TrenchBroom v2019.3
Supported Platforms
- Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Linux: GTK+ 2.6 or higher (deb and rpm packages see below)
- macOS: 10.7 or higher
Windows users please install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 (x86 version)
Bug fixes
- #2559: Brush content types requires all faces to match, add option for ignoring some textures
- #2574: Don't discard the entire virtual file system if one file system fails to load
- #2561: Crash when loading md3 models with empty shader paths
- #2568: Improve support for blend factors in Quake 3 shaders
- #2552: Prevent a scale of 0 when scaling textures. Don't allow scaling, rotation, shearing when one scale factor is 0.
- #2562: Set focus in RenderView::OnMouse when starting mouse capture
- #2560: fix GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER not being set
- #2568: Fix typo in Q3 shader blend func parameters
- #2571: Update Hexen 2 FGD