Items tagged with: ontarioelection
Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie has claimed her party is the "people's opposition" after winning more votes but fewer seats than the NDP.
#politics #election #Ontario #OntarioElection #OntarioLiberals #OntarioNDP…
The ridings of Mississauga—Erin Mills and Mushkegowuk—James Bay were won by the Progressive Conservatives and Ontario NDP by razor-thin margins in the province's Feb. 27 election.
#election #politics #MississaugaErinMills #MushkegowukJamesBay #OntarioElection #Ontariopolitics…
#OntarioElection #onpoli #ProportionalRepresentation
Elections Ontario: Voter turnout : 45%
PC - 82 seats
NDP - 25 seats
Libs - 14 seats
Green - 2 seats
Here are 20 ridings where a combined Lib & NDP vote would have beaten the PCs.,
There's also another dozen where the addition of the Green votes to the Lib & NDP votes would have beaten the PC candidate .
#OntarioElection #cdnpoli
Most of you exercised your right not to bother voting yesterday.
That's fine.
Just know the rest of us no longer have any interest in hearing about how you are getting your booze delivered by Uber now or how your gramma died of thirst lying in her own shit & vomit in an Ontario LTC home.
Thank you. #OntarioElection #onpoli
While across a large portion of Ontario, Doug Ford cruised to a third consecutive majority government, he once again fell flat in the downtown core of Toronto on Thursday night.
#politics #election #Ontario #Toronto #OntarioElection #OntarioLiberals…
Doug Ford sails to another majority
#OntarioPoli #OntarioElection #ElectionResults #MajorityGovernment #ConservativeWin
Doug Ford celebrates majority win by demolishing closest hospital
#FordNation #CelebrationGoneWrong #PoliticalSatire #DougFord #OntarioElection #cdnpoli…
Doug Ford celebrates majority win by demolishing closest hospital - The Beaverton
ETOBICOKE, ON — After his Conservative party was officially re-elected with a majority vote this evening, Doug Ford celebrated his win by immediately hopping in his car, tearing down University Avenue, and obliterating SickKids hospital.Clare Blackwood (The Beaverton)
Cons - 80 seats NDP - 27 seats Libs - 14 seats
as per unofficial Elections Ontario results so far...
I'm going to save my major commentary about the #election until tomorrow. I'm so tired from traveling around my riding to push people to vote. How has your #electionday gone?
Really, you just expect miserable, worst outcomes in elections in this era, don't you? Huge tracts of people voting to entrench the worst timeline against their own community's best interests, but you still keep hoping for a positive surprise some day.
Oh well, not today. Keep your head down and chisel away at the supports under the oligarchy.
Ontario votes Ford in for third time, and gives a populist conservative a majority government as people go without access to healthcare, disability support, housing and basic friggin necessities.
I’m disappointed in my fellow citizens. The rich and privileged few just voted to leave the rest of us by the wayside.
They will never care until it happens to them, and by then it’ll be too late.
#canpoli #onelection #ontarioelection #dougford #ford #disability #housing #healthcare #socialjustice
Jost got back from voting in the Ontario provincial election. I can't help but feel that a majority of voters who are mobile and have the time to vote won't bother.
And they will be the ones griping the loudest over four more years. #onpoli #ontarioElection
My wife and I always took our kids with us when we voted — federal, provincial, and municipal elections. We wanted them to see us doing it and understand the importance. This is the first provincial election where all of our family members were eligible to vote, and everyone did! One of our sons voted early, while another voted by mail. The rest of us voted first thing this morning. A voter-suppressing winter election didn't stop us! I'm proud of that. 😀
Get in losers, we're going voting!
Easy way for Ontarians to stop losing – let's replace this government.
Vote strategically, and avoid splitting the vote on the left/centre. Choose the most popular non-con in your riding.
As much as I hate leaving the property, going to town and the roads are absolute shit because we're in a snow storm and under a weather advisory because of it, I did today, because it's voting day.
#Vote #AlwaysVote #NeverVoteConservative
#Ontario #OntarioElection
#spoonies #democracy #vote #ontarioElection #ONpoli
Already a line, but fast moving.
Everybody was so helpful. When I said I couldn't see where they were pointing, an election worker took the time to gently steer me where I needed to be.
And the ballot font is HUGE now. I didn't even need the magnifier they offered me.
I wasn't registered, but had ID and something with my new address, and they got me all set up.
Yay democracy!
#ontarioElection #vote
Disabled and spoonie friends in Ontario:
If you're struggling to get to your polling station today, a reminder you can ask your local incumbent's campaign for a ride.
They are likely to have the most volunteer resources, and your vote is private, not conditional on a ride.
Take advantage of their resources to get you what you need today.
#disability #spoonie #ontario #ONpoli #ontarioElection
#vote #disabled #disabilityJustice #hackTheSystem #democracy
Snow day, election day.
This is what happens when you hold an election in February. #ontario #ontarioelection
Doug Ford triggered the province's first winter election since 1883 at a cost of roughly $189 million and sent his opponents scrambling at the end of January.
#election #politics #winter #Ontario #OntarioElection #Ontariopolitics…
The poll shows Doug Ford's Progressive Conservatives are 20 points ahead of Bonnie Crombie's Liberals, with Marit Stiles' NDP in a distant third.
#election #politics #Ontario #Ipsos #OntarioElection #Ontariopolitics…
Doug Ford’s PCs are well in front of the other parties when it comes to raising money from big donors ahead of tomorrow’s Ontario election. Find out who is giving and why a government watchdog is raising concerns about the political donation rules.
#onpoli #OntarioElection
Ontario PCs dominate fundraising from big donors, including lobbyists
Analysis shows donations over $1,000 make up bulk of money donated to Doug Ford’s partyBethany Lindsay (Investigative Journalism Foundation)
Through Ontario's tariff-focused snap election campaign, Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie has demanded a statue of Sir John A. MacDonald be put back on display.
#politics #history #election #QueensPark #Ontario #OntarioElection…
When the Greenbelt was first created by the former Liberal government in 2005, the legislation mandated a review of the land every decade.
#politics #environment #land #Ontario #Greenbelt #OntarioElection…
When the Greenbelt was first created by the former Liberal government in 2005, the legislation mandated a review of the land every decade.
#politics #environment #land #Ontario #Greenbelt #OntarioElection…
When the Greenbelt was first created by the former Liberal government in 2005, the legislation mandated a review of the land every decade.
#politics #environment #land #Ontario #Greenbelt #OntarioElection…
When It Comes to Healthcare, Doug Ford Thinks You're Stupid
Vote for someone else. Your life might depend on it.
David Moscrop
Feb 24, 2025
'I'll be on your side,' NDP leader Marit Stiles says it's time for change. Here's her plan to improve Ontario
#NDP #OntarioElection #NowToronto #PoliticalInterview #PolicyPlan…
‘I’ll be on your side,’ NDP leader Marit Stiles says it’s time for change. Here’s her plan to improve Ontario - NOW Toronto
In an insightful interview with Now Toronto last week, Ontario NDP leader Marit Stiles opened up about her vision for the province.Janiece Campbell (NOW Toronto)
Is this the same couple whose 'stag and doe' was paid for by Doug Ford's rich developer friends?
#ontario #onpoli #ontarioelection
Doug Ford's son-in-law facing misconduct charges from Toronto Police Service…