs effortlessly with Notis AI! 📱 Simply send your voice messages via WhatsApp and let AI transcribe & structure everything in your Notion workspace. Perfect for busy professionals! #Notion #AI #VoiceToText #Productivity


Jeg har lige opdaget #AnyType, der virker til at have lidt samme muligheder som #Notion


Det er local first, så ingen filer på udenlandske servere, hvilket jo er fedt!

Er der andre der er stødt på det?

Notion AI has this creepy icon that looks like it's always observing everything you do.

#Notion #AI

Jezzzzu, jak mi sie nie podoba interfejs w #ToDoist... skonczy sie na tym, ze znowu bede musial kombinowac z tworzeniem wlasnych szablonow do #Notion 😂

Niestety pod tym wzgledem #ClickUp jest niedoscigniony 😑

#oprogramowanie #software #TaskManager

voy con la #presentacion 😀
Vivo en el campo, enseño #VisualThinking a quien quiera y necesite aprender. Me encanta el queso, la música clásica contemporánea y las plantas. Hago gestión cultural para ganarme las castañas, y tengo una web bien pintona: lacienciadelgarabato.com
También una newsletter una vez al mes.

Uso #Notion para ayudar a mi cerebro a no perderse en las ramas.

Busco ser social en redes que sean éticas.

I'm looking for more mutuals, please interact/follow If you like any of the following:

Boost please!

Noodling on where to post thoughts on books I'm reading.

#Goodreads is better than I remember. There's an RSS for updates, but they include books added to my "TBR" list ☹️ & I don't think I can customize what to auto-include in my feed (I could delete the update items manually every time but... 🥺)

Then there's #Masto where I post all kinds of things. But I'm pretty sure I can get an RSS feed of all my toots tagged #bookstodon & have that on my #notion website (librarymonster.io/lair.html)

New website page, hosted outside of #neocities bc I want to update my #ReadingJournal & #ReadingResources databases frequently on my phone. Introducing the Lair librarymonster.io/lair.html, hosted by #notion. More info and context about it on my website's homepage as the headline article librarymonster.io/

#WebDev #IndieWeb #bookstodon #Reading

Notion introduceert aanpasbare e-mailapp voor 2025 trendingtech.news/trending-new… #Notion #e-mailapp #productiviteit #AI #aanpassing #Trending #News #Nieuws

Notion bereidt lancering van e-mailproduct voor: notion mail trendingtech.news/trending-new… #Notion Mail #productiviteit #e-maildienst #Skiff overname #innovatie #Trending #News #Nieuws

#AskFedi #FediTips Q: is there a way to organize #Mastodon bookmarks, like creating an automation for them or making them easier to re-read?

I save a TON of stuff, esp. as research for my blog about the Fediverse & it's not the easiest thing to wade through them.

I typically click on the "Bookmarks" tab on my desktop browser and copy and paste their URLs into a #Notion page about each upcoming blog post... but I wish there was a better way to do this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!