Workshopping in Chicago
Published 19 years, 7 months pastRemember how, back in July, I ventured across the Atlantic to give two full-day workshops on XHTML and CSS in London? Well, this November the workshop is crossing the ocean: announcing “Professional CSS XHTML Techniques” this coming November 3rd in Chicago, Illinois.
Ryan Carson, one of the two founders of BD4D, is putting together a heck of a workshop series, as you can see by visiting the Carson Workshops home page. There you’ll find my workshop listed, as well as seminars from Cal Henderson, Joe Clark, and Molly Holzschlag and Andy Clarke. So far, they’re all headed to London, but given the past history of Ryan’s efforts, I think it’s a good bet some or all of them will be headed Stateside in the future.
As in London, your registration gets you a copy of the “XHTML / CSS Survival Kit”, a disc containing all kinds of examples, articles, tools, and so forth. You’ll also get a whole day of high-tempo, practical instruction in CSS-driven design, with plenty of opportunity to pose questions and get answers. I had a great time in London, and the attendees seemed to have just as good a time. I’ll be doing an updated version of what I did there, so if you wanted to attend the London event but couldn’t swing the transoceanic airfare—well, here’s your chance to make up for it!
Addendum: you know, I was so excited to tell you that the workshop was going to happen that I completely neglected to mention that registration is already open! So get yerself on over to the Carson Workshops site, click on through to my seminar, and sign up already!
Comments (14)
Very cool. How much is the workshop going to be?
I think it would be a good idea to have a ‘neighborhood tour’. Instead of having a high-profile, high-dollar workshop in a major city, a bunch of you smart people can load up in a van and tour the smaller cities, working for beer and couches to sleep on.
I have about 15 chairs I can set up in my living room and there are a few handfuls of people in this small city that would love to come, but would never be able to make it to somewhere like Chicago or London.
So whaddya say? Eh? Eh?
Will in Asheville, NC
Jeremy: $495, according to the Carson Workshops site.
Will: I think maybe you’re on to something there. If only I were ten years younger and didn’t have a family!
But where in Chicago is it being held at? The listing just says Chicago and unfortunately that’s a HUGE city so a few more specifics woul slam.
Eric, if you promise to do the neighborhood tour thing I can promise you a home-cooked meal and a place to stay for the night to save on the ol’ corporate expense account….
Jeff: that I don’t know. Sorry!
Is there any way to get the CSS XHTML survival kit only? I would like to attend your workshop, but I’m living in Japan anyway, so…
Me too. Japan. If you come out here, I’ll be happy to feed you all the sushi and sashimi you can handle.
I am interested in attending and have sent a note to the contact listed. Since I live in Peoria, IL and an overnight would be necessary — especially if I stay for the social — I will need to check out accomidations before I can commit.
I contacted the conference organizer and the response I got was that they haven’t nailed the venue down yet but it will be central to Chicago which leads me to believe it is going to be somewhere in the vast exapanse of downtown Chicago… now if I only knew where in downtown chicago…
Does anyone know of a book that covers this stuff? The course content looks to cover the questions I have about CSS, but I’m not sure it’s worth the price.
Well, I have all three of Eric’s latest books and I find those quite handy as More Eric Meyer on CSS, and Eric Meyer on CSS give me some visual stimulus and an idea of how to get from A to B. The CSS Definitive Guide I keep around for getting through the complicated stuff.
Hi Eric,
Oregon isn’t too close to Chicago. :) Have you considered making the Survival Kit available to your fans elsewhere? I’d gladly purchase that as a way of supporting your continued educational efforts …
Would love to see you in Seattle. Chicago is a little ways away. Love the books, keep up the good work
Looks like I’ll be seeing Eric in Chicago…!! Somehow my supervisor got sent an email from the event sponsor, she walks into my office and says “Would you be intrested in going this?” to which I replied “I can be packed in ready in an hour and half, when’s my flight?” LOL Look forward to seeing you there Eric…
Eric, any new books coming out by the way? Just curious if I should add it o my wishlist or not…