Items tagged with: Energysecurity
Canada contributes additional $35 million to Ukraine Energy Support Fund
"As Russia continues its ruthless attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, leaving millions without electricity, water, and heat, Canada is proud...Volodymyr Ivanyshyn (The Kyiv Independent)
Here's how Canada can make its coast-to-coast pipeline dream a reality
#NationalEnergyStrategy #CoastToCoastPipeline #SustainableEnergyFuture #CanadaPipelineDream #EnergySecurity…
Here’s how Canada can make its coast-to-coast pipeline dream a reality - The Logic
New oil and gas pipelines would reduce Canada’s reliance on the U.S., but the country remains a long way from putting shovels in the ground.Jesse Snyder (The Logic Inc.)
U.S. Aims to Expand Influence in Global Nuclear Energy
In a time of extreme contention and relentless flux in United States politics, at least one thing appears to be a consistent bipartisan priority: defending the nation’s position as the world’s premier nuclear energy producer and expanding the nation’…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Ukraine graphite producer hopes US deal will breathe life into quarry
#UkraineGraphite #QuarryRevival #SaudiArabiaMeetings #MiningIndustry #EnergySecurity…
Ukraine graphite producer hopes US deal will breathe life into quarry
American and Ukrainian officials meet in Saudi Arabia for ceasefire talks and to revive a critical mineral dealJames Waterhouse (BBC News)
How energy’s smoothest lobbyist wooed Whitehall
Octopus Energy boss Greg Jackson says he knows how to bring down bills. Others claim his ideas will starve the U.K. of green investment.Nicholas Earl (POLITICO)
Hunt Energy sees the future, and it is long duration energy storage.…
#energystorage #battery #batteries #waterbattery #ldes #texasgrid #windenergy #solarenergy #greenenergy #greenfuture #gogreen #gosolar #energy #electricity #energysecurity #energytransition #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #renewables #energypolicy
Fossil Fuelers Bet $10 Million On Long Duration Energy Storage
The energy storage startup Quidnet Energy is ready to bring its long duration, underground "water battery" system to market.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
EU supports new ceramic-based catalyst to cut the cost of green hydrogen.…
#greenhydrogen #hydrogen #h2 #renrewablehydrogen #sustainablehyrogen #esg #esginvesting #estonia #eu #us #electrolyzer #electrolysis #waterelectrolysis #greeneconomy #gogreen #energysecurity #energypolicy
Green Hydrogen Gets A Ceramic Makeover
Green hydrogen is front and center as Europe locks down local energy resources in an effort to separate itself from Russia.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
EU supports new ceramic-based catalyst to cut the cost of green hydrogen.…
#greenhydrogen #hydrogen #h2 #renrewablehydrogen #sustainablehyrogen #esg #esginvesting #estonia #eu #us #electrolyzer #electrolysis #waterelectrolysis #greeneconomy #gogreen #energysecurity #energypolicy
Green Hydrogen Gets A Ceramic Makeover
Green hydrogen is front and center as Europe locks down local energy resources in an effort to separate itself from Russia.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
US Air Force taps geothermal energy innovators to compete for contracts across all Defense Dept.…
#geothermal #geothermalenergy #americanenergy #usaf #defense #usairforce #nationalsecurity #energysecurity #energy #renewableenergy #renewables #greenenergy #cleanenergy #gogreen #esginvesting #esg
US Air Force Leads Defense Dept. Into Geothermal Energy Future
Geothermal energy is front and center in the Defense Department's efforts to improve energy security and resiliency at military facilities.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
Hungary’s Viktor Orban Is Problem For EU’s Ukraine Plans
A European Union summit wouldn’t be a European Union summit without a clash with its black sheep, Viktor Orban.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
UK Strikes Data Deal With Ireland in Bid to Lift Energy Security
(Bloomberg) -- The UK and Ireland plan to share more data and slash red tape in a bid to boost energy security as thee two countries seek a tighter relationship after years of post-Brexit tension.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
US Department of Defense has a plan for geothermal energy.…
#geothermal #geothermalenergy #americanenergy #usaf #defense #usairforce #nationalsecurity #energysecurity #energy #renewableenergy #renewables #greenenergy #cleanenergy #gogreen #esginvesting #esg
US Air Force Leads Defense Dept. Into Geothermal Energy Future
Geothermal energy is front and center in the Defense Department's efforts to improve energy security and resiliency at military facilities.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
Why, in your list of measures to reduce exposure, did you not list green energy development?
Especially Canadian home solar power, which immediately provides energy security to that household, and is advertised (below 50° latitude) as having an 8-10 year payback period?
I can see not going into the weeds on other green energy sources. Canadian geothermal energy is just starting to be tapped. Wind power installations, according to Wikipedia, were 6.5% of Canadian power generation back in 2020. Whether uranium provides clean power or not depends on who you ask, but we have it.
But home solar is like energy victory gardens that don't need watering or weeding.
re:… (thanks @c_9)
#ElbowsUp #solar #power #energy #Canada #EnergySecurity #Photovoltaics #PV #SolarPanels #risk
Donald Trump is trying to destroy Canada
The U.S.’s tariffs are meant to break us. The only thing that they’ve certainly broken is the trust between historically close neighbours - maybe foreverAndrew Coyne (The Globe and Mail)
Tillis hints Ontario premier doesn't know how electricity works
#ThomTillis #ElectronSurplus #EnergySecurity #EnergyPolitics #ElectricityTransmission…
Tillis hints Ontario premier doesn't know how electricity works - National Zero
Responding to Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s warning that the province will stop transmitting electricity across the border, North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis on Tuesday told the Independent’s Eric Garcia, that if Ford means he’s “cutting off transmiss…Spartan (National Zero)
Great news from the UK! The green sector is growing at triple the rate of the overall economy, providing high-wage jobs and boosting energy security.
#NetZero #GreenJobs #EnergySecurity #GoodNews…
Britain’s net zero economy is booming, CBI says
Green sector growing at triple the rate of the UK economy, providing high-wage jobs and increasing energy securityDamian Carrington (The Guardian)
U.S. And Ukraine Near Rare Earth Minerals Deal, Officials Say
#Geopolitics #KyivNoSecurityGuarantees #RareEarthMinerals #EnergySecurity #USUkraineDeal…
U.S. And Ukraine Near Rare Earth Minerals Deal, Officials Say
The agreement does not include security guarantees for Kyiv.AP (HuffPost)
EU approves financing for Belgium's nuclear extension plans - Nuclear Engineering International
European Union (EU) competition regulators on Friday approved Belgium’s plan to grant state aid to Electrabel (part of French energy…Staff Writer (Nuclear Engineering International)
Zelenskyy Says Progress Made On Reaching An Agreement With The U.S. On Rare Minerals Deal
#InternationalTrade #Geopolitics #CompensationDeal #Zelenskyy #EnergySecurity…
Zelenskyy Says Progress Made On Reaching An Agreement With The U.S. On Rare Minerals Deal
U.S. officials under President Donald Trump have pressured Zelenskyy to sign a deal allowing the U.S. access to Ukrainian rare earth minerals as a form of compensation for the assistance the U.S has provided Ukraine.AP (HuffPost)
Britain's net zero economy is booming, CBI says
#NetZeroEconomy #UKNetZeroGrowth #ClimateAction #EnergySecurity #HighWageJobs…
Britain’s net zero economy is booming, CBI says
Green sector growing at triple the rate of the UK economy, providing high-wage jobs and increasing energy securityDamian Carrington (The Guardian)
Is the West Losing the Race for Uranium?
This year, the world will generate more nuclear energy than it ever has before. “The market, technology and policy foundations are in place for a new era of growth in nuclear energy over the coming decades,” the International Energy Agency (IEA) wrot…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
“Jorgensen said Brussels was preparing changes to permit rules to speed up building renewable energy.
"There will still be the need for gas, and there we will have to find other sources than Russia, and that can also mean bigger import from the U.S."”…
#Europe #EU #Energy #EnergyPolicy #EnergySecurity #Russia #Gas #LNG #USA #Renewables #Trade
“Alors qu’Ursula von der Leyen avait déclaré en 2023 «que Poutine a[vait] délibérément utilisé le gaz comme une arme», la forte dépendance au GNL russe complique l’objectif de la Commission européenne de viser une sortie complète du gaz de Russie sur le continent à l’horizon 2027.”…
#Gaz #Gas #LNG #Russia #France #EU #Europe #Energy #EnergyPolicy #EnergySecurity
En 2024, la France devenue première terre d’accueil européenne du gaz naturel liquéfié russe
Si l’UE tente de se défaire du gaz russe, Paris est devenu le premier importateur de GNL en 2024, relève un rapport rendu public ce mardi 18 février. Le pays est particulièrement bien équipé en terminaux méthaniers.LIBERATION (Libération)
Energy Security: overshadowed at Munich, also important!
“As well as addressing the hybrid threat of physical attacks – meaning military action and sabotage – and cyberattacks,
Eurelectric also reiterated the need to bolster power grids and increase flexibility of demand as more and more variable renewable generation capacity is brought online.”…
#Energy #EnergySecurity #Renewables #Russia #EU #EnergyPolicy
Electricity firms demand new EU energy security plan at Munich conference
With electricity set to play an ever more central role in Europe’s energy system, the trade association Eurelectric has called on Brussels to urgently update a security of supply strategy that dates back to 2014.Robert Hodgson (
California Considers Taking Over Some Oil Refineries
#CaliforniaRefineryTakeover #EnergySecurity #CleanFuelAlternatives #RefineryClosures #StateOwnershipOfOilRefineries…
California Considers Taking Over Some Oil Refineries - Slashdot
California is "considering state ownership of one or more oil refineries," reports the Los Angeles…
#ClimateAction #inequality #justice #EnergySecurity
Why personal climate action matters – according to experts
Your choices influence others. Changes you make for the climate are acts of solidarity.The Conversation
Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Feb. 10-14, 2025)
#TrumpAdministration #RussiaUkraineWar #EnergySecurity #ExecutiveActions #LegalChallenges…
Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Feb. 10-14, 2025)
A digest of recent analysis of national security and rights-related news and developments from Just Security.Just Security