Items tagged with: BIA
The Circus is Coming to Town -- The Bizarre Lawsuit of #EnergyTransfer v #Greenpeace and #RedWarriorSociety
by #CensoredNews, January 1, 2025
"It's the most bizarre lawsuit -- Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society, eight years later.
"There are loads of documents hidden away with 'confidential' stamps in the court records, and a whole lot of players -- governors, Congressmen, and law enforcement, in the shadows.
"The fragments, , between the blackouts of 'redacted,' show that the head of Energy Transfer hasn't been answering all the questions in depositions. Other snippets show that the #OilPipeline doesn't want to reveal its spills, and whether there's been contamination already into the water at #StandingRock.
"Meanwhile, there's a 'newspaper' tainting the potential jurors, attorneys say, which promotes the sheriff.
"And where are all the files on #TigerSwan, the paid #FBI informants, and the military #SpecialOps? Tens of thousands of documents of TigerSwan were gained by #TheIntercept in another court battle.
"Where are the files on the #drone being shot down by law enforcement, the U.S. #BorderPatrol's surveillance plane, and the #BIA's #surveillance van parked at the casino, with undercover officers wandering around inside?
"The judge, appointed by the governor, won't recuse himself.
"#UnicornRiot media is in Minneapolis Supreme Court fighting the pipeline's subpoena to seize its confidential media records.
"#WaterProtectors and media have been served with third party subpoenas by the pipeline for this fishing expedition for their info.
"And it's all coming to #MandanNorthDakota, at the end of February, to North Dakota's District Court,
home to #MortonCountySheriff.
"It's a $300 million #SLAPP lawsuit to shut them down, says Greenpeace. Greenpeace said there was a large dump of records into the case.
"Stay tuned, and dig through the files -- good luck."…
#ReaderSupportedNews #NoDAPL #StandWithStandingRock #WaterIsLife #SLAPPsLawsuits #SilencingDissent #ACAB
The Circus is Coming to Town: The Bizarre Lawsuit of Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society
Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human
Well, even though #DougBurgum will want to #DrillBabyDrill, #DebHaaland advocated for that as well. In the past, #Burgum had done some good stuff with regards to #NativeAmerican rights in his state of #NorthDakota. However, some #TribalLeaders are in the pockets of #BigOilAndGas and other #extractive industries -- so that needs to change on a #FirstNation by First Nation basis!
North Dakota tribal leaders see Burgum as an ally in Interior, energy role
By: Mary Steurer - November 15, 2024
"This past June, Burgum acknowledged at an event that relations between the state and tribes were at a low point when he took office in 2016. At the time, protests against the #DakotaAccessPipeline in southern #NorthDakota were ongoing, involving thousands of demonstrators who flocked to the state to camp in solidarity with the #StandingRockSioux Tribe in opposition to the pipeline.
"Burgum said one of the first things he did as governor was reach out to Dave Archambault, chair of Standing Rock at the time, and offer to come meet with tribal leaders.
"'That’s where we were starting from: with a commitment to each other to listen to each other,' Burgum said during this year’s Strengthening Government to Government conference, an annual event started under his leadership that brings together state and tribal leaders.
"U.S. Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., said he thinks Burgum’s experience working with North Dakota tribal leaders makes him a good fit for leading Interior. He characterized the current #BIA as unresponsive and bureaucratic."…
#TrumpAppointments #ProtectTheBlackHills #ProtectTheSacred
North Dakota tribal leaders see Burgum as an ally in Interior, energy role • North Dakota Monitor
Mark Fox, chairman of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, called Gov. Doug Burgum’s recent nomination for secretary of the Interior and National Energy Council chair a “match made in heaven” for North Dakota tribes.Mary Steurer (North Dakota Monitor)
So, I am well aware of the controversy surrounding #BuffySainteMarie and her heritage. But whether she is a pretendian (she claims to be adopted, something that's been disputed) or not, a lot of Native Americans accepted her as one of their own, and she had her pulse on what was going on with #AIM...
Buffy's Censored Words Led to Revelations in New #LeonardPeltier Film Premiered at Sundance
"My girlfriend Annie Mae talked about uranium
Her head was filled with bullets and her body dumped
The FBI cut off her hands and told us she'd died of Exposure…"
- Buffy Saint Marie, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, 1992.
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Feb. 4, 2025
TSAILE, #NavajoNation -- "The words of Buffy Sainte Marie, censored by Indian Country Today, led to revelations about Oglala President Dick Wilson's secret land deal on Pine Ridge in the new film Free
Leonard Peltier, which premiered at Sundance, producer #JesseShortBull told Censored News.
"Buffy's interview at Dine' College in 1999 was censored for seven years. Before I was fired as a staff reporter, a portion of the interview was published by the newspaper -- but one paragraph was still censored. In the still censored portion, Buffy referred to a secret land deal on the day of the shoot out at the #JumpingBull property on #PineRidge. Buffy said, 'Who recalls that on that day one-eighth of the reservation was transferred in secret -- on that day. It was the part containing uranium. That is what never seems to be remembered.'
"Dickie Wilson planned to turn over the #MineralRights in the Badlands to the U.S. government. The U.S. government wanted the land for uranium mining. Dick Wilson's secret plan was discovered in the documents in the BIA file cabinets by the #AmericanIndianMovement, during the takeover of the #BIA building in Washington in 1972.
"Following the premiere of #FreeLeonardPeltier at the Sundance Film Festival, Jesse Short Bull, Oglala Lakota, and director of the film, reveals how Buffy's words led to the search for the facts about #DickWilson's #UraniumMining scheme with the U.S. government. 'Buffy's song about Anna Mae really shocked me, she outlined it so well,' Short Bull said. 'The plans for mineral development for Pine Ridge were discovered at the 1972 BIA takeover, and by the 1980's the big wig energy companies came to Pine Ridge with big ideas for development."
Read more:…
#PineRidgeReservation #CorporateColonialism #Relocation #AnnaMaeAquash
Buffy's Censored Words Led to Revelations in New Peltier Film Premiered at Sundance
Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human
#FourCorners Area Crucial
The Hopi prophecies warned that the white men or "#Pahana" would come to their land and try and lead them into evil ways. The Hopi were told that they must hold onto their tradition and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, their land would become a center from which Spirit would be reawakened, resonating throughout the world.
Frank Waters, author of "The Book of the Hopi," wrote in 1963 that "when the 'heart' of the Hopi land trust is dug up, great disturbances will develop in the balance of nature, for the Hopi holy land is the microcosmic image of the entire planet; any violations of nature in the Four Corners region will be reflected and amplified all over the Earth," and that what is dug up there (#uranium) would be used for destructive purposes. #ThomasBanyacya also wrote of the Four Corners area: "Great Spirit told Hopi [that Four Corners is] the backbone of the United States. Hopi must hold land till Human Beings live in harmony."
This sacred area is being strip-mined for #coal and uranium, reducing the water table and causing radioactive pollution. According to Quail Littlefield of "People Concerned with #MotherEarth," recent discoveries show that the Four Corners area is not only rich in coal and uranium, but is also a main source of positive and negative ions in the atmosphere. It is also said to be one of the few key focal centers in the world where the energy current must be kept in balance to maintain a life-giving biosphere. According to some Hopi Elders, if this center is disrupted, then the atmosphere will become unstable and all life will perish.
The Hopi and #Navajo (#Dine) have co-existed peacefully on these lands (Four Corners) for many generations. A "range war" was fabricated to allow the Bureau of Indian Affairs [#BIA], through the #HopiTribalCouncil, to grant exclusive #mining rights to #PeabodyCoal Company, which called for the eviction of Navajo elders to an area that is barren and 60 miles downstream from uranium-poisoned waters. Forcible removal of the Elders begins in February, 2000.
Hopi Elders Thomas Banyacya and Grandfather #DanEvehema, as well as many others, have opposed this forced relocation. People from not only the United States but all over the world have sent letters to Janet Reno, and other government officials to stop this eviction, which violates the American Indian Religious Freedom Act 17 and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act 18.
#NoUraniumMining #BigMountainResistance #HopiProphecy #Koyaaniqatsi
Buried in Time: #BIA Takeover Documents Included #Sterilizations, #PineRidge #Uranium, and #WaterRights
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, Oct. 15, 2024
"Buried in Time: When the #TrailOfBrokenTreaties arrived in Washington and took over the BIA headquarters, the documents discovered in the BIA file cabinets altered the course of history. In the caravans from the west coast and northwest were activists from local #Indigenous frontline struggles, from #PitRiver, #SurvivalAmericanIndian, and #Alcatraz.
"The BIA documents exposed the secret plan of #Oglala Chairman #DickWilson to turn over one-eighth of tribal land over to the federal government for #UraniumMining. In the ton of documents taken away in a U-Haul, the documents showed proof of the sterilization of Native women by Indian Health Service doctors.
"And there was more.
"Hidden in these BIA files were the facts about the #WintersDoctrine, and the fact that #NativeAmerican Tribes are entitled to as much #water as they need. It is a fact that the BIA wanted hidden. Today, the states and federal government are attempting to do away with the water rights guaranteed in the Winters Doctrine with complex schemes and #WaterRights settlements.
"In the BIA files were documents showing #LandTheft and illegal leases of tribal lands across the country. Tribal members in the takeover took these back to their home communities. Those files became the basis of land rights cases in courts in the years that followed, according to Censored News interviews."
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#ReaderSupportedNews #ForcedSterilizations #LandBack #CorruptTribalGovernments #AIM #FreeLeonardPeltier #RussellMeans #DennisBanks
Buried in Time: BIA Takeover Documents Included Sterilizations, Pine Ridge Uranium, and Water Rights
Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human