Text, Speech, Video

Published 14 years, 8 months past

All of a sudden, people have been asking me to yak about myself and stuff that I know (or at least think I know).  These things tend to come in waves, and right now I’m surfing like a search engine’s crawlerbot.

I don’t think that metaphor made any sense at all.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve had to say so far:

  • The Geek Talk: Eric Meyer  —  a brief e-mail interview I did a week or so back.  Want to know my favorite color?  Applications?  What I think of CSS3?  What I intend to do this year?  A recent inspiration?  Read and enjoy.

  • The Pipeline, Episode #19  —  a half-hour interview with Dan Benjamin.  We talked very little about CSS and a lot about how I got started with the web, why I’m still with it nearly two decades later, and why I believe quality is everything.  This was a very interesting interview because I went into it entirely cold: we didn’t discuss topics, length, or really anything at all beforehand.  We just jumped in.  Refreshing, maybe a little unnerving, but a lot of fun, not least because Dan is a master interviewer.  Probably one of the most personal interviews I’ve ever done.

…and speaking of Dan, he’ll be the co-host (along with Jeffrey Zeldman) in my next public appearance:  Episode 12 (Thursday, 15 July 2010) of The Big Web Show.  The incomparable Andy McMillan and I are the scheduled guests and the topic of conversation will be web conferences — what goes into them, how to found one, how to help it grow, and so on.  I’m really looking forward to it, being especially interested in what Andy has to say about his experiences with the Build Conference, and I hope you are too!

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