TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake-engine based games.
- Website:
- Downloads:
- General
- Full support for editing in 3D and in up to three 2D views
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Unlimited Undo and Redo
- Macro-like command repetition
- Issue browser with automatic quick fixes
- Point file support
- Automatic backups
- Free and cross platform
- Brush Editing
- Robust vertex editing with edge and face splitting and manipulating multiple vertices together
- Clipping tool with two and three points
- CSG operations: merge, subtract, intersect
- UV view for easy texture manipulations
- Precise texture lock for all brush editing operations
- Multiple texture collections
- Entity Editing
- Entity browser with drag and drop support
- Support for FGD and DEF files for entity definitions
- Mod support
- Entity link visualization
- Displays 3D models in the editor
- Smart entity property editors
- Read Build.txt for instructions
- Bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome. Please submit them at
- If you wish to contribute code or improve the documentation, please get in touch with me at
- All help is appreciated!
- wxWidgets
- FreeType
- FreeImage
- GoogleTest
- GoogleMock
- CMake
- Pandoc
- Quake icons by Th3 ProphetMan
- Hexen 2 icon by thedoctor45
- Source Sans Pro font
- Improved vertex manipulation with more degrees of freedom.
- Improved vertex snapping.
- Fixed crash when applying quick fixes.
- Added #1408: Show warning for blank entity keys and values
- Fixed #1423: TrenchBroom 2 not working in Windows XP
- Fixed #1418: Angle values -1 and -2 not displayed for brush entities
- Fixed #1402: Up and down arrow keys sometimes move objects along Z axis
- Fixed #1401: Undo crash after rotation on Y axis
- Fixed #1397: Crash when loading a map that was saved under a different name
- Fixed #1395: Issues manager no longer fixing issues
- Fixed #1394: CSG redo crash
- Fixed #1393: Crash when when pressing keyboard shortcut to snap vertices
- Fixed #1392: Bad performance when undoing / redoing
- Fix rendering views flashing on Windows (#1389).
- Don't crash when Quake 2 game path is not set or cannot be found (#1388).
- In-editor compilation support.
- Support for launching game engines.
- Add issue generator for long entity properties.
- Add issue generator for empty groups.
- Improve texture loading in Quake 2.
- Don't allow drawing brushes outside of world bounds.
- Reset the rotation handle position and keep a list of previously used positions.
- Store texture lock state in the preferences and default to on.
- Allow Shift+Drag to snap vertices to the grid.
- Fix crash when closing the editor while the clip tool is active.
- Fix skew bugs in UV editor.
- Fix duplicated objects not being added to the current layer or group.
- Fix rendering problems when duplicating entities within groups.
- Fix handling of brush entities when grouping.
- Fix initial point placement in the complex brush tool.
- Fix crash when undoing CSG operations.
- Fix crash when undoing brush resizing.
- Fix usage indicators in entity and texture browsers.
- Fix layout problem in game path preferences.
- Fix ESC key behavior in preference and About dialog.
- Fix window position and size restoration problems.
- Fix ESC key behavior when in clip mode.
- Fix case sensitivity problems in open file dialog on Linux.
- Fix layout of view dropdown window on Linux.
- Fix texture lock for faces having +Y as their normal.
- Show correct window icons.
- Better support for dark UI themes.
- Performance improvements.
- Cosmetic changes.
- Fix keyboard shortcuts not working after cycling an editing viewport
- Add Wavefront OBJ exporter
- Add support for Alt+RMB drag for scrolling browser views
- Add support for zooming 2D views with Alt+MMB
- Add crash reporter by @ericwa
- Write entity and brush ID comments like Radiant
- Better support for OS themes
- Fix a crash when undoing too many times
- Fix a problem that made certain keyboard shortcuts unusable on Windows
- Fix ESC key not usable in keyboard shortcut editor
- Fix dropdown menus not working on popup windows
- Fix a parse error when copy / pasting brush faces
- Fix reset to defaults not working for certain keyboard shortcuts
- Fix a crash when opening entity or texture browser on Windows with Intel hardware
- Fix a crash in clip tool when dragging clip points
- Fix an OpenGL related crash on Linux
- Preliminary FreeBSD support by @danfe
- Upgrade to wxWidgets 3.1.0
- Support for Visual Studio 15 by @ericwa
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor fixes
- Complete rewrite with many new features and bug fixes
- New 2D views with multiple view layouts
- Support for multiple games
- Macro-like command repetition
- Issue browser
- CSG operations: merge, subtract, intersect
- UV view for easy texture manipulations
- Proper Linux support
- Fix the rotation tool handle position
- Fix the rotation tool
- Allow snapping faces to the grid when resizing brushes
- Improved major grid line shading (rebb)
- Fixed umlauts in About dialog
- Emergency bugfix
- New text rendering system (faster and fewer glitches)
- Brush drawing now more accurate (see docs)
- Option to use integer plane point coordinates
- Recompute vertices after every change to brush geometry
- Major lines of the grid are rendered thicker
- Read write protected map files
- Don't crash when trying to save a write protected file
- Internal Worldspawn properties set to read only
- Fix 3D view focus issues on Windows
- Drop invalid brushes in parser instead of crashing
- Always autosave (don't wait until the map is changed)
- Keep more autosaves and save only every 10 minutes
- Don't show rotation decorators for invisible entities
- Documentation updates and fixes
- Fixed a crash when undoing edge and face move operations.
- Improved map loading speed.
- Improved accuracy of vertex computation.
- Added antialiasing for grid lines (rebb).
- Thin out grid lines after a certain distance (rebb).
- Draw thinner grid lines for small grid sizes.
- Added face shading depending on view direction (rebb).
- Fixed a performance problem when editing face attributes.
- Place initial brush in new maps and make the camera look at it.
- Position pasted objects so that they line up with objects under the mouse cursor.
- Added option to use Alt+MMB to move the camera forward and backward.
- Fixed parsing of color values in FGD files.
- Improved Quake.fgd and Quoth2.fgd.
- Updated and fixed some errors in the documentation.
- Improved Quake.fgd and Quoth2.fgd.
- Improvements to clipboard pasting.
- Fixed a crash bug when loading maps with invalid brushes.
- Fix off-by-one bug of mod list in map properties dialog.
- Snap vertex coordinates if close to integer coordinates.
- Add logging on all platforms.
- Properly merge spawnflags when loading fgd or def files.
- Properly set the size of point entities from fgd files.
- Fix crash bug when clipping all selected brushes.