Items tagged with: EthnoNationalism
Shared Ethnonationalism and Militarized Technology Bond India and Israel
#Ethnonationalism #IndiaIsraelBond #HinduNationalism #MilitarizedTechnology #CitizenshipRights…
Shared Ethnonationalism and Militarized Technology Bond India and Israel
Since 2020, India’s right-wing Hindu nationalist ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has been strategically displacing Muslims across the country, including in Assam, where Bengali Muslims, who constitute a small minority of the northeast…Kate Horgan (Project Censored)
The U.S. and Israel: An Alliance of Blood, Politics and Money
#Ethnonationalism #PalestinianRights #BloodPoliticsMoney #Palestine #CounterPunch…
The U.S. and Israel: An Alliance of Blood, Politics and Money -
To begin to correct the injustices that generations of Palestinians have faced, and to become “a society that can live with its conscience,” the story ofM. Reza Behnam (
Tennessee's Channel 5 News does great investigative journalism in politics, culture, economics, often risking their personal safety.
Inside the influential hate group that's expanding in Tennessee
#Journalism #InvestigativeJournalism #Culture #Politics #whiteSupremacy #whiteTerrorism #EthnoNationalism #Christofascism…