Items tagged with: specialops
🎧 White King by Juan Gomez-Jurado @ScottBrick #LoveAudiobooks @JuanGomezJurado @MacmillanAudio @StMartinsPress @MinotaurBooks #BookReview #4.5Hearts #AudioBookReview #specialops… @ScottBrick #LoveAudiobooks @JuanGomezJurado @MacmillanAudio @StMartinsPress @MinotaurBooks #BookReview #4.5Hearts #AudioBookReview #specialops…
🎧 White King by Juan Gomez-Jurado - Books of My Heart
The Antonia Scott series is about Antonia and her partner, Jon. They are sort of government agency law enforcement but a special program called Red Queen. The setting is Europe and they are based in Spain.Anne - Books of My Heart (Books of My Heart)
The Circus is Coming to Town: The Bizarre Lawsuit of Energy Transfer v Greenpeace and Red Warrior Society
Censored News is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding human