Items tagged with: uraniummills
[Video] Voices from #whitemesa Part 4: "I Love My Community"
#UnicornRiot #EnvironmentalRacism
#Greenwashing #NuclearWeapons
#UraniumMining #UraniumMills #NuclearIndustry #AtomicBombs #Downwinders #Environment #WaterIsLife #Ute #HaulNo #EnergyFuels #WhiteMesaUte #RadioactiveDust
#ExtractiveIndustries #CorporateColonialism #DefendTheSacred #AirIsLife
Voices from White Mesa, Part 4: "I Love My Community"
On Oct. 12, members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe held their annual spiritual walk opposing the White Mesa Uranium Mill in Southern Utah. The mill, which processes…Vimeo
[Video] Voices from White Mesa, Part 3: "We're Here to Say No"
#UnicornRiot #EnvironmentalRacism
#Greenwashing #NuclearWeapons
#UraniumMining #UraniumMills #NuclearIndustry #AtomicBombs #Downwinders #Environment #WaterIsLife #Ute #HaulNo #EnergyFuels #WhiteMesaUte #RadioactiveDust
#ExtractiveIndustries #CorporateColonialism #DefendTheSacred #AirIsLife
Voices from White Mesa, Part 3: "We're Here to Say No"
On Oct. 12, members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe held their annual spiritual walk opposing the White Mesa Uranium Mill in Southern Utah. The mill, which processes…Vimeo
Voices from White Mesa, Part 2: "We Are One People"
On Oct. 12, members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe held their annual spiritual walk opposing the White Mesa Uranium Mill in Southern Utah. The mill, which processes…Vimeo
Voices from White Mesa, Part 1: "Don't Nuke My Culture"
On Oct. 12, members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe held their annual spiritual walk opposing the White Mesa Uranium Mill in Southern Utah. The mill, which processes…Vimeo
Indigenous Spiritual Walk in Utah Protests Last Conventional Uranium Mill - UNICORN RIOT
The White Mesa Mill is in its 45th year of processing uranium, and the Indigenous communities residing nearby are still opposed to it.unicornriotuser (UNICORN RIOT)
EPA to Relocate Toxic Mine Waste from Navajo Nation
The Environmental Protection Agency will move uranium mine waste from Churchrock, New Mexico to the Red Rock regional landfill where it can be safely stored forever.Neely Bardwell (Native News Online)
Nuclear Revival? Diné Activist Warns Against New Uranium Mining as AI, Bitcoin Energy Needs Soar
The search for an energy alternative to fossil fuels has renewed interest in nuclear power production across the globe.Democracy Now!
The Dirty Secrets: Whales, the Grand Canyon and War Criminals
Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human