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German-Israelite Congregation Hamburg [Deutsch-Israelitische Gemeinde Hamburg]
- Founded:
- Dissolved:
Mentioned in
- Agreement between the German-Israelite Congregation and the City Treasury, Hamburg, January 10, 1914
Antisemitism and Persecution
(Werner Bergmann)
Appeal to Create a Jewish Memorial Cemetery in Ohlsdorf
(Ina Lorenz)
Appointment of Chief Rabbi Anschel Stern of Hamburg to Honorary Membership in the Israelite congregation of Lübeck
(Nadine Garling)
- Bernhard Heßlein, The Israelite Free School in Hamburg (conclusion), in: Der Orient, 4 (1843) 5, p. 33-34
Between Remembrance and a New Beginning – the Groundbreaking of the Synagogue at Hohe Weide on November 9, 1958
(Anna Menny)
- Calls for Donations for the Jewish Winter Relief for the Area of the Hanse City of Hamburg from the Gemeindeblatt [Congregation Newsletter], drawn by Hans Rudolf Growald, Hamburg, 1937/38
Cheskel Zwi Klötzel, Moses Pipenbrink's Adventures. A Young Adult Novel between Urban Adventure and Zionist Utopia
(Michael Nagel)
Debates concerning the Jewish Welfare System in the Era of Civil Equality
(Rainer Liedtke)
Design plans for the Jewish retirement home
(Alexandra Klei)
- Dibere Haberith or: Letters from the most eminent Rabbis and Rabbinic Boards Consistories of the most excellent Israelite Congregations of Germany, Poland, and Italy concerning the erection of the “New Temple-Association” in Hamburg by a few individuals of the present Israelite Congregation – contrary to the laws of Judaism. Faithfully translated from the Hebrew into German. Altona, printed by the Brothers Bonn, 1819
Economy and Occupational Patterns
(Uffa Jensen)
Family and Everyday Life
(Stefanie Fischer)
Family Names and Matters of Identity. Hans Julius Oppenheim’s Petition
(Beate-Christine Fiedler)
Gabriel Riesser and the Emancipation Debate in Hamburg
(Arno Herzig)
- German-Jewish War Veterans’ Association [Vaterländischer Bund jüdischer Frontsoldaten]. From the Advertising Committee: Call for a Jewish Memorial Cemetery, Hamburg 1921
Hamburg’s Jews Take Permanent Family Names
(Johannes Czakai)
- Henry Cohen to the Hamburg Jewish Congregation, Tientsin, December 29, 1946
Hermann Zvi Guttmann and His Design for the New Synagogue at Hohe Weide
(Alexandra Klei)
In Search of Belonging. Jacob Sonderling’s “This is my Life”
(Sarah Panter)
- Käthe Starke, Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. Read by Laura de Weck, excerpt from the audio book “ schwarzer Nacht und lautloser Stille muss ich meinen Weg allein suchen...”, Hamburg 2011.
Law and Politics
(Uffa Jensen)
- Letter to the Board of the German-Israelite Congregation in Hamburg Regarding the Adoption of Fixed Family Names, Hamburg, May 4, 1848
Local Remembrance. The Sephardic Synagogue on Altona’s Bäckerstraße
(Alexandra Klei)
- Martha Glass: Theresienstadt Diaries 1943-1945
- Memorandum by the Superior School Authority – School Administration, November 24, 1938
Memory and Remembrance
(Beate Meyer)
(Tobias Brinkmann)
Modern Jewish Social Work. The Israelite-Humanitarian Women’s Association
(Magdalena Gehring)
- Moses Hoffmann: Rabbinical Opinion on the Eligibility of Women for Office in the Community, Wrocław, May 24, 1923 [copy]
Organizations and Institutions
(Rainer Liedtke)
Paul Dessau’s “Hagadah.” A Passover Oratorio Reflecting Contemporary History
(Daniela Reinhold)
- Provisional Decree for the Purpose of Introducing Article 16 of the Basic Rights of the German People with Regard to the Israelites. Passed by a Resolution of the Council and the City Assembly on February 21, 1849. Published on the Order of E. H. eines Hochedlen [a Highly Noble] Councilor of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Hamburg 1849
Radio Appeal for an Anti-Jewish Boycott
(Michael Grüttner)
- Radio Broadcast By Karl Kaufmann: “Against the Lies of Our Enemies about Supposed Events in Hamburg,” Reichssender Hamburg, March 29, 1933
Religion and Identity
(Andreas Brämer)
- Report on the Status of the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg, November 17, 1952
Rothenbaumchaussee 38: The Treatment of Jewish Property in the Postwar Period
(Hendrik Althoff)
Ruben Maleachi’s Visit to the Portuguese Sephardi Synagogue in Hamburg and Sephardic-Ashkenazic Relations in Early Twentieth-Century Hamburg
(Constanze Kolbe)
- Rudolf Birnbach, “Mother Borchardt” – A Jewish Shipping Company Owner, in: Aus alter und neuer Zeit. Bildbeilage des Israelitischen Familienblattes [From Times Old and New. Illustrated Supplement to the Israelite Family Newspaper] 8 (1935), p. 7
(Lilian Türk)
Self-Assertion and Spiritual Resistance. The History of the Jewish Community Center in Hamburg
(Barbara Müller-Wesemann)
- Separation Contract of the Altona Congregation of April 26, 1812, as well as the relevant Acts, including: the Act of Separation of the Altona Congregation (dated, Hamburg, April, 26 1812), as well as the Act of Separation of the Wandsbek Congregation (dated Wandsbek, February 28, 1821), Hamburg, April, 26 1812.
Social Democrat, Cooperative Member, and Jew. Joseph Berkowitz Kohn’s Activism in Late 19th Century Hamburg
(Sebastian Voigt)
Social Issues and Welfare
(Stefanie Schüler-Springorum)
Soup Kitchen Collection. The Jewish Winter Relief in Hamburg
(Ina Lorenz)
- Speech Given by Mayor Max Brauer on the Occasion of the Groundbreaking for the Synagogue at Hohe Weide, November 9, 1958
State Funding for Jewish Prison Chaplains
(Robert Richter)
The Act of Separation and the End of the Triple Congregation
(Jörg Berkemann)
The Admission of Baptized Students to the Talmud Torah School in Hamburg Beginning in Late 1938
(Christiane Pritzlaff)
The Case of the Jewish Cemetery in Ottensen
(Ina Lorenz)
- The Committee for the Poor of the German Israelite Congregation: “To the honorable Supervisory Committee of the German Israelite Congregation” (15.4.1863), Hamburg, pp. 1-11
The Extension Building (1928-1931) of the Israelite Hospital in Hamburg
(Harro Jenss)
The First Civic Foundation in Hamburg – Housing for Jews and Christians
(Angela Schwarz)
The Founding of a new Jewish Congregation in Hamburg (1945). The Twelve “Founding Fathers.”
(Ina Lorenz)
The Founding of the Jewish Library and Reading Room
(Alice Jankowski)
The Franz Rosenzweig Memorial Foundation
(Ina Lorenz)
The Funerary Monument for Dr. Gabriel Riesser at the Jewish Cemetery on Ilandkoppel / Hamburg Ohlsdorf
(Annabelle Lienhart)
The Hamburg Temple Controversy. Continuity and a New Beginning in Dibere Haberith
(Philipp Lenhard)
The Introduction of Women’s Right to Vote in Hamburg’s Jewish Congregation
(Ina Lorenz)
The Local Chapter Hamburg-Altona as Part of the Zionist Movement in Germany
(Sabrina Schütz)
The November Pogroms and the Culture of Remembrance – the “Synagogue Monument” by Margrit Kahl
(Harald Schmid)
The Stolpersteine of Brahmsallee 13: The Stories behind the Names and the Obstacles to Commemorating Them
(Beate Meyer)
- The Synagogues of Hamburg by Ruben Maleachi (cont.), in: Mitteilungen des Verbandes Ehemaliger Breslauer und Schlesier in Israel [News of the Association of Former Bratislavans and Silesians in Israel], published by the Association of Former Bratislavans and Silesians in Israel, 46-47 (May 1980), pp. 41-44
- Transcript of a Letter from the Executive Board of the Israelite Congregation of Lübeck to the Lord Chief Rabbi Anschel Stern of Hamburg, Lübeck, December 20, 1884
“Mother Borchardt” – a Jewish Shipping Company Owner
(Rebekka Großmann)
“Neues Bauen” and Jewish Architecture. Photograph of the Temple on Oberstraße
(Ulrich Knufinke)