Items tagged with: MSDOS
PicoGUS - The $50 / €65 / £58 Sound Card That Only Does Everything
GitHub - polpo/picogus: Emulation of ISA sound cards on Raspberry Pi Pico (GUS, SB/Adlib, MPU-401, Tandy, CMS) with USB mouse/joystick support
Emulation of ISA sound cards on Raspberry Pi Pico (GUS, SB/Adlib, MPU-401, Tandy, CMS) with USB mouse/joystick support - polpo/picogusGitHub
Low level UX:
- mode 0: viewport panning
- mode 1: cursor movement + tracks building
For future there will be mode 2 for infrastructure placement/management.
Current size: 5175 bytes.
#asm #assembly_language #msdos #gamedev #PixelArt #retrocomputing #RetroGameDev #UX
Is there a way in #Linux to mount a DOS disk that was compressed with DoubleSpace? The 40MB hard drive that was in my Toshiba T5200 was compressed that way and I was able to ddrescue it back in November, but all I found on the DOS partition was a great big 39.9MB file called DBLSPACE.000.
B ball – fantastic 80s! Colors, moves! Text!…
#retrogame #arcade #dynamicgame #80ssciencefiction #scifi #spacesuit #space #spaceship #lotsofindication #fantastic #colorful #colors #skills #bonus #doublehit #blocks #hitblock #8bit #msdos #8bitcomputers #bbcbasicforsdl2 #retroprogramming #qbasic #gamedev #devlog
B ball – fantastic 80s! Colors, moves! Text!
About this game, it is about a little ball that knock down platforms, there are some new features. To have all the things looks some new w...Dima Link (Blogger)
I'm starting implementing game-play elements. Slowly. This is now hand placed elements but the engine recognize carts (empty or resource type) and can draw one type of railroads.
Binary is almost 5K at the moment.
Next up for the #NortonGuide reader project is sorting out colour mapping. #Textual (well the #terminal I guess) has a very idea of what colour codes are vs good old #MSDOS.
Will need to create a mapping.
Back in the day, "PC Paintbrush for Windows" used to be my favourite image editor. I kept using it well into the modern Windows 9x era. Only recently, I learned of its history as an MS-DOS application. There are plenty of interesting similarities!
#MSDOS #RetroComputing #ImageEditing #Windows #Paintbrush #86Box #Emulation
Ein Image der "4 PC-Super-Spiele" Diskette ist jetzt auch im Internet-Archive verfügbar. Im Jahre 1995 war das vermutlich die Krönung der PC-Spiele-Kunst! Ähhh... Okay, vermutlich nicht.
Trotzdem viel Spaß! 😃…
#MSDOS #RetroGaming #Diskette #Collection #RetroComputing #86Box #Emulation
4 PC-Super-Spiele - Deutsch - Disk Image : VEMAG Verlags- und Medien AG, Köln : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Die Spiele-Sammlung 4 PC-Super-Spiele.Copyright 1995 VEMAG Verlags- und Medien AG, Köln.Das zugehörige Handbuch folgt in ein paar Tagen.- MFM Sektorabbild...Internet Archive
Another bad retro diskette! At first glance, this one seemed pretty much gone. None of my disk imaging tools was able to read it. Windows Explorer just crashed.
Only a low level KryoFlux dump was able to uncover the physical cause behind this: A corrupt root directory beyond any chance of repair. Luckily, both the file allocation tables as well as most of the data clusters were still in good shape. I used a hex editor to manually recover all the files from the valid tracks. It worked!
I guess these games are nothing special, but it still made me happy to pull usable data and working files from such a destroyed file system!
#RetroComputing #FloppyDisk #KryoFlux #DataRecovery #MSDOS #86Box #FAT12
Playing a #mod via a network mapped TNFS share over #FujiNet RS232 on my Toshiba T5200 20Mhz 386. Both the player and the mod file are on the mapped drive.…
#MSDOS #RetroComputing #VintageComputing
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
Blues Brothers -- Trivia
Building our dream games from the nineties on NDS. From bits to
And now I can run a .EXE from TNFS! Crazy DOS was just moving the file pointer without telling anyone. 😖
The new #NortonGuide tinker project has got to the point where it's loading and displaying entries, with colour and everything.
Bonus points if you can identify the guide...
After watching some very interesting videos about the "History of Windows" last night, I got a little curious and installed a copy of Windows 3.00a onto one of my virtual machines. Back in 1993, my first PC already came preinstalled with a modern Windows 3.1, so this is something new to me.
On the one hand, the system does look familiar, but on the other hand... everything looks a bit "off". Mostly the colours. But, so far, everything seems to be working just fine. At this time, Windows still lacked any kind of multimedia software, so there's no Sound Recorder or Media Player yet. But, as a nice bonus, they still included the "MS-DOS Executive", so you can make it work and look very close to Windows 2.x.
Unfortunately, unlike WIndows 3.1 or 3.11, there has never been a Y2K patch for Windows 3.0, so its usability, even within an emulator, is a bit limited.
#RetroComputing #Windows #MSDOS #History #Microsoft #86Box #Emulation
I've got my birthday present earlier. A working unit of Compaq Contura 430C!
A 486DX4/100 notebook with a trackball 🐁
What is most important is that my latest engine works absolutely flawless and with full speed! Success!
p.s. the sound it makes is pure ASMR (floppy, hard disk, beeps.)
I can't believe how much special casing #MSDOS does when it comes to files. First there was a difference between COPY and TYPE. Now there is a difference when trying to run a .EXE. Nope, can't just read bytes from a file and run them, there's some additional field somewhere that has to be set "just right.”
Something I just discovered today:
When I am running Microsoft's ScanDisk (from MS-DOS 6.22) on top of PC-DOS 7, it gives me this rather bizarre warning message addressing a possible issue with long files names. Somehow, in 1994, it already possessed some pre-emptive knowledge about the upcoming MS-DOS 7, a.k.a. Windows 95, which would introduce long file names. Interesting!
for the past few months i've been playing (and re-playing) every graphical star trek adventure game i can find.
it's been hit and miss. today, a genuine surprise: Star Trek DS9: Harbinger is *ridiculously* good.
it's like playing a *good* DS9 episode with the original cast, and no ridiculous inventory puzzles.
i avoided it in the past because all screenshots showed a phaser and made it look like an FPS with adventure elements.
it's the polar opposite: a first person Return To Zork-like, super dialogue heavy and purely focused on story
i can see why it would irritate both hardcore adventure gamers and ST fans alike, but i think it's just fantastic so far. i'm about halfway through.
Repórter Retro 111…
#ReprterRetro #8BitRetroJournal #ActionRetro #AhAhhhhhhh #Altair8800 #AppleII #AtariVCS #Bendix #Brasil #BSD #captura #Centurion #ChandlerKlser #ClubeMSX #Commodore128 #ComputadoresMilitares #CRT #DavesGarage #DNS #dosce #Flash #Homebrew #internet #Japo #JordanMechner #Karateka #Linux #MarioCavalcanti #microsoft #MicrosoftBASIC #MSDOS #MSX #MSXGoauld #MSXRio #multitarefa #MultitaskingDOS #msica #Netscape #NORC #Old
Repórter Retro 111 - Retrópolis
Este é o Repórter Retro 111, produzido pela A.R.N.O. (Agência Retropolitana de Notícias)! MP3 para ouvir offline Escute no YouTube Do que falamos? 30 anos do Preistêicho 30 anos da Internet comercial no Brasil 30 anos do Netscape Navigator 40 anos do…Juan Castro (Retrópolis)
#20InfluentialGames #gamedev day 9: #Rayman (…) #MsDos, #NintendoDSi
(challenge is #20games, 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)
Bilou HomeBrew's Blog
Building our dream games from the nineties on NDS. From bits to
a #Mario clone for #MSDOS ? and a #sourcecode analysis ? on a blog ? you bet that goes into #booxread !…
Programming Nostalgia: revisiting Mike Wiering’s Mario game written in Pascal | ToughDev
I have always been a fan of Super Mario game (and its variants) ever since the first time I touched the computer keyboard.ToughDev
Galactic is in move
And, this is my drawing based on Pulseman (SMD). You are landed at space labyrinth. Such a big space station. Amongst the space. It is consisting with most different sectors. So here – there are palms to grow. Well, they are not palm at all. And something unknown. But, it is growing straight in space.
#pixelart #digitalart #8bit #16bit #sega #megadrive #msdos #funnyperson #coolperson #arcade #2dgame #retrogame #80s #90svideogames #space #galaxy #labyrinth
back before SimCity 2000 became the defining city builder, Maxis published A-Train... which was the (third) Artdink Japan "Take the A-Train" rail & city building simulation game.
unlike railroad tycoon which is almost entire construction-based, and simcity which is entirely urban management-based, A-Train blends both genres together. you build a railroad, and in so doing, build a city around your infrastructure.
i've always been quite taken by the UI, which I thought was much more interesting than SC.
today i found out there was a Sharp X68000 version, which has a *very* subtly different colour palette which relaxes the yellows into something very pleasant to look at.
those palettes are *sixteen* colours
left: A-Train (DOS)
right: A-Train (Sharp X68000)
Каталог каталогов
Каĸ часто Вы просматриваете содержимое ĸаталога в Linux, BSD*, MacOS? Возможно ĸаждый день, или даже час. А задумывались ли вы над тем, ĸаĸ появились ĸаталоги .Roman Nebaluev (Habr)
I pushed an update to #DOStodon (the #Mastodon client for MS-DOS):
- Updated README because of login-problems with Mastodon 4.3 or newer
- Uploaded #win32 version (works on #WinXP or newer)
Grab it at
#Javascript #RetroComputing #MSDOS #CreativeCoding #MastodonClient #FreeDOS #DJGPP #DOjS
GitHub - SuperIlu/DOStodon: MS-DOS Mastodon client
MS-DOS Mastodon client. Contribute to SuperIlu/DOStodon development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
#20InfluentialGames day 3: #TitusPrehistorik (…), #MsDos, #FrenchDev # Platformer.
(challenge is #20games 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)
Tiens, tiens ...
quelque-part, ça sent le prémaché ... Le "mass consumption" où il n'y a plus aucun clin-d'oeil au monde des jeux vidé
I have some nostalgia for "Terminal Velocity" (1995). I played it on my first PC short after getting a "multimedia" upgrade – Sound Blaster + CD-ROM drive – and I still have the original disc... somewhere. 💿
Can't remember where it came from, but it was cheap and came bundled with "L.A. Blaster" (1996), a rather poor racer/shooter.
Terminal Velocity isn't a fantastic game, but I like it. I like it better than "Descent" (1995), to which is often compared.
#gamedev #20InfluentialGames day 2: #FuryOfTheFurries (…), #MsDos #FrenchDev #puzzle #platformer with #adlib soundtrack.
(challenge is #20games 1 game per day, no review, no explanation, no particular order)
Bilou HomeBrew's Blog
Building our dream games from the nineties on NDS. From bits to