Tracy Durnell

Pronouns: she/her
Tracy Durnell is a graphic designer and writer from Seattle
Chat Nickname: tracydurnell
Tracy Durnell
I'm a graphic designer and writer in the Seattle area. I've been blogging on and off since 2003, most recently at
I use as a mind garden to track articles I've read and shows and videos I've watched. I'm tracking books I read there too.
I ran the blog Cascadia Inspired from 2012-2023, where I wrote about creative work and finding inspiration in nature. In 2021 I ran an art project on a subdomain as a pandemic project.
Blog Posts
Blog Posts Related to the IndieWeb
- Building community out of strangers - November 2023
- Barriers to a more social IndieWeb - July 2023
- The IndieWeb as affinity network - June 2023
- I asked Substack to add Webmention support - December 2022
- Making the IndieWeb more approachable - November 2022
- Fixing microformat support on Twenty Twenty WordPress theme - September 2022
- Following people outside of a feed - June 2022
- Overcoming the societal expectations making it hard for women to leave social media - March 2022
- Mushroom Mascot Illustrated at IndieWeb Create Day - October 2021
- Getting More Women Involved in the IndieWeb - September 2021
- Mushroom Mascot on IndieWeb Create Day - July 2021
- Musing on an Indie Web Patreon - quick brain dump on combining Indie Web tools with discoverability - June 2021
- What Iβm Excited About with Joining the Indie Web - August 2020
- Joining the Indie Web, One Step at a Time - August 2020
Blog Posts Related to Blogging / Having Websites
- How I approach crafting a blog post - September 2023
- My 20th anniversary of blogging! - September 2023
- People you know from offline donβt read your blog - August 2023
- Following up on delisting my website from Google - August 2023
- Playing together online: reimagining interactions - July 2023
- Pulling my site from Google over AI training - July 2023
- Compromising information - June 2023
- Blogging's emotional obstacles - April 2023
- What makes RSS better than social timelines? - February 2023
- With a blog, everything is a prompt - February 2023
- Blogs are a platform for normal people - January 2023
- Understanding blogs - January 2023
- Deciding what belongs on my website - October 2022
- Expanding the blogroll, owning my follows - October 2022
- Personal Website Aesthetics - December 2021
- Personal Websites are the Best - November 2021
- Thinking Better with My Mind Garden - October 2020
- Living in the Internet I Choose: A Blog Manifesto - June 2019
IndieWeb Event Notes
Notes and Ideas from IndieWeb Popups and Events
- Watched Photo Posting And Presentation - May 2022
- Connecting with other readers through our websites - February 2022
- Analog Meets Online: Session Thoughts - January 2022
- A New WordPress Theme at Create Day - December 2021
- Gardens and Streams II - September 2021
- Sensitive Data on Your Personal Website - June 2021
Notes and Ideas from Homebrew Website Club
- May 19, 2021 - visualizing threads and connected content (for comments or mind garden posts), local community-run web hosting as public service, collating self-quantified data into easy-to-analyze databases on our own websites to spot patterns and make suggestions to yourself
- May 26, 2021 - "low impact" websites and the overlap with streamlined code, mini computer interactive art project
- June 9, 2021 - teaming up with a webhost to create a one-click Indie Web website install, celebrating birthdays on your website, audiences to invite to Indie Web events
- June 30, 2021 - feedback and further musings about how to improve the 2021/homepage proposal I'm chipping away at
- July 21, 2021 - future wiki improvement projects, discussion about the philosophy of subscribing to feeds versus things or people
- August 4, 2021 - Kicks Condor and the potential of website weirdness, a different format for conversation threading
- August 11, 2021 - discussion about making friends and meeting people online through your website - idea of a community challenge to interact with people you don't know in the IndieWeb
- August 18, 2021 - what could in-person IndieWebCamp look like in 2022? identified the need for an IndieWeb icon (16px)
- August 28, 2021 - hydroponics website, troubleshooting my reading list filter
- September 8, 2021 - Self-Sufficient Hosting and the Literacy of the Future
- December 1, 2021 - Dystopia and IndieWeb Gifts and Commitments
Personal Websites
- Figure out a homepage layout for my mind garden that makes it feel like less of a feed - I'm thinking something like a "magazine" layout with blocks for each either category or post type - potentially displaying some random posts as well
- Would love to figure out how to somehow display a visual web of articles linked by tags but I think that's way outside my skillset - instead maybe adding links to other articles with similar tags on post pages?
- Ideally would love a dynamic visualization similar to this suggestion for threaded convos
- Could probably use a suggested posts plugin to do similar
- A simpler visualization method could be kind of Venn diagram-ish representations by category or tag, showing how other tags overlap with the selected category or tag - e.g. for books would be interesting to see relative prevalence of overlapping tags like novella, non-fiction, etc.
IndieWeb Projects
- create an IndieWeb mascot
- update color palette and incorporate into the wiki CSS
- IndieWeb (versus IndieWebCamp) logo and icon
- cleanup of key IndieWeb wiki pages for improved readability for new folks
- organizers maps for use on who page
- active community members opt-in map?
- Set up SSL on both websites
- 2021 - ok this took 15 minutes
- Redesign my author website (under a pen name) which is using a generic template
- Created a new WordPress child theme at December 2021 Create Day
- Adding an index of tags
- May 2022 - have created an index page to show tags, categories and post kinds
- Adding a recipe page to save go-to recipes (and notes?)
- 2023 done