Items tagged with: salmon
Norway salmon spot prices down, especially on big fish, while Chile, Scottish lift
Spot prices for Norwegian farmed salmon look to be easing again for week 13 of 2025 (commencing March 24), especially on large fish, while Chilean fresh salmon fillet prices to the US are up slightly, and Scottish are lifting too, sources told Underc…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
💳 ■ Compra el nuevo pescado al vacío del Mercadona sin muchas expectativas, lo mete en la freidora de aire y su opinión da un vuelco de repente ■ Permaneció en el interior del electrodoméstico 12 minutos a 200ºC.…
Compra el nuevo pescado al vacío del Mercadona sin muchas expectativas, lo mete en la freidora de aire y su opinión da un vuelco de repente
Un usuario de TikTok ha relatado a través de su perfil su experiencia probando un salmón que adquirió en el Mercadona. Según él, que se ha grabado en una cocina, el producto venía envasado al vacío y le costó 18 euros.Redacción HuffPost (El HuffPost)
I gave into temptation and diverged from my non-animal diet, but I think it was worth it.…
#food #recipe #omnivore #health #salmon
Irresistible salmon
My non-animal diet occasionally gives in to temptation, and one particularly tempting thing is seeing a package of salmon belly trimmings at a local grocer: thin strips cut from wild sockeye salmon…Later On
Did you know that fish use fish ladders…
#Fish #Marine #Salmon #Dams #Nature #Marine #Oceans
Adult Upstream Passage on the West Coast
The most common way for adult fish to get past a dam is to use a fish ladder, a water-filled structure that allows fish to pass up and over in a series of steps.NOAA…
Please consider signing this petition to end salmon farming in Tasmania and protect our environment.
The Australia Institute has recently obtained documents, which the public service has been found to have illegally refused to release,which reveal that Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has known for almost 18 months that salmon farming should be comprehensively assessed under national environmental law for its impact on the endangered Maugean skate and Macquarie Harbour’s World Heritage value.
In a bid to pander to the powerful aquaculture lobby, the Prime Minister has pledged $37 million in public funding to support the toxic salmon industry and promised to introduce legislation that will allow them to bypass Australia’s environmental protection laws and continue destroying World Heritage – both the skate and the Harbour are recognised for their World Heritage value.
The Salmon farming industry is currently looking to expand it’s operations by 43% by 2020 along the coast of so.called BC. The industry’s open net farms are placed on the migratory paths of pacific wild salmon; exposing them to disease, lice and pollution.
If you like these reports, consider making a donation –
“This past week the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society alongside independent biologist Dr. Alexandra Morton exposed a massive die off of fish in a Cermaq farm in Okisollo Chanel off Vancouver Island. This comes on the one year anniversary of the Ahousaht warrior’s successful victory removing a fish farm in Yaakswiis.
Follow the fish farming research vessel;
More about the Yaakswiis resistance;
Gabriel thanked the Youth for starting the ceremony off “in a right way,” and said it warms his heart that they are witnessing the ground break for the site of the future fish passage.
“You will see the salmon return to our lakes, as they did well before the 1900s — salmon that we lived with for thousands of years,” he said.
#rewilding #salmon #watersheds #SyilxNation #okanagan #canada…
Okanagan fish passage, blocked for decades, set to be re-opened
syilx Okanagan-led fishway past a dam is expected to be finished by late June, allowing salmon access to their historic migration routeAaron Hemens, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter (IndigiNews)
Might this ruling be applied to other large animal production sites; not only terrestrial, but also at sea? The toxic #salmon industry has been dumping kilotonnes of faecal waste every year into #Scotland’s seas & lochs without hindrance for decades; it's time they took responsibility and cleaned up their waste.…
Chicken manure can be classified as industrial waste, judge rules
US-style mega-farms in Herefordshire face tough new regulations after high court rulingSandra Laville (The Guardian)
Farmed salmon is artificially dyed bright orange to hide the nasty pale grey colour (In the wild, salmon eat crustaceans, that naturally colours their flesh orange) + tonnes of antibiotics in the fish pens because of all the bacterial infections in the fish.…
#Salmon #marineLife #environment #exploitation
The rotting underbelly of the salmon industry. Essay by Richard Flanagan. Documentary by Justin Kurzel and Conor Castles-Lynch.
Christine Coughanowr is a gently spoken woman of large achievement. An estuarine scientist, she started and led for twenty years a remarkable program to clean up pollution and restore marine life in Hobart’s magnificent Derwent Estuary.The Monthly
“ Capitalism is like a dead fish in the moonlight - it glitters but it stinks ! “
March 2025 “mass mortality event”…
October 2024 Boycott & Protests…
April 2021 Alarm…
#salmon #MarineLife #environment #exploitation #Coles #Woolworths #pollution #RachelCarson
Salmon industry apologises for impact of 'unprecedented mortality event'
The peak body for salmon farming acknowledges the community impact of mass salmon mortalities and fatty chunks washing ashore on Tasmanian beaches, calling it a "concerning time" and saying the industry will be making changes.Lucy MacDonald (ABC News)
#DrillBabyDrill! smh
#Alaska governor asks #Trump to roll back restrictions on #OilAndGasDrilling
By Becky Bohrer, December 20, 2024
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — "Alaska Gov. #MikeDunleavy’s wish list for the incoming Trump administration includes oil and gas exploration in the pristine #ArcticNationalWildlifeRefuge and reversing restrictions on #logging and road-building in a temperate #rainforest that provides habitat for #wolves, #bears and #salmon."
Read more:…
#RenewablesNow #BigOilAndGas #USPol #ProtectTheArctic #Extinction #ArcticWarming #Corporatocracy #CorporateColonialism #CorporateFascism
Alaska governor asks Trump to roll back restrictions on oil and gas drilling
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s wish list for the incoming Trump administration includes oil and gas exploration in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and reversing restrictions on logging and road-building in a temperate rainforest that provid…Becky Bohrer (AP News)
It's Friday. Time to party!
In the kitchen, that is, because: forty-something. The days of cycling into town at 11pm to drink watery beer in a dimly lit pub, only to return home by the time the rest of the world got up to go to work, are long behind me. Coocooning and sleeping at 11pm is the new bar-hanging. Yep, very rock 'n roll.
Kitchen. Party.
I made my own pasta. Always a fun thing to do. Served it with home made pesto, a frech piece of salmon and some spinach, which I gave a nice Italian touch.
In the second photo everything looked neat, but that was short-lived. This was a meal in the category: the messier the better. Stir it up!
#cooking #pasta #pesto #herbs #veggies #food #Friday #kitchen #salmon #spinach #healthy #whoopwhoop #party #goodfood #goodmood
#DontMakeMyCityAThemePark #orcas #salmon #cleanair #cleanwater #2026FIFAWorldCup…
It's not a "salmon industry" it is a "wild salmon eradication industry". The worst thing #Norway has released upon the world: fish farms.…
Salmon industry apologises for impact of 'unprecedented mortality event'
The peak body for salmon farming acknowledges the community impact of mass salmon mortalities and fatty chunks washing ashore on Tasmanian beaches, calling it a "concerning time" and saying the industry will be making changes.Lucy MacDonald (ABC News)
"The battery chicken of the sea"; and yet wild #salmon are predators that should be thriving in the Ocean, in our coastal waters and in our rivers.
Get it #OffTheTable.
Wild coho salmon stew - I occasionally diverge from a non-animal diet, and today was one of those times. I believe the stew is still quite healthful. Recipe at link.…
#food #recipe #omnivore #health #cooking #salmon #stew
Wild coho salmon stew
I generally follow a whole-food non-animal diet, but occasionally I diverge, typically for a bit of seafood. I spotted these wild coho salmon fillets on sale, and was tempted. 300g wild coho salmon…Later On
"In the northernmost prefecture of #Hokkaido, poor fishing conditions triggered by global warming are endangering #Japan's prized salmon -- widely considered one of the country's favorite seafood.
A researcher has warned that climate change is forcing Hokkaido's chum salmon, which make up the bulk of Japan's #salmon catch, into a losing battle with a relative for food, hindering their return in large numbers to spawn in the rivers where they were released."…
FEATURE: Japanese salmon catches plummet in losing battle to climate change
There is trouble on the horizon in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, where poor fishing conditions triggered by global warming are endangering Japan's prized salmon -- widely considered one of the country's favorite seafood.KYODO NEWS (KYODO NEWS+)
Rye crispbread with smoked salmon. So simple. So wonderful 🐟
Take every last bone out of the smoked salmon.
Shred with a fork and mix with sour cream, salt and white pepper.
Amounts are to taste. I went for about 2 tbsp of sour cream on half a salmon. Just a little for creaminess and acidity. And a pinch of salt and two of white pepper.
We bought a whole smoked salmon so I've been having it for breakfast all week. Sitting in the sun and indulging before the day begins.
Grieg Seafood Canada says it's putting a pause on completing a large-scale salmon farming facility in the Newfoundland and Labrador community of Marystown. That decision is largely driven by the inability to find a financing partner and the looming threat of ...
#business #construction #salmon #farming #Marystown #NewfoundlandandLabrador…
and here's a fun little article 😀)) and by fun, I mean it makes me want to go eco tewowist :3
What's going to happen is that these #salmon are bad at breeding in the wild, they'll have eggs with wild salmon, and the eggs will not make it, meaning the #fishfarm has maybe destroyed an entire generations worth of salmon, if they can even recover.
#Bjork actually protested this, and you can see it's with good reason.
#Norway #Norwegian #Capitalism #Eco…
Seafood firm offers bounty to catch 27,000 escaped salmon off Norway
Mowi to give fishers £36 per fish after loss from farm in what campaigners say is a ‘disaster for wild salmon’Miranda Bryant (The Guardian)
🐟 Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on west coast…
#salmon #fish #food #aquaculture #environment #usa
Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on West Coast
This month Washington became the last state on the U.S. West Coast to reject salmon aquaculture over environmental concerns.Rebecca Kessler (Conservation news)…
#fish #salmon #aquaculture #pollution
Thousands of salmon dying in Tasmania as industry grapples with disease, antibiotics and 'chunks' washing ashore
Less than a week ago, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese promised to maintain salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour. Down the other end of the state, the industry is facing fights on multiple fronts.Adam Holmes (ABC News)
#Moroccan #Salmon Tagine with Preserved Lemons & Capers #recipe.…
#MiddleEastern #NorthAfrican #food #GlobalSouthFood #MediterraneanFood
The One That Got Away: This Small Town Is Left in Limbo After Betting Big on GMO Salmon
AquaBounty GMO salmon was going to be the future of fish — and the future for one Ohio village that offered incentives to make a new facility happen. But years after breaking ground, there are no fancy fish tanks. No designer fish. No new jobs.
What a delicious combination this turned out to be!
#food #foodporn #foodphotography #cooking #soup #foodstyling #recipes #dinner #salmon #essen
Visit my blog and sign up for my newsletter for more recipes!
Recipe link:…
Salmon Soup with Red Palm Oil - The Salted Potato from Renée Robinson
A creamy fish soup with a difference. I’m a fan of all good fish soups/chowders. From the tomato based to the cream based I’m all in.Renée Robinson (The Salted Potato)
“The fate of the skate literally rises and falls alongside salmon production."
“A recent environmental DNA study … has demonstrated that the vast majority, if not all, of the current population of Maugean skate live only in Macquarie Harbour,” the report reads. A conservation report by the government’s threatened species scientific committee last year said the skate should be considered critically endangered, estimating there were between 40 and 120 adult skates remaining in the wild."
#biodiversity #skate #conservation #FishIndustry #salmon #fish #pollution
Albanese sparks anger with pledge over controversial salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour
Prime minister tells Salmon Tasmania of promise to change legislation and allow ‘sustainable’ farming to continueEmily Wind (The Guardian)
Are drying rivers a warning of Europe's tomorrow?
Europe's rivers fell to historically low levels during a long, ferociously hot summer. Is a sign of things to come?Paul Hokenos (BBC)
Seafood firm offers bounty to catch 27,000 escaped salmon off Norway
Mowi to give fishers £36 per fish after loss from farm in what campaigners say is a ‘disaster for wild salmon’Miranda Bryant (The Guardian)
One of my favorite breakfasts is an everything bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and cucumber. I sprinkle some dill on there to give it a lil razzle dazzle.
#breakfast #homemademeals #wehavefoodathome #bagel #smoked #smokedsalmon #salmon #fish #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #easybreakfastideas #highprotein