Items tagged with: toxicchemicals
Australia: Blue Mountains resident has 10 times safe limit of toxic "forever chemicals"
#EnvironmentalPollution #UnexplainedIllnesses #ForeverChemicals #BlueMountainsAustralia #ToxicChemicals…
Australia: Blue Mountains resident has 10 times safe limit of toxic “forever chemicals”
The woman told a senate inquiry, her PFAS results were at the “red level,” and that she had been “dogged by numerous, ongoing unexplained health issues for many years.”World Socialist Web Site
Water Utility Groups Seek to Dismantle Public Health Protections
#RegulatoryDismantling #UtilityGroups #GenerationalImpact #LeadPoisoning #ToxicChemicals…
Water Utility Groups Seek to Dismantle Public Health Protections
What happened to the American Water Works Association? Progress is in jeopardy and generations are poised to be poisoned by lead and other toxic
High levels of toxic chemicals in Brunswick airport sewers
Citizen PFAS monitoring revealed concerning levels of toxic chemicals in the sewer outfall of Hangar 6 in Brunswick, though a company hired to assess risk at the hangar said there is no leak of the toxic firefighting foams on the premises.Monica Speranza Cochran (Press Herald)
Water Utility Groups Seek to Dismantle Public Health Protections
#RegulatoryDismantling #WaterSafety #LeadPoisoning #EnvironmentalJustice #ToxicChemicals…
Water Utility Groups Seek to Dismantle Public Health Protections
What happened to the American Water Works Association? Progress is in jeopardy and generations are poised to be poisoned by lead and other toxic
Two New Papers Reveal Startling Human Health Risks from Neonicotinoid Pesticides
#EPAData #PregnantWomenHealth #ChildrenAtRisk #ToxicChemicals #Neonicotinoids…
Two New Papers Reveal Startling Human Health Risks from Neonicotinoid Pesticides
Data obtained from the EPA show that there are significant health risks associated with neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly for children and pregnant
Popular beach near Sydney Airport contaminated with toxic "forever chemicals"
#ToxicChemicals #BeachClosure #MissedWarningSigns #SwimmingSafety #InadequateSignage…
Popular beach near Sydney Airport contaminated with toxic “forever chemicals”
While the popular swimming and fishing spot is officially “closed,” warning signs are tiny and easily missed despite the presence of toxic chemicals.World Socialist Web Site
Popular beach near Sydney Airport contaminated with toxic "forever chemicals"
#ToxicChemicals #MissedWarningSigns #FishingBan #PFASContamination #SwimmingSafety…
Popular beach near Sydney Airport contaminated with toxic “forever chemicals”
While the popular swimming and fishing spot is officially “closed,” warning signs are tiny and easily missed despite the presence of toxic chemicals.World Socialist Web Site
3M knew firefighting foams were toxic for decades, documents reveal
#Corporategreed #Toxicchemicals #3MPFAS #Chemicalexposure #Publichealthrisk
3M Knew PFAS 'Forever Chemicals' in Its Firefighting Foams Were Toxic for Decades, Documents Reveal
#ChemicalIndustry #FirefightingFoams #EcoWatchInvestigation #ToxicChemicals #3MKnew…
3M Knew PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Its Firefighting Foams Were Toxic for Decades, Documents Reveal
For decades, 3M sold its firefighting foams as safe and biodegradable, while having knowledge that they contained toxic PFAS.Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (EcoWatch)
Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
#Toxicchemicals #Bloodletting #Firefightingfoams #JerseyIsland #PFAScontamination…
Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
The island’s private drinking water supplies were polluted by use of firefighting foams containing ‘forever chemicals’Leana Hosea (The Guardian)
Nearly One-Third of U.S. Residents Exposed to Dangerous, Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water, Analysis Finds
#ToxicChemicals #WaterQuality #UnregulatedContaminants #HealthRisk #EcoWatchReport…
Nearly One-Third of U.S. Residents Exposed to Dangerous, Unregulated Contaminants in Drinking Water, Analysis Finds
More than 97 million U.S. residents have been exposed to contaminants in their drinking water that are unregulated and potentially harmful.Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (EcoWatch)
Biden FDA moves to ban toxic Red Dye No. 3 in food
#ChildrensHealth #FDAAction #FoodSafety #FoodPolicyChange #ToxicChemicals…
Biden FDA moves to ban toxic Red Dye No. 3 in food
Chemical linked to cancer, memory problems in childrennewswireeditor (Common Dreams)