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www-tag@w3.org from September 2003 by subject

[Agenda] 15 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (namespaceDocument-8, Findings)

[Agenda] 22 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (Arch Doc, Findings)

[Agenda] 29 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (Arch Doc, meeting planning)

[Agenda] 8 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (mtg. sched, deliv. sched., namespaceDocument-8, Versioning/Extensibility)

[Fwd: Re: Updated finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST"]

[Minutes] 15 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (namespaceDocument-8, deepLinking-25, whenToUseGet-7, contentTypeOverride-29)

[Minutes] 29 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (Arch Doc, mtg planning)

[Minutes] 8 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (mtg planning, charmodRevie w-17, namespaceDocument-8, versioning/extensibility)

[Minutes] 8 Sep 2003 TAG teleconf (mtg planning, charmodReview-17, namespaceDocument-8, versioning/extensibility)

Accepted TAG finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST"

Action: Redraft 4.10.2 to include some good practice notes

Action: Rewrite para 4 of 4.10.4.

AddDefaultCharset considered harmful (Re: Requesting a revision of RFC3023)

Arch Doc: 18 Sep: abstract

Arch Doc: 18 Sep: status

Arch Doc: 18 September 2003 Editor's Draft

Arch Doc: 18th September 2003 Editors Draft

Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft

Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft (psbook hardcopy form)

Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft (review of some t erms)

Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft (review of some terms)

Basics of XML Schema inheritance

Can we revise RFC3023?

Canceled: 22 Sep 2003 TAG teleconference

Comments on 18 September 2003 editors draft

Comments on 18 September 2003 editors draft (UML, OWL/RDFS)

Comments on mime-respect

Form submission when successful controls contain characters outside the submission character set

Fwd: Re: Form submission when successful controls contain characters outside the submission character set

Liberal "URI assignment policies" will create confusion?

New RDDL draft

new TAG issue: rdfURIMeaning-39

noodling on contentTypeOverride-29

Opacity and mailto: in conflict

rdfURIMeaning-39] Fwd: Re: Hidden triples and self-description

Requesting a revision of RFC3023

Revised TAG finding: '"Deep Linking" in the World Wide Web'

RFC 2119 & point categorization

Schema component designators (re rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6, 37)

Summary of TAG activity from 10 Aug to 10 Sep 2003

TAG telcon 18Aug: IRC record

The lost meaning of the HTTP protocol in URIs

The OpenURL - A Distinguished URI?

Updated finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST

Updated finding: "URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST"

Use of metadata in URIs

Versioning and extensibility

What CNN thinks the Web Is

WhenToUseGet-7 comments

whenToUseGet-7: How to use GET

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2003 17:50:48 UTC