Items tagged with: PowerBook
The year is 1991, it was either a car or Macintosh PowerBook, so here’s me taking the metro with the latter.
(Haha, new #MARCHintosh acquisition! PowerBook 145B, with an internement display, TBD, but it was $50, very pristine and en canadien français).
My first 68k PowerBook!
#Free to a good home: An Apple PowerBook Duo AC adaptor, model no AA19200, Apple model no M2693 with battery charger that clips to the side, model no M1812 with matching grounded power cord. There is a small crack in the case next to where the lower cord hook folds out.
#Macintosh #RetroComputing #VintageComputers #PowerBook
1 of 2.
#Macintosh #RetroComputing #VintageComputers #PowerBook
BTW, #bluescsi is reported as fully compatible with my #powerbook 170, so I'd expect it to Just Work™...…
Supported Systems
A small SCSI device based on stm32. Contribute to erichelgeson/BlueSCSI development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
New model: #PowerBook 5xx HDD caddy, with both an HDD and a #BlueSCSI variant.…
Might still need some tweaks (not yet sure for screw hole diameter)
cad-retro-parts/Apple/PowerBook/pb5xx_hdd_caddy.scad at main · mmuman/cad-retro-parts
Contribute to mmuman/cad-retro-parts development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
It's week end, so again on the #powerbook 170.
I removed the cmos battery to avoid future leaks, and made the trackball finally work replacing a capacitor and cleaning/re-setting all the connectors.
Now on the #bluescsi. No way to make this thing to boot from it. I tried formatting the virtual disk from the 170 instead of creating from the pc. It formats but then while copying the files I have a lot of i/o errors. It seems like it bursts for some seconds and then hangs. The OS seems waiting a bit and then showing the error, maybe after a #scsi timeout...
Not sure how to troubleshoot this. The bluescsi log in the microSD doesn't show any error...
#retrocomputing #scsi #apple #laptop #motorola #mac #classicmac
BTW, I found a schematic on… . That's the v2 schematic, but it seems very similar to the v1.1a I've got (they changed only some footprints, I believe). I see I can, using the jumpers, set the #SCSI #SCSI_IO pin to 5v, to ground or to #TERM_PWR (that's another SCSI pin). I unerstand I should terminate the bus, as there's no other devices connected, but I really have no clue on how I should set those jumpers....
GitHub - dehij/powerbook-bluescsi: BlueSCSI PowerBook edition by dehij
BlueSCSI PowerBook edition by dehij. Contribute to dehij/powerbook-bluescsi development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
But dd exits reporting an i/o error while writing. Note that I can create working #msdos floppy with the same drive and same floppy. Also tried other floppies, same error and every time at the same place (44kb from the start).
As expected, the mac won't boot, but for a little while I see the happy mac icon, so it seems the first part of the disk is correct.
Is there any mac-specific parameter to pass to dd? Any other hints?
#vintageapple #macintosh #powerbook #batteryleakage #retrocomputing