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Follow Your Nose Discovery was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023.


Session Proposal

  • Follow Your Nose replace or fallback for the use-cases that people use WebFinger, #FYND, Tantek Γ‡elik
  • Tantek: understand the use cases of webfinger


  • follow_your_nose
  • History: focus was "what do you want to do with your website?" in early indie web camps - this ends up concentrating the
  • solving user problems, rather than technical philosophy

How do we cope with lots of rels?

Feedback on the follow your nose page itself:

  • MIssing an explanation of what follow your nose is.
  • Definition needs an actual description
  • Would be good to have a small concrete example of follow your nose

Other examples of hardcoded paths:

  • e.g. using rel=icon instead of /favicon.ico
  • e.g. crossdomain.xml
  • e.g. /robots.txt - see robots_txt page
  • e.g. /.well-known/* - see well-known wiki page
  • e.g. /.well-known/atproto-did is one option for claiming a domain for BlueSky - https://atproto.com/ but they also allow for a more follow your nose mechanism and can add an http header
  • IndieAuth has a recommendation for locating metadata at .well-known as well

Can you cache rel values across pages? E.g. domain scope vs page scoped for webmention

How do you cache a rel discovery?

  • Answer: how you cache anything, HTTP caching headers

Principles for follow your nose

  • The owner of a site should have full sovereignty over all the paths at that site. (path sovereignty) HTTP requests to that site.
  • Consuming code perspective: you should be able to discover everything about a page, from something inside that page.

Some other examples of "self-sufficiency" (similar to path sovereignty, self-documenting, etc.), via question from Peter Kaminski to GPT-4: https://chat.openai.com/share/a60e0ced-c72c-4ff4-9e51-14aecdd70443 )

Even redirects still impose on your site. E.g. BridgyFed.

Is anyone consuming hardcoded paths from someone else's website?

/ is a well known path. do we free ourselves from that as well?

  • what's the goal you're trying to accomplish?
  • difference between information about a page and information about a domain
  • prior behavior from browsers is perhaps ok to build on?
    • or is it up to the server?

Web pages should be self-documenting, anything relevant to a certain web page would include in the metadata that's necessary to understand that web page. Privacy policy, other kinds of things.

Should information about a site belong to DNS?

  • There have been DNS text record proposal for information about a domain
  • There's a DNS text record to use your domain name as your Bluesky username - an alternative to /.well-known/atproto-did
  • From https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/#url-canonicalization: "Since IndieAuth uses https/http URLs which fall under what [URL] calls "Special URLs", a string with no path component is not a valid [URL]. As such, if a URL with no path component is ever encountered, it MUST be treated as if it had the path /. For example, if a user provides https://example.com for Discovery, the client MUST transform it to https://example.com/ when using it and comparing it."

Follow your nose applies to http URLs. Thus at least a "/" is required in the path.

E.g. you could 404 "/" but still return something a "/home" for example.

The owner of a site should be able to decide what is the home page of a site, cannot assume "/".

E.g. when spoken, "My URL is tantek.com, the slash is implied".

Use-case: splash page at "/"

"/" is implied by:

  • if you type a domain into a browser, it adds the slash
  • if you type a domain into a social media post, it adds the slash
  • if you type a domain into a txt message, it adds the slash

What are the hard coded paths that folks depend on retrieving information from that we could use FYN instead?

E.g. /favicon.ico, do you have code that depends on that?

What properties are anyone's code consuming from Webfinger?

  • What does BridgyFed have to responde to (from Mastodon Webfinger requests)


  • If you're trying to look up user x at mastodon y, you go to site y/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:x@y
    • it returns a JSON document which is an object with a bunch of properties
    • which of those properties are necessary?
    • "subject" (returns what you passed in as acct:)
    • "


  • goal is to discover that is actually needed by implementations instead of what is prescribed by docs

https://webfinger.net tool

What failures occur if you remove something?

If no failures, then that thing wasn't necessary

Aside: brief discussion about partial vs complete h-cards

Angelo's minimum webfinger response: https://ragt.ag/.well-known/webfinger

  • subject
  • aliases β€” what would break if this was omitted?
  • links β€” all link rels, which could be embedded on the page instead

Modest proposal: for any link rels in the "links" collection for a user profile URL, instead use HTML link rels on that profile URL directly instead. Thus

  • given a profile URL
  • first get the HTML at that URL
  • do link rel discovery for the rel values you need
  • if you don't find the rel value you are looking for
    • you may fallback to a fixed path

FYN is RESTful in a way an api endpoint is not REST

Which rel values are implementations looking for and for what functionality? Using Angelo's as a minimal example:

This works for the following use-cases:

  • You can see Angelo on Mastodon, which works via rel="self" to the actor file:


Follow-up discussion:

  • What properties from actor are necessary?

Connections between FYN and REST/HATEOAS:

- https://www.w3.org/wiki/FollowYourNose

Pete's webfinger response from mastodon.social <https://mastodon.social/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:peterkaminski@mastodon.social>

  "subject": "acct:peterkaminski@mastodon.social",
  "aliases": [
  "links": [
      "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page",
      "type": "text/html",
      "href": "https://mastodon.social/@peterkaminski"
      "rel": "self",
      "type": "application/activity+json",
      "href": "https://mastodon.social/users/peterkaminski"
      "rel": "http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe",
      "template": "https://mastodon.social/authorize_interaction?uri={uri}"
      "rel": "http://webfinger.net/rel/avatar",
      "type": "image/png",
      "href": "https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/109/258/304/923/927/524/original/91dcfac3050ec880.png"

See Also