Ben-Hur Blu-ray comes close to perfection with top scores all around making it one of the best Blu-ray's ever
Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in 1st-century Jerusalem, is unwittingly thrust into an heroic odyssey, finding himself and his family enslaved by the Romans, placing him on a path for a fateful encounter with Jesus Christ and to ultimately face his tormentors during a furious chariot race.
For more about Ben-Hur and the Ben-Hur Blu-ray release, see Ben-Hur Blu-ray Review published by Jeffrey Kauffman on December 8, 2014 where this Blu-ray release scored 5.0 out of 5.
Even curmudgeonly Scrooge types might have been willing to send Warner Home Video a gift basket when their latest double (and/or triple or
quadruple) dipping marketing strategy, nostalgically branded Diamond Luxe Editions, turned out to have actual new content involved. As Michael
Reuben has discussed in Gremlins Blu-ray review, Natural Born Killers Blu-ray review and The Green Mile Blu-ray review, while at least some of the
original Blu-ray releases are repeated in these new editions, there's previously unreleased bonus content as well. I hate to be the one to throw a
lump of coal into the festivities, but one of the crown jewels in Warner's home video catalog, Ben-Hur, has received what amounts to a
"simple" reissue for its Diamond Luxe Edition. While housed in the same hard plastic casing Michael mentioned in his review of
Gremlins, this is otherwise exactly the same release (disc wise, anyway) as the Ben-Hur Ultimate Collector's Edition that was released in 2011. (Even the "new" discs' files have 2011 dates on them,
identical to the first release.) The silkscreen printing on the discs is different, for those that care about such things, and the packaging is obviously
different, but otherwise this is the same old Ben-Hur many of you already have in your Blu-ray collections.
For a complete discussion of the film and the Blu-rays' contents, I refer you to my original Ben-Hur Blu-ray review .
Please refer to the above linked review for a list of the extensive on disc supplements (not to state the obvious, but this Diamond Luxe Edition does
not include the non-disc swag discussed in the original review).
If you haven't picked up any of the previous Blu-ray releases of Ben-Hur, this "new" release offers all of the content of the original three
Blu-rays, housed in a rather attractive hard plastic casing (rather peculiarly, the third disc is housed in a kind of flimsy cardboard sleeve affixed to
the back of the hard plastic case). There's absolutely no need to double (and/or triple or quadruple) dip on this release for those who already own it.
For newcomers, this release comes Highly recommended.
Use the thumbs up and thumbs down icons to agree or disagree that the title is similar to Ben-Hur. You can also suggest completely new similar titles to Ben-Hur in the search box below. and Paramount Home Entertainment are offering members the opportunity to win a Blu-ray copy of director Timur Bekmambetov's Ben-Hur, the 2016 remake of the 1959 MGM classic of the same name. The new film stars Jack Huston, Morgan Freeman, Nazanin Boniadi, ...
Paramount Home Entertainment has announced the Blu-ray release of director Timur Bekmambetov's Ben-Hur, the 2016 remake of the 1959 MGM classic of the same name. The new film stars Jack Huston, Morgan Freeman, Nazanin Boniadi, Haluk Bilginer, Pilou Asbæk and Marwan ...
Paramount Pictures and MGM have released a second official domestic trailer for Timur Bekmambetov's upcoming film Ben-Hur (2016), starring Jack Huston, Nazanin Boniadi, Haluk Bilginer, and Morgan Freeman. The film will open in cinemas across the nation on August ...