Items tagged with: AtariVCS
Repórter Retro 111…
#ReprterRetro #8BitRetroJournal #ActionRetro #AhAhhhhhhh #Altair8800 #AppleII #AtariVCS #Bendix #Brasil #BSD #captura #Centurion #ChandlerKlser #ClubeMSX #Commodore128 #ComputadoresMilitares #CRT #DavesGarage #DNS #dosce #Flash #Homebrew #internet #Japo #JordanMechner #Karateka #Linux #MarioCavalcanti #microsoft #MicrosoftBASIC #MSDOS #MSX #MSXGoauld #MSXRio #multitarefa #MultitaskingDOS #msica #Netscape #NORC #Old
Repórter Retro 111 - Retrópolis
Este é o Repórter Retro 111, produzido pela A.R.N.O. (Agência Retropolitana de Notícias)! MP3 para ouvir offline Escute no YouTube Do que falamos? 30 anos do Preistêicho 30 anos da Internet comercial no Brasil 30 anos do Netscape Navigator 40 anos do…Juan Castro (Retrópolis)
Such a great book! The Art of Atari by Tim Lapetino. An illustrated book of the early Atari cover artworks.
In the times of the Atari VCS the graphics of games consisted more or less only of colored blocks. No good representation for the cover of the game. So Atari assigned some very talented artists to create cover artworks to convey the fantasy the games represent.
This book shows the artworks and tells a little about the story of the games and the artists.
These artworks are really wonderful and it is a pleasure to flip through this book.
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #8bit #80ies #70ies #atari #atari2600 #atarivcs #console #videogamehistory #videogames #art #artwork #timlapetino #artofatari #missilecommand #defender #raidersofthelostark #phoenix #yarsrevenge #pacman #nightdriver #vanguard #et #ettheextraterrestrial #gameplan