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The Terror(1963)Napoleonic cavalry soldier Lt. Andre Duvalier comes upon a mysterious woman named Helene. Although the lieutenant is immediately taken with Helene, she seems to be leading him into deadly traps. When Duvalier seeks refuge at a baron's nearby castle, Helene unexpectedly appears there. The baron is convinced that Helene is the ghost of his long-departed wife Ilsa, but the lieutenant believes Helene is under a hypnotic spell. For more about The Terror and the The Terror Blu-ray release, see the The Terror Blu-ray Review published by Jeffrey Kauffman on December 9, 2023 where this Blu-ray release scored 3.5 out of 5. Directors: Roger Corman, Francis Ford Coppola, Charles B. Griffith, Monte Hellman, Mel Welles, Jack Hill Writers: Roger Corman, Jack Hill, Charles B. Griffith, Leo Gordon Starring: Jack Nicholson, Dick Miller, Jonathan Haze, Boris Karloff, Jackie Joseph, Sandra Knight Narrator: Wally Campo Producer: Roger Corman This Blu-ray bundle includes the following titles, see individual titles for specs and details: The Terror is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Film Masters with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1. Film Masters typically doesn't provide a bunch of technical information with their releases, and unless I missed it, they provided nothing on the back cover of this release in that regard, but while things like source element, scan resolution and restoration processes may not be described, the results are quite worthwhile, and certainly a huge step up from the old HD Cinema Classics version. Kind of interestingly, at least considering the marked improvement in clarity and especially grain resolution in this version, the palette here is really not that much different from the older version. But this version has a much more enjoyable organic appearance and generally very good to excellent detail levels. There are a few transitory issues affecting densities and suffusion (one notable example is the first scene in the witch's house when Nicholson comes to). This release also includes a bonus disc offering Little Shop of Horrors, and I've included a couple of screenshots in this review so that those interested can get an idea of what that one looks like. It again is a huge improvement over the old Legend release, with another AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1. The black and white photography is rendered very well, and there's a healthy grain layer accompanying the proceedings. Damage is virtually negligible, though there are minor passing issues with things like noticeable wobble during the credits. My "weighted" score for both films is 4.25. Both The Terror and Little Shop of Horrors sport DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mono tracks. The Terror benefits from Ronald Stein's score (which may have had a little help from Les Baxter), and that, along with the crashing waves and other ambient environmental effects, sounds decently full bodied, if still a bit boxy at times. Dialogue is rendered cleanly and clearly throughout. Somewhat hilariously Ronald Stein may have aided Fred Katz's score for Little Shop of Horrors, and that film's audio presentation supports what is perhaps a surprisingly talky affair, given the gonzo goings on. Both film offer secure support for all spoken material, and also offer optional English subtitles. The Terror: Other Editions
Similar titles suggested by membersThe Terror Blu-ray, News and Updates• The Terror 60th Anniversary Special Edition Blu-ray - October 20, 2023 Film Masters has provided final details for its upcoming Special Edition Blu-ray of The Terror (1963), starring Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, and Dorothy Neumann. The release is scheduled to arrive on the market on December 12.
• The Terror 60th Anniversary Special Edition Blu-ray - August 4, 2023 Film Masters is preparing a Special Edition Blu-ray of The Terror (1963), starring Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, and Dorothy Neumann. The release is scheduled to arrive on the market on December 12.
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