Items tagged with: Bassoon
#AntonioVivaldi 1678 – 1741
#BassoonConcerto in E minor #RV484
I Allegro poco
II Andante
III Allegro
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic
#galantmusic #Vivaldi
Rehearsals run 7pm-9pm on Wednesday evenings in the “Leadership Room” at The Oxford Academy. 8th January 15th January (Beecroft Theatre, The Oxford Academy) 22nd January 29th January 5th...Cowley Orchestra
Rehearsals run 7pm-9pm on Wednesday evenings in the “Leadership Room” at The Oxford Academy. 8th January 15th January (Beecroft Theatre, The Oxford Academy) 22nd January 29th January 5th...Cowley Orchestra
TRIO for #violin #cello and #bassoon by @elijax
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#bandcamp #friday #classical #contemporary #chamber #music #italy #veneto #acustic #villa #classicalmusic #contemporary #venice #musicwomenwednesday
It was recorded in Villa #Bolasco, #Castelfranco #Veneto, Italy, on #September 23rd 2017. Violin: Emy #Bernecoli. Cello: Walter #Vestidello. Bassoon: Francesco #Fontolan.
Caught a cold, and now I’m very short of breath which is very impractical when there is a rehearsal on bassoon and choir concert coming up. Trying to practise bassoon parts by listening to a recording and reading along in the sheet music. Found a lovely period instrument performance of Beethoven’s Egmont Ouverture. #bassoon #orchestra #beethoven #music
Beethoven: Egmont Overture - Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell…
TRIO for #violin #cello and #bassoon by @elijax
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#bandcamp #friday #bandcampfriday #classical #contemporary #chamber #music #italy #veneto #acustic #villa #classicalmusic #contemporary #venice
It was recorded in Villa #Bolasco, #Castelfranco #Veneto, Italy, on #September 23rd 2017. Violin: Emy #Bernecoli. Cello: Walter #Vestidello. Bassoon: Francesco #Fontolan.
Elia (aka Elijax)
#Trio for violin, cello and bassoon by Elia Andrea Corazza.
Live recording of the #premiere, 23 September 2017, Villa Bolasco, Castelfranco Veneto, Italy.
#music #classical #classicalmusic #violin #cello #bassoon #modernclassical #chamber #chambermusic #Bandcamp #bandcampcodes
#livemusic #live #Villa #italian #venice #venezia #spotify
Elia Andrea Corazza, Emy Bernecoli, Walter Vestidello, Francesco Fontolan - Corazza: Trio per violino, violoncello e fagotto (Live)
Listen to Corazza: Trio per violino, violoncello e fagotto (Live) by Elia Andrea Corazza, Emy Bernecoli, Walter Vestidello, Francesco
Enjoy my entire #discography for around 1EUR
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#bandcamp #classical #contemporary #chamber #music #italy #veneto #acustic #villa #classicalmusic #contemporary #venice
TRIO for #violin #cello and #bassoon by @elijax
recorded in Villa #Bolasco, #Castelfranco #Veneto, Italy.
The weather is cloudy. But there is still a tree.
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to have a 95% #discount on any purchase.
#bandcamp #classical #contemporary #chamber #music #italy #veneto #acustic #villa #classicalmusic #contemporary #venice
TRIO for #violin #cello and #bassoon by @elijax
recorded in Villa #Bolasco, #Castelfranco #Veneto, Italy. Violin: Emy #Bernecoli. Cello: Walter #Vestidello. Bassoon: Francesco #Fontolan.
#WolfgangAmadeusMozart 1756-1791
'Voi Che Sapete' //Le nozze di Figaro, #K492 / Act 2// (1786)
#DóraSeres #Flute
#EgilsUpatnieks #Oboe
#EgīlsŠēfers #Clarinet
#DavidMAPPalmquist #Horn
#NielsAndersVedstenLarsen #Bassoon
#musik #music #musique #musica #WAMozart……
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#AntonioVivaldi 1678 – 1741
#BassoonConcerto in A minor, #RV498
#OlgaChernogorova #Violin
#ArevikDzhalalin #Violin
#AnnaVlasova #Viola
#DmitriyLihachev #Cello
#EkaterinaPripuskova #Lute
#ArtemMartynenko #Contrabass
#SofiaReshetnikova #Harpsichord
#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic
#galantmusic #Vivaldi…
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#PaulHindemith 1895 – 1963
Kammermusik Kleine Kammermusik , Op. 24 No 2 (1922)
1 Lustig. Mäßig schnell Viertel
2 Walzer: Durchweg sehr leise
3 Ruhig und einfach
4 Schnelle Viertel
5 Sehr lebhaft
#WallyHase #Flute
#NickDeutsch #Oboe
#ThorstenJohanns #Clarinet
#OleKristianDahl #Bassoon
#SaarBerger #Horn
#musik #music #musique #musica #modernistmusic #neoclassical #Hindemith